World Shara-Tel setting

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World Shara-Tel setting


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Under construction, but some early lore dump for the folks collabing in our group story.

The city state of Shara-Tel and its surrounding areas.
Founded by pirates about 300 years ago. For a time it was a lawless pirate haven, but as it began shaping into a larger and larger city, adding the keeps, walls, and eventually the Portcullis bridge in its early form, it began changing into a city state. The influence the Portcullis allowed for an increase in trade and political power. With increased trade it became an important trade center of commerce and opportunity. It is still a bit on the rough side, but it is mostly a civilized place to do business.

100,000 + population city state that is located on a large river that empties into the ocean. Surrounded by plains and mountains, with smaller towns that dot the countryside. The towns are held by "barons" of Shara-Tel, but the titles is mostly just a formality and not an actual position of political power. The Barons usually just have a relationship with the city and trade some resources for some treaty and protection rights from the city. They are still very much frontier towns, and the resources from the city are slow to come, and not quite up to the challenges of the wild terrain. This leaves the frontier towns a bit poorer and struggling to ensure their day to day survival.

The city itself has moderately good conditions, with some few areas that are a little worse off. Several of the districts of the city are prosperous and boast lavish storefronts, public and private markets, and a good deal of fairly nice housing, even outside the nobles district.

The city is run by a council that mostly concerns itself with economic issues, and protecting the prospects of the denizens of the city. Their efforts ensure that trade is always booming and their collected military might is used solely to protect those opportunities. Shara-Tel has never initiated military conflict, they maintain their army for defensive purposes only to respond to violence from outside sources.

Locals often just refer to the city as "Shara."

The TideWall
This 50' tall towering wall is over 20' thick at the base ground level and tapers upward until it is only 5' tall at the top. Its base is even wider, and extends 2 – 3 floors below the ground, and houses the citys garrisons, and other military facilities. It surrounds the city, towers and even smaller keeps situated along its length. The city's main gates rest within this wall and are almost exclusively the only way of entering the city. The walls, and indeed even the sky above them, are patrolled by soldiers of the military, and the Avian guard.

The Portcullis
The mile long bridge spans the narrowest point of the river, and is indeed the reason this site was chosen for the initial keep that was the origin of the city. Steel pylons extend downward from the bottom of the bridge prevent sea passage all across the river, save for the keep set in the center which controls river traffic in one narrow guarded choke point. Tariffs and tolls are collected on all traffic and the security is exceedingly tight. This bridge and gate are the primary reason for the city states influence through it's ability to control all access to he ocean and beyond.

High Garden District
Nobles estates, some temples and embassies, etc. The only district with an underground sewer system. Security into this district is heavier, most travelers will be questioned by guards about their purpose within, and some may be detained if their intentions cannot be confirmed or determined.

Redearth district
Taking its name from the red packed earth it sits on and the red bricks made from it that are used in the shops and houses, this district is mostly housing and small service shops(bakeries, butchers, local daily life things), local open markets, some smaller merchant shops, and the infamous bloodbrick alley, a slightly shady alleyway with several prominent businesses and known to have more exotic items in its open market that runs the length of the alley.

Business district that contains higher class shops such as jewelers and gem dealers, Fine craftsmen, Fine clothiers, high end treats and baked goods, the Everoil guarded reserve, and the Highmarket, a closed market with more dignified vendors that are approved by the city. A local vein of Marble was nearly emptied when using marble for the main buildings in the district came into fashion a hundred or more years ago, and is what gives the district its current namesake. There is very little housing in this district, though many of the merchant businesses have homes built into their shops.

Sprawling along the riverbank, the wharfs, docks, fish markets, and some trading posts comprise most of this district. There is also a good deal of low quality housing here where not only sailors and fishermen stay, but also many low income city residents that just cant afford the more stable housing elsewhere in the city such as Redearth.


Outer Ward
Sitting outside the main walls, the city has swelled in the last 50 years and building has been allowed outside the Tidewall. In places, particularly near the gates, it is organized and well built, but quickly descends into shanties and less permanent housing. Some parts of the outer walls are prone to occasional flooding. This district is filled with poor and desperate people and is a much rougher, crueler area of the city where hope is thin and is crushed easily and often.
The Barony of Tyrn, located to the south of Shara-Tell on bottom of the "Wheel" the road that connects the outlying towns with civilization.

"Barony" of Tyrn
Location: Located at the bottom of the "Wheel" the circular road that connects the outlying towns and villages around Shar-tel. The Rimfell mountains lie to its south, and the Sundered wood to it's north. A deep and craggy ravine runs for several tens of miles right outside the town, blocking easy passage by means other than the bridge that spans it for many miles.

Size: Small, about 17 buildings inside a wooden palisade wall, plus a community of local farmers and homesteaders of about 25 or so.

Population: Primarily human, but there are several non-humans who live and or visit the town often. Buyers from Shara-Tel and beyond sometimes visit in person, so the town is used to dealing with a variety of races and nationalities. The locals are generally open and trusting, and prioritize hardworking ethics.

Wealth: Most people here seem to have enough, and do fairly well from their part in the ranch or supporting businesses. The buildings are in good condition and the town does more than just get by. The small population does however also limit the potential for growth.

Leadership: The town is run by Baron Randahl. He is generally liked and known for getting his way in negotiations with the city.

Noteworthy: The Town of Tyrn is known for it's horses and the Thurmond horse ranch. The plains on the eastern side of the sundered wood are wild and several herds of wild horses roam them freely.

Randahl Mansion: The seat of the "governmen" of Tyrn, this is the lords manor. It is quite a big house, and houses its servants and personnel that serve Lord Randahl. Despite being a mansion it's design is fairly simple, and looks like an overgrown country home, with little bits of stately decoration added on. There is a carriage house and a few small outbuildings around the main house, and the local Reeve has a small office here as well.

Baron Thom Randahl: The lord of Tyrn, he is a pleasant man in his early 50s. He is elegant but relaxed and is a comfortable person to be around, only rising to his status as a "Noble Lord" when necessary and dealing with emissaries from the city. He treats his people well, and fights diligently for their benefit in the city by securing contracts, pledges of mutual aid, etc, and at home trying to build up the town, deal with squabbles an d disagreements, and maintaining order in the town.
Kirstana Randahl: The barons wife, and co head of the town. Equally in charge of just as many duties Kirstana works with the local farmers, shops and laborers to identify and resolve issues, increase production, and keep everyone safe and healthy. A bit younger than her husband at 39, she has long black hair and favors working clothes when she leaves the manor and only wears the frily dresses and suits of a noble when entertaining important visitors.
Lionad Randahl: The 11 year old son of Thom and Kirstana. He inherited his mothers dark hair, and it sits onhis head in a messy heap. While young the boy has already taken on several responsibilities of stewardship and is well liked by the farmers who he visits and helps as part of his duties to learn how to maintain the town and area.
Sir Colin Gremmil: Lionad's persona man-at -ams, he is teaching hi s charge the manners of riding, combat, and service. He is a good natured man, and not above throwing out a rowdy joke now and again, that is if Misses Randahl is nowhere to be seen.

Sir Lems De Bron: Liegeman of Baron Randahl, he is an older man with neatly trimmed white hear and beard. He dresses neatly and speaks curtly, though politely. He defends his baron from inconsequential visits and meetings with a passion and dislikes nothing more than 'troublesome" visits that will bring stress to his master. Loyal and hard working, DeBron lives and will die for his lord.


Sir Rickers Kristoff: The appointed reeve of the town, who both serves as a sheriff and a magistrate for minor infractions.

Men at arms: The Baron maintains 10 soldiers. They are housed in a barracks next to the manor. They are used as guards, and farmhands when not called up to levy. They are all trained and equipped with Boiled leather armor, Light Crossbows, warhammers/maces, and shields. Grinhold is their sergeant, with Krillick, Hendersog, Felman, Orion, Lobbon, Erik, Landelia, Surah, and Arem begin the ranks. Officially their titles are footman and footman sergeant. 10 Footmen are occasionally referred to as a boot, and its common to employ a boot or a pair of boots for a given task when used in military operations.
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The Iron Pig: is the towns smithy. Named for the cooking stove that has since moved to the owners new home, this is a small but well stocked and functional smithy. It caters to the Thurmond Ranch mostly, but handles everything the Baron needs as well as the local farmers and homesteaders. It is run by Helena Rivermist and her apprentice Bearlin.

The Iron Pig: is the towns smithy. Named for the cooking stove that has since moved to the owners new home, this is a small but well stocked and functional smithy. It caters to the Thurmond Ranch mostly, but handles everything the Baron needs as well as the local farmers and homesteaders. It is run by Helena Rivermist and her apprentice Bearlin.
Helena Rivermist. She is a tough woman in her late 30s. She is strong and has a hearty laugh, when you can draw it out of her that is. She is all business in her shop, and usually at the tavern too.
Giribli Rivermist: Helena's husband who is a small wirey gnome man. He came out to Tyrn to work in the Barons manor managing some of the bookkeeping. He met Helena when he needed something fixed on the home he bought, and during the restoration process they became close.
Bearlin: Helena's apprentice, 19 years old. When she moved in with Giribli, she gifted Bearlin use of the home above the shop, and he lives there now. He is a good lad, strong in heart and health who is working here both to learn and eventually become the towns smith when Helena can no longer manage, or the town grows enough that it needs more than one smith. Bearlin fancies the tanners daughter Jilleyna, though she has yet to notice his affections.

Shelba's Furs and Skins: The local tannery run by Kleran Shelba. His shop is outside the walls due to the nature of the odors generated. Locals bring their game and sometimes livestock here to have them processed and prepared, and he sells goods produced with those products, Furs, leather, boots, and tack can be found here.

Shelba's Furs and Skins: The local tannery run by Kleran Shelba. His shop is outside the walls due to the nature of the odors generated. Locals bring their game and sometimes livestock here to have them processed and prepared, and he sells goods produced with those products, Furs, leather, boots, and tack can be found here.
Kleran Shelba: He is a pretty jolly man despite the terrible working conditions, I guess humor can get you through anything. He is not happy his daughter is discovering men, and woe to the young man who casually brings her into the tavern when he is there after a long shift with a headache. His wife Olivia passed away 10 ish years ago in a kobold raid.

Jilleyna, the tanners daughter. She is 22, and enjoying the life of a young adult. She is flirtatious, and spends a lot of time in the tavern or at the ranch talking to whichever young man catches her interest at the moment.

Triflas Trade and Goods: The general store and local trader. Trifla Hildagrid runs the place, and has a decent stock collected from local craftsman and farmers. She works for a fair deal, and tries to give everyone a fair price, but won't undersell herself. Most goods can be found here, save weapons and armor. Her helper Grffin the half orc is often in the shop and helps with heavy loads and top shelf items.

Local farms: The area surrounding the town is occupied by about 25 different family owned farms. They are technically part of the town, even though they fall outside its walls. During trouble they evacuate to the safety of the walled town, and maintain a collective of representatives that look out for their interests and regulate themselves or approach the baron with concerns. The local farmers are a hardy lot, they rely on each other heavily, but are much more wary of strangers.
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The Bucking Bridle: The only inn and tavern in Tyrn. There are 6 rooms, and a common room, as well as kitchen and the owners living quarters. They brew their own ale and mead with product from local farmers. The accommodations are modest but clean and well taken care of. The food is good, but rather common and plain, which is just how the local like it. The interior is decorated with stained and laquered hardwoods, with skill that even leaves out of town guests from the city impressed.

Felicia Redmuirin: Tall redhead who handles the front half of the business. She is a happy boisterous pe rsonality and bound to bring a smile to anyones face. She manages the fast pace of keeping customers and guests happy, fed, and most importantly buying the liqueur. She has a sweet tooth, and pastries will earn you an instant friend. Married to Lirilia.
Lirilia Redmuirin: Half -elven dark haired woman. She brews the ale and mead and has a knack for woodwork. She did all the work on the inn herself. She is reserved and doesn't speak much, preferring to use actions to show how she feels. She is also the cook. She is often reading when there isn't work to be done.
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Thurmond Ranch: The ranch is a large main house, a barn and another building that serves as the bunkhouse for the workers that collect the horses from the wild, and the ones that care for them and train them here at the ranch. The main house is simple, but impressive, and shows sign of having a more humble beginning that was added on to as it prospered. There are several pens for training horses. Owned by Jensen Thurmond, who lives there with his wife and children, along with some ranch hands that stay in the bunkhouse. The ranch trains horses for a fee, and also rents and sells the animals. Be prepared with some coin though, they are known for their merchandise and it doesn't come cheap.

Jensen sells average horses for 75 Gold. He also sells well trained better and personally bred horses for anywhere from 200-800 gold. Horses bred to withstand the rigors of battle are in the 400+ range of that equation. He will also rent some older less valuable horses for 25 Gold provided he has some reason to expect that he might be compensated if the animal was lost, stolen or killed. If it's in service of the Baron for instance, or if the renter is associated with a well known organization or group.
Jensen Thurmond: Third generational owner of the ranch. He is a rough man, but hardworking and treats everyone with respect. He expects the same, and he's not shy about pointing it out if someone isn't giving their due. To him everything is simple. You're either working hard towards you goal, or you reaping the benefits from that work. Anything else is moot.
Jensen Thurmond: Third generational owner of the ranch. He is a rough man, but hardworking and treats everyone with respect. He expects the same, and he's not shy about pointing it out if someone isn't giving their due. To him everything is simple. You're either working hard towards you goal, or you reaping the benefits from that work. Anything else is moot.
Klira Thurmond: Jensens wife and the glue that holds everything together. She is often seen cooking for the ranch hands and her family, and is stern but caring, as likely to order a guest to sit down and eat as she is to put them to work if they appear idle.
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Jenna, Hurrold, and Griglem Thurmond: The 3 children of the family. Average kids, Jenna is a little rebellious about the women's work her mother keeps trying to teach her, while the boys are pretty happy learning their fathers work, though they get a little too roudy at times.

Lilman Hesker: Lead Ranch hand. A serious old man with a long grey mustasche. He can often be seen directing the other ranch hands about their tasks. When not working, he is usually relaxing around the ranch and has a whittling hobby. He leaves carvings all over in window sills, on posts, and is always happy to talk wood and carving with someone who is interested.
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Nerro, Filman, Tasker, and Jedda: Ranch hands that live on the ra nch and train and care for the horses. Tasker has a gambling problem that the others know about and cover so the Thurmonds don't find out about it. Jedda has a good singing voice and often can be heard singing in the bunkhouse or around the ranch.
Temple: A non denominational building put up for those with faith to seek refuge, and also the makeshift hospital when needed. The church has a few dedicated alters, but mostly has a few alcoves where folks can go to make offerings, say prayers, and perform ceremonies in private. The caretaker of the building is a Priestess of Erhlana, named Dyriana.

Temple: A non denomintational building put up for those with faith to seek refuge, and also the makeshift hospital when needed. The church has a few dedicated alters, but mostly has a few alcoves where folks can go to make offerings, say prayers, and perform ceremonies in private. The caretaker of the building is a Priestess of Erhlana, named Dyriana.

There is a dedicated Alter to Ehrlana in the center of the church and seating room for about 30. There are shrines to Mara and Thaylin, each in their own separate alcove, as well as 4 other alcoves that are not dedicated and can be used by anyone for their own rituals and ceremonies. The alcoves can comfortably fit about ten people.
Dyriana, priestess of Erhlana. Dyriana is in her 40s. She gathers some attention from the locals for her good looks, but mostly spurns those advances. She had a lover but he was lost to a kobold raid about 10 years ago. Now she focuses on the work of the church, which is usually less about religion and more about helping injured ranch hands, or providing an ear when couples quarrel.

Dyriana can provide minor services for a nominal fee of 2 -25 Gold (counseling, marriages, non magical would treatment, etc.) Ehrlana's teachings prohibit accepting money or goods for miracles performed in her name, so those blessings cannot be bought. If one is required the supplicant must simply ask or present need, and Dyriana will assist if it is in her power to do so, within reason.

Dyriana is quite lonley despite all the attention would be suiters give her. She would prefer a friend to a lover though, and might interact with strangers who are simply friendly rather than flirtatious. She is often seen reading books outside the church, and sometimes dines in the tavern just to be around people, though she doesn't drink herself. She is sometimes a dinner guest of the Barons or the Thurmonds and is on good friendly terms with them and their families.
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Two children from the town currently act as "a colytes" in name only. Pera19, and Frimhol,18 are both from the town and earn a little extra money by helping clean the building and care for the grounds, and prepare for events.
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Erhlana the Dawnlight
Life, Healing and recovery, Holy light

Icons: Three point sun halo, golden wings, Golden berries.
• Made, farmed or life creation.
• Live and let live.
• Helping those that need help
• personally grown foods
• those who give to me that are of personal value, will I then hear your cry.

• Dawnlight: disciples dedicate one day of their choosing each year to helping the sick and injured, be it through labor on their behalf, tending and care of them, or providing medicine or healing.
• Wanderers Tears: During the "Wanderers Gather" celestial event at the end of each year adherents fast and offer prayers each night under the green star.
• Anima Primordis : Text held within the floating temple of Avan'shasor. It is said to record the passing of every spirit as it passes from one life to the next, be it reincarnated or headed to the realms of the gods.
• Whispers of Sustenance: A small tome of shorthand notes that is said to simplify the process of harnessing divine energy for the casting of restorative magic.

Avatar/Appearance: Elegantly tall woman with flowing platinum hair, dressed in white robes with sea green trim.
Effects: Healing spells within 30 feet provide maximum healing. Restorative spells that remove conditions such as curses, or ailments such as blindness, etc. can be cast without expending spell slots and as bonus actions.

Artifact: Seeds of plenty a bag of seeds said to never end. People who have heard about this bag say that the seeds never end and when planted sow random foods I.E. carrots, apple trees, orange trees, watermelon etc.. and to have healing properties.
Messenger/servants: holy members/craftsmen/farmers. Owls, rabbits, Sphinx.

Romance, Lust, Relationships, Binding ties, sacrifice and reward.

Icons: Silhouette of busty woman with wings. Three interlocked rings.
• Bonds are necessary but come with a price.
• Live once, live and love brightly with passion.
• Guard the bonds that those you cherish have formed, be they between individuals, groups, or the gods.

• Dusks breath – Held yearly in the middle of the coldest part of winter and is a ceremony where individuals committed to each other romantically promise to maintain their bonds. Usually followed by intimate interaction. New lovers often choose this day to declare their intentions and feelings toward those whom they have had feelings for.
• Brightkiss – A holiday in early summer. A day where you do something to strengthen your most cherished bonds, be they familial, friendship, Romantic, or political. The token is usually an action rather than a bought thing. Fix your neighbors fence, prepare a meal for a friend, hoist a toast to your lord, help a follower of your religion.
• The nine trials of Essophica. A tale of a woman taking nine trials , that involve very smutty solutions to the tests that are presented to her. This book is banned in most Libraries, and finding it in a temple or a private collection is most likely.
• Of Price and Consequence. This text is an rambling set of collected exerpts from other tomes, all dealing with the balance of boon and bane, gift and theft, Power and price.

Avatar/Appearance: Winged or wingless elf-like woman, elegant, floating shimmering clothes and long wavy hair.

Spell casters may cast spells of 3nd level or lower without using spell slots while withing 30' of the avatar. For every two spells are cast in this way, the user suffers a level of fatigue. Handmaidens of Azerlia also aid those fighting in her presence and will swoop in to protect them when they leave an opponents reach to prevent them from being attacked as they retreat or press on.

Messengers/servants: any winged female, from succubi and tieflings to celestials and bird women.

Kobolds, Dragonkind, Dragons, Expansion, Flames.

Icons: Flaming Dragon head, Flaming Dragon Claw
• Burn your Foe
• Cleanse the lands for the true kin of the wyrms

• Wyrm's Breath Blessing – Height of mid summer, offerings are burnt to gain favor on ventures to benefit wyrmkin.
• Legend of the Dragon Father, the FireBrand.
• Watery Death Vol. 2.

Avatar/Appearance: Red Dragon, Red Horned Dragonborn.
Flames upgrade damage dice(1d4 to 1d6 etc), Scale Armor and natural scale armor increase in efficiency.
Messengers servents: Kobold , dragonborn, pseudodragons, dragons, salamanders

Thaylin Irongrip
Perseverance, Tenacity, Service and charity, Defense, Protection.

Icons: Two hands gripping a shaft, Shield
• Protect the weak, defend the rightious.
• Give to the unfortunate, tend to the sick
• Make Preperations, the night is dark, the winter is long.

• Oath of charity – when you feed yourself, feed another. When you secure lodging, offer lodging to another.
• Thaylins Pennance – Yearly, Donate time and coin to better those who have suffered from your actions.
• IronDusk – On the last day of each month, direct prayers to Thaylin for guidance while training. If other adherents are present, they trade light blows without attempting to block.
• Rite of preparation – A text on perpetual preparedness, including the actual rite that allows the storage of weapons and shields in a communal extra dimensional space.
• Tides of Service – A tome that details the many great deeds of Thaylin and those that have followed him.
Human Armored Knight with Shield and sword.
Abilities: Shields and armor grant extra protection(resistance to B/P/S), Armor can be donned and doffed instantly.
Servants/Messengers: Large Siege Golem, Tortle,

Message #perseverence-protection-thaylin-irongrip

Kahr-Thalan Mirithe
Dwarven God of feats and accomplishments. Values physical strength and prowess. The obsession of dwarvenkind to perform great works, eventually led to the creation of a god to embody the pursuit of the ultimate in craftsmanship. While dwarfish in origin, members across many races follow Kahr.

Icons: Medal/Medallion, Arm Wrestling, craftsmans tools
• Inspire others through exceptional work or deed
• Show strength to make the weak cower
• Lift others up with your great deeds
• Annual Prowess and craftsmanship festivals
• Precipice of Solace: A night or day of meditation in a harsh environment(waterfall, arctic Cold, Desert heat, etc.)
• Kahrfeast – Defeat and prepare a mighty beast and feed it to a group who need strength. Announced when returning from the hunt of the beast.

• The Truth of prowess – An inspiring history of achievements performed in Kahr's name. Many worshipers hope to one day have their name and deed recorded in this tome. Both deeds and feats of craft are entered. The book itself is kept in the Dwarven city of Khoradun, which also houses the main temple of Kahr.

A burly dwarf in ritual armor, a rugged muscled human wearing a loin cloth of beast fur.
Enhances allies strength, Temporary bonus feats.

Message #dwarven-khar

Allanah Fel De Mara
Icons: Bears paws/claws, Bears, Claw slashmarks.
• Tend to Life, Fend off Death, Administer Mercy.
• When life and death cross, make a feast from the fallen.
• Feed the hungry, Hunt the prey, Maintain the circle.
• Save the starving so they will know peace.
• Quarter and string animal corpses in 4 directions to allow beasts to feed without clashing.
• Followers of Mara believe their bodies should be returned to nature upon passing. They are buried in a shallow 1' grave, only barley covered with leaves, and such, and a cup of blood(preferably theirs if possible) is poured out on the top. They are left for beasts to devour and it is believed that their spirit is both freed this way, and also splintered and returned to the source via the absorption into nature through the animals and the earth. This is believed to break any binds that hold them to this life, and cleanse them to approach the next in unburdoned purity.
• The Divine Source – A book that details the process and history of burial consumption rituals and how the returned souls feed the divine source before they are reincarated/reborn.
• Lirik's compendium – The compiled works of a well known ranger that collects his findings and deductions of plants, animals, and compounds made from them. The main tome is updated each year when he returns with his findings. Periodic copies of the tome and its additional volumes are commissioned periodically.

Large Black bear, Also a wild untamed woman in a fur cloak and little else.
Wildshapes increase in power, Plants experience a burst of growth, Animals are calmed and peaceful in the avatars presence.

Servants/Messengers: White stags, albino animals of any kind. Dryads, Nerids, Nymphs.

Arura Goddess of Night

Domain over the night sky, stars, and space itself. Known to be related to; sleep(dream walking)/death(peaceful death/or angel of mercy)/ Darkness

Icons: Ravens, shooting stars, lunereclips,


*Seek justice for those who are worned.

*appears to those who are misunderstood.

*Offer those in need of fine peace their peace.(angel of mercy )

*Guidance of the lost and worthy under the night sky.

*Stars kiss: New borns are raised up to the night sky on the first night after their birth. Followers believe that a clear starry sky is a good omen for the child, whilst cloudy or stormy weather bodes ill fates. They also perform this ritual with their dead, and do not but anyone until it has been done. On rare perfectly clear nights the stars twinkle and the dead are sometimes raised. Those raised often have a slightly changed demeanor, as if being touched by the wisdom of the stars has left its mark. Their personalities shift towards calm, and their eyes turn black with specks of untold galaxies within.

*The black tome of Nieruth: Bound in dark leather with a large magenta placeholder ribbon. Nieruth was an astronomer of untold quality. They delved the secrets of the stars and claimed that fortold among the heavens certain evens would come to pass. This book of Prophecy is guarded closely and none but the high Priestess is allowed to read the text.

Avatar/Appearance: Appears mostly as a tall slender woman whose hair looks like the night sky and robes of black. the robes looked bejeweled with sparkling diamonds that looks like stars flickering on it if light hits the dress. her skin is pale like the moon and looks porcelain. Sometime she take other forms such of that as a riven or even just a voice that floats on the wind.
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Town of Elan

The Thirsty Cutter Tavern
A welcoming place for some good food and friendly drinks. Mostly serves the woodcutters from the LaW guild and the locals, but also the GoOMers going to and from Darkhold. They are treated well here as they are the primary means of security in the area, even though the town is associated with Shara-Tel by contract, little recourses from the city state are dedicated to this tiny out of the way place.

The owner is an older but jolly man, always very concerned about the happiness of his guests.

Whistlewood INN and General store


Teya Rinnersept Elf proproetess
Mistress of the inn and store, she hires several locals to stock the shelves and a trader to procure goods for her shelves. There is also a maid that services the rooms, and helps in the store when things are busy.
She is pleasant and always interested in the tales of travelers both for news and insights into their adventures. If you rent a room or linger to long in the shop guaranteed she will inquire into your travels and experiences.

Enna Thiswick, Maid and store helper
Shy and unassuming, she cleans the rooms, changes the linens, and helps out when the store is busy. She stutters slightly when spoken to but that fades with people she is more comfortable with.

Loggers guild / processing camp
A few cabins and a work area filled with tools, scraps, and several long carts designed to carry trees. Much of the Timber harvested is shipped to Shara where it is exported to regions where the resource is much harder to come by. The thriving industry is one of Shara's many ways of maintaining it's wealth and position.
1715438566119.png Logger working the camp and also does carpentry, including cart making when needed.

Erick Gunderman Mayor


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Old Man Gunkels house
Aging resident of Elan whose house is next to the Whistlewood Inn.
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Murkfell Forest
Forest on the eastern end of the domain claimed by the city state of Shara-Tel. The trees tower 50-80 feet tall, and the canopy completely blocks out the sky in many parts of the forest. It is home to many monster tribes and species who continually vie for territory within the expansive forest. The road between Darkhold and the rest of the city state cuts through the edge of the forest, and is regularly patrolled by Goomers to keep the road clear for their shipments of EverOil. The small town of Elan sits at the northwestern edge of the forest, a brave frontier town used as a base by adventurers, loggers and the Goomers alike.

Many rare and hard to come by ingrediants can be found within the ancient and magical forest. One of the rarest and most sought after are Fellboughs, giant trees that have bark and wood harder than steel. The Loggers and Woodwrkers (LAW) seek these rare giants and are the only ones who have devised and produced tools to harvest them.

Tribes of Kobold, Orcs, and Goblins have been seen living in the forest.

Basilisks, giant snakes and frogs, the rare giant, and wyverns have also been spotted.

The FelGuard druids maintain a small presence in the forest but it is much harder to influence than their Sundered Wood and even by the druids standards is a dangerous and unpredictable local.

Wispfeeder tree: when its buds bloom the seeds glow and float up into the air where all manner of forest denizens eat them or carry them away, most notable the will-o-the-wisps that sometimes lurk high in the foliage.
Wispfeeder flower/sapling
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