Character(s) Shara-Tel shared story characters

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Character(s) Shara-Tel shared story characters


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Shared character info thread for the group Adventures in Shara-Tel story!

Twas binkly and the slyther-toes did flit and gambol 'neath the eaves and all wimple were the borogroves, and the burple heaves. Beware the Mimzy, my dear! The tricks that snatch, the spells that vex! Beware the shadowed alleys near, And shun her cunning malediction! One, two! One, two! And through and through as her blade went snicker-snack as she went galumphing back. "O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!" She chortled in her swirl. Twas binkly and the slyther-toes did flit and gambol 'neath the eaves.

Alias: Mimzy
Real Name: Molly Munchausen
18 years
Gender: Female
Race: Halfling
Class: Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
Background: Urchin
Social Status: Knave (Peasant)
Hair: Golden-Blonde (Curly Pixie Cut)
Eyes: Hazel
Skin: Fair
Height: 3' 6"
Weight: 36 lbs.
Body Type: Pleasingly Plump

Appearance: Mimzy is a slightly plump and cherubic Halfling female with fair skin dotted lightly with freckles and expressive hazel eyes that twinkle with mischief. Her thick blonde hair is styled in a Fey pixie cut that perfectly frames her round face with a playful halo of golden curls. Her rosy cheeks, button nose, and full lips give her an innocent, almost immature appearance, which belies the cunning mind hidden beneath. Despite her petite stature and plump figure, Mimzy moves with the grace and agility of a cat, her nimble fingers adept at picking pockets and locks alike.
Attire: Mimzy typically wears a close-fitting, yet practical ensemble consisting of a dark black fitted leather vest over a white cotton long-sleeved tunic, and a skirt that allows for ease of movement. In keeping with Halfling tradition Mimzy goes barefoot with her toughened soles a testament to her resourcefulness. She also often wears a cloak that not only protects her from the elements but its deep hood permits Mimzy to conceal her features when needed, while a hidden belt adorned with various pouches and tools hugs her waist under her skirt.
Face Claim Notation: Mimzy's face claim was created by myself using Playground AI and is based on and inspired by the character of Ruth Langmore from the Netflix 'Ozark' television series as portrayed by the actress Julia Gardner.
Personality: Mimzy is resourceful, street-smart, and quick-witted, qualities that have served her well in her life as a street urchin and thief. She possesses a sharp tongue and an unyielding determination, refusing to let her circumstances define her. Despite her tough exterior, Mimzy has a strong sense of loyalty to those she considers friends and would go to great lengths to protect them. While she may not always choose the most ethical path, she tends to be guided by her own moral compass.

Flaws: Mimzy can be more than a bit promiscuous, impulsive, and reckless, often acting before thinking through the consequences of her actions. These traits have landed her in trouble on more than one occasion, but they also give her something of an edge in certain situations.

Skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Persuasion, Performance, Musical Instrument (Lute), Sleight of Hand, Stealth, and Thieves' Cant.

Special Talents: In addition to being lucky, brave, and naturally stealthy Mimzy is blessed with Darkvision and possesses Halfling Nimbleness is also a Crossbow Expert and is skilled in the arcane arts, Mimzy has honed her magical abilities to aid in her roguish endeavors. She is particularly adept at casting spells like Firebolt as well as Mage Hand Legerdemain, and Minor Illusion to deceive and distract her foes.

Equipment: Shortsword (2), daggers (2), darts (4), thieves' tools, arcane focus, lute, belt pouch, and backpack.

Backstory: Molly Munchausen (although she prefers to be called Mimzy) was born and raised on the harsh, unforgiving streets of a sprawling medieval city. Abandoned by her parents at a young age, she learned to survive by stealing food and coin from unsuspecting passersby. Her natural talent for thievery and deception caught the attention of a local thieves' guild, who took her under their wing and taught her the finer points of the trade. In time, Mimzy discovered her innate ability to wield arcane magic, which she honed to enhance her thieving skills. With each successful heist, Mimzy's reputation grew, yet the shadow of her past continued to haunt her, shaping her into the resourceful and enigmatic figure she is today.
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Name: Ohanna Moonwisp
Age: 67 years
Gender: Female
Race: Deep-Woods Elf
Class: Druid
Background: Acolyte
Social Status: Modest
Hair: Forest Green
Eyes: Faded Sapphire Blue
Skin: Fair
Height: 5'7"
Body Type: Slim, Feminine

Appearance: Ohanna stands at about 5'7" with a slim and feminine build. Even when compared to other more common elves she looks a bit exotic, with pinkish skin and faded sapphire blue eyes. Her hair if a deep forest green in colour, marking her as a Deep-Woods Elf. Over the centuries the Deep-Woods elves have grown longer ears and their eyes had faded due to the limited light that filters through the thick canopy in the deepest reaches of the Kaleendarry Forest. Her hair is long and thick. Ohanna sometimes braids it, but she's just as likely to leave it as an unruly mass.

Attire: When traveling or exploring Ohanna usually wears boots and buckskin pants, laced along the sides. She wears a sleeveless tabard-style tunic that flows down at front and back to just below the knees and open on the sides. Layered leather/oakbark shoulder guards rests atop her shoulders and a red silk scarf is worn about her neck. She also wears a few pieces of what she considers jewellery, which is often made up of leaves, feathered and other items easily found in the forest. When not traveling she usually moves about barefoot.

Personality: Ohanna comes off as a very curious individual. She's usually kind and eager to prove herself useful. Most of her people rarely leave the deepest reaches of the great wood, but from an early age Ohanna was struck with a wave of wanderlust. The civilized world seems wonderous to her, having other wised lived a rather primitive lifestyle deep in the forest. She enjoys drinking and socializing, often to excess.

Flaws: Ohanna's eyes struggle to make out details in the bright light, and that bright light can give her headaches at times, so she sometimes wears a silk cloth across her eyes to shield them. On the hand, her eyes are better attuned to the dark and twilight.

Skills: Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, Insight, Languages (Elf, Halfling, Orc and Druidic),

Special Talents: Darkvision, Keen Senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance, Elf Weapon Training, Fleet of Foot, Mask of the Wild, Spells, Wild Shape, Circle of the Land (Forest), Natural Recovery, Shelter of the Faithful

Equipment: Short bow, 20 arrows, short sword, dagger, Traveler's clothing, Herbalist Kit, Healer's Kit, Components Pouch, waterskin, Druidic Focus,

Backstory: Ohanna was born deep in the Kaleendarry Forest, where Deep-Wood elves make their home. An isolationist clan, the Deep-Woods left the elf lands further to the north and ventured into the deepest and darkest forest in the continent, hoping to somehow live closer to the Nature Spirits they revere.

Like many of her kind, she, early on in her life chose the path of the Druid. For the most part it was a good and fulfilling life, but the young Druid was soon afflicted with a bout of wanderlust. She desired to see the world outside the forest and to explore those lands.

Deep-Wood Elves: Many centuries ago a clan of wood elves migrated across the Rimfell mountains to the great Forest beyond, and the depths of this forest the clan settled. Many in the clan believed the wood elves had forsaken their origins and the great nature spirits, and instead embraced the trappings of the civilized world. The Deep-Wood elves returned to a much more primitive existence, and rarely did they venture past their new home. Over the centuries most Deep-Wood elves have evolved in a way that made their ears longer and larger, and because of the constant dimness in the deep woods their eyes have grown clouded and faded.
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Alias: Mephistoles, Meph, My-Fist-O
Real Name: ???
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Class: Roguelock
Background: Criminal/Thug
Social Status: Commoner
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Pale
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 135lbs
Body Type: Fit

Appearance: Just above 5 feet tall, with White/Silvery hair that hang below his shoulders, and long bangs that sometimes cover his blue eyes make him fair to look upon, until you find out what an ass he can be. Or maybe that makes him lovable? We'll find out! Dressed either casually or in leather armor when prepping for battle, he has a rougish appearance about him, and its hard to mistake him for anything but a thuggish character. He has small scars in many places all over his body, a journal of pain from wounds too numerous to count. He has resting bitch face, but when relaxed a look of peace or a smile might rest on his continence.

Attire: He wears a green cloak and a plain shirt and breeches. He prefers good boots, one of the few things he may spend money on. Everything else, he rarely gives thought to, unless trying to impress someone or run a con. Those require thinkin. Dressed either casually or in leather armor when prepping for a good tussle, he has a rougish appearance about him, and its hard to mistake him for anything but a thuggish character.

Personality: Meph is a bundle of contradictions layered on delusions that all somehow coexist without canceling each other out. He is very practical, but is also a bit delusional. He can prep and plan a heist, follow a mark without making a sound, and cheat at dice or cards with the best of them, but do something that irritates him and all that might come undone in an instant. When not irritated he can be a fun and even kind person, and has a playful spirit not often bogged down by things like "Morality."

Flaws: Did you read the rest already? You want even more? OH .. ok fine.. you want even more. He has problems with authority, he over sleeps, he is forgetful(that's why he journals), he can be crass, he get's into fights easily, He drinks to much at times.

Skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Slight of Hand(expert), Stealth (Expert), Skilled with dice and cards and dragon chess, Dirty tricks and surprise attacks, Common, Elvish, Thieves cant, Drum Lute poisoners kit,

Special Talents: Escape artist, there are always tools to get out of a jam hidden on his person. Usually around 13 when fully clothed. Oh yeah don't believe me? I have a picture! You just try locking him up, you'll see!
Pact Magic: unlimited mage hand + prestidigi, Siletnt image (1st) cast 2 per rest/encounter: Bane, charm person, hex, wrathful smite misty step. plus 2 misty steps per day free. Misty steps can charm scare, set fire or move someone else depending on season. HEXblades curse, Thief of five fates(bane once per day) Trance don't need to sleep, only rest 4hrs in trance. HEX blade bonding.

Equipment: Whatever is on hand. Meph doesn't put much value in "things," if its not on him he probably doesn't own it. Hell, half the things on him might not be his either. He doesnt get attached to using any one weapon or kind of weapon and he tends to leave the ones he uses in other people and pick up new ones. Darkvision, resistance against charms(not the kind that come from girls and Sean Gilmore),

Allies: Everyone he meets until they piss him off. No really, he actually goes out of his way to make allies, at least at an acquaintance level. Getting in trouble with the law on a daily basis is a lot easier if you know a little old lady that needs help with the cows when you need to find a place to stay out of sight for a few days, as does knowing that the baker is cheating on his wife and will begrudgingly allow you to grab a loaf when you are hungry and use the roof of the shop to keep an eye on that mark you've been following.

Organizations on the other hand.... Meph has continual run ins with the law, mostly minor, but occasionally for things that got way out of hand. He doesn't fit well into any organization that expects a code of behavior, following superiors orders, or even waking up on time.

Long story short: He's an immortal who has lived countless lives for the past three centuries or more(his counting and memory are not so good so finding out exactly how many is a rather difficult task). Or at least that's what he would tell you if you earned his trust and got him drunk. Is it true or is he just delusional? I suppose when he dies we'll find out! He also fell asleep and dreamed that a goddess came to him and made him her one and only paladin. So he gave up his life of thuggery(not really) and started being a holy knight(well sort of ... if you count picking random fights and perusing them tenaciously with the occasional aid of divinity to meet the qualification). Is he really a paladin, or just a warlock with really odd powers that shaped themselves into abilities that appear to mimic those of paladins? Are Paladins really holy knights or are they just delusional warlocks?

He was gifted a magical notebook by a wizard he met(well met while rotting away in a dungeon for several years) who thought his journal entries were so funny that she wanted to keep reading them as they occurred. The notebook is actually a cursed item that he cannot rid himself of(nor does he want to). if destroyed, damaged or lost, the notebook will appear again within a few hours to a few days unharmed. The contents of the journal, which only has 10 physical pages, but when turned go on and on and on endlessly, also appear simultaneously in a non cursed version that the wizardress kept for herself, and often shares over wine with her scholarly pals in a far away kingdom.
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Nickname: Iggy, Nyssa
Real Name: Ignyss Aranore
Age: 71
Gender: Female
Race: Dwarf
Class: Barbarian/Sorcerer
Background: Gladiator
Social Status: By Popular Demand—Ignyss can always find a place to perform in any place that features combat for entertainment (a gladiatorial arena or secret pit fighting club). At such a place, she receives free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as she performs each night. In addition, her performance makes her something of a local figure. When strangers recognize her in a town where she has performed, they typically take a liking to her.
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Golden Brown
Skin: Light Bronze
Height: 4''7'
Weight: 175
Body Type: Medium

Appearance: Multi-braided, auburn hair frames a wide-jawed face. Golden brown eyes dance with amusement over the crowd of people gathered to watch her perform. Lightly scarred, bronzy skin compliments her strong and sturdy dwarven features, telling a compelling story.

This is the face of Ignyss Aranore, a true artisan among dwarves. She stands confidently among others, despite her shortened height and stout appearance.

Casual Attire: When not performing, Ignyss can be seen wearing practical adventuring gear with personal touches that suggest a fighter's spirit. She typically wears clothes in earthen colors, purples and magenta shades.

Performance Attire: Ignyss doesn't shy away from showing it up. Her favorite performance gear includes a metal corset bustier with hip flairs to show off her ample assets, for those of whom who like to look. Underneath, she wears a medium-length skirt that comes to a point in the center, boots suited for combat, bracers, arm bands and other shiny adornments. Her shoulders typically remain bare. She likes to wear showy colors that compliment the magical fiery accents infused in her main weapon.

Personality: Witty • Meticulous • Intelligent • Dual-natured • Inscrutable • Boisterous • Self-Conscious

Ya want me ta write this part, lass? In the Common tongue? Aye, pint's arrived. Kin I borrow yer quill?

I love a good insult, even one directed at me.

Now you see it, now you don't. Aggressive yet gentle, outgoing yet shy, stable yet flighty—everyone sees me in a different way. I reveal the side that I want you to see. This helps keep people at a distance so I can hide the self-conscious parts of myself.

I am poetic, artistic, intellectually gifted and become particularly animated when intellectually challenged. I excel at word games and puzzles but am generally underestimated by others who don't expect I am capable of anything other than smashing things with fire. I find writing an ideal tool for expressing my true feelings, which I keep in a personal journal.

A strong sense of artistic self-expression drew me to gladiatorial theatrics, although I avoid the spotlight unless I'm able to hide behind the characters I play. Once "on stage" however, I'm an excellent performer. Coupled with my battle prowess and Wild Magic skills, I put on one helluva show. I excel at controlling fire magic during performances but every once in a while my magic ability can take me by surprise and ignite on its own. I am frequently disappointed with my performances and will settle for nothing less than meticulous perfection.

Ideals: Art should reflect the soul; it should come from within and reveal who we really are. I am an artisan looking to express this ideal through combat arts.

Bonds: I want to be famous, whatever it takes.

Flaws: I am enamored with ale and will do most anything for a pint. When drunk, I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My witty tongue often lands me in trouble.

Thanks for the pint! Yer a good egg.

Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, Grappler, Actor, skilled with Weaponsmithing and Calligraphy. Durable, Inspiring Leader, Tavern Brawler (proficient with improvised weapons), Tough, War Caster, Weapon Master (Greataxe, Javelin, Double-Bladed Scimitar, Whip). Proficient with the Battleaxes, Handaxes, Light Hammers, and Warhammers, Elemental Adept (Fire). Known Languages: Common and Dwarvish.

Special Talents: Darkvision, Poison Resistance (Dwarven Resilience), possesses a Keen Mind—Ignyss always knows which way is north, the number of hours left before the next sunrise or sunset, and can accurately recall anything she has seen or heard within the past month. Ignyss' ability to wield magic comes from its Wild forms, which means her elemental ability sometimes has a mind of its own and ignites spontaneously. On rare occasions, while casting a spell, a Wild Surge can occur causing a random magical effect to take place. These effects can range from situationally helpful to downright hilariously inappropriate.

Magical Skills: Create Fire, Control Flames, Fire Bolt, Fireball, True Strike, Burning Hands, Flame Wall, Fire Missile (three directional fireballs) Pyrotechnics (fireworks and smoke).

Battle Skills: Rage, Unarmored Defense, Reckless Attack, Danger Sense.

Equipment: Aranore Greataxe—infused with fire magic activated by Ignyss, Brewer's Supplies, Calligrapher's Supplies, Disguise Kit, Small Hand Drum. A Journal with Fanmail tucked within its pages. Adventuring Gear—backpack, bedroll, costumes, mess kit, rations, hempen rope, tinderbox, torch, waterskin.

Backstory: Ignyss Aranore's tale is one of passion, craftsmanship, and the interplay between fire and artistry within the Aranore Clan—a lineage of renowned weaponsmith artisans known for their exceptional craftsmanship and creative ingenuity.

Born into the heart of the Aranore Clan, Ignyss inherited her family's gift for working with metal and fire. From a young age, her affinity for fire magic and her natural curiosity led her to experiment with crafting techniques that combined both magic and metalwork. Her auburn hair seemed to mirror the fiery spark within her, and her golden-brown eyes reflected the awe she felt learning the secrets of her clan's ancient craft.

Within the clan's workshop, Ignyss spent countless hours perfecting her skills, creating weapons that carried a touch of magic. Her work was meticulous, and each piece she forged was a true work of art. Despite her talents, Ignyss felt a duality within herself—a longing to express her artistic and intellectual capabilities beyond the confines of traditional weapon forging.

In her quiet moments, Ignyss turned to her writing—crafting stories and poems that reflected the depth of her emotions and the multifaceted nature of her personality. Through her writing, she found a way to reveal her innermost thoughts and feelings, hidden beneath her sturdy dwarven exterior.

As she matured, Ignyss's desire to blend her love for fire magic, weaponry, and artistic expression, led her to gladiatorial arenas. Here, she could showcase her combat prowess through fiery performances that captivated whole audiences. The combination of her mastery over fire and her poetic intellect made her performances truly awe-inspiring. She embraced the boisterous atmosphere of the arenas (and their respective taverns), finding solace in her unique position as both an artisan and a performer.
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Alias: Rellin Crow

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status: Noble
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skin: white
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 200 lbs
Body type athletic
Real Name: Em Nihil
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Changeling
Class: Warlock/pact of blade/Raven Queen
Background: Charlatan
Social Status: Ghost
Hair: White
Eyes: purple
Skin: porcelain
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 140 lbs
Body Type: Slender



Personality:I get bored easily. When am I going to get on with my destiny.
Whenever I come to a new place, I collect local rumors and spread gossip.
Flaws: I can't resist a pretty face.
I'm too greedy for my own good. I can't resist taking a risk if there's money involved.
I can't resist swindling people who are more powerful than me.

Sleight of hand

Special Talents: Change appearance

Unsettling visage
Sentilen Raven
-Darkvision 30ft
-Perception Bonus
-Raven sight/hearing
Divergent Persona
Languages: Common, Thieves can't, Traveler's Can't
Eldritch evocations
-Beguiling Influence
-Eldritch Sight
Pact of the blade
-Pact weapon


Disguise kit
Forgery kit
Thieves tools
Arcane focus
Dungeoneers pack
Leather armor
10 bottles coloured liquid
Weighted dice
Marked cards
Signet of imaginary duke (Arch Duke Fernidand Bospher)

Backstory: Em had always been a thief, a charlatan, and liar. It wasn't something that she really had to work for, it just came naturally. For most of her childhood, she swindled and cheated her way to the top under the guise of Rupert Flint. Often, she would take on the visage of a male to garner respect, or if she needed something from a male it would be the opposite. She knew how to talk to and deal with people, to read them, and to decide how best to manipulate a situation to her advantage. Shrewd, you could call her.

She was born in Shara, or Shara-Tel. Well… if you could still call it Shara, as it was on the outskirts of the city in the Outer Ward District. To call it rough and tumble is understatement. As the slums, or ghetto, of Shara, it wasn't much of an upbringing. Scared, lonely, and hungry, she hit the ground running. She had to learn to survive and do it quick or the city would swallow her whole and give nothing back. It was a Yeth eat Yeth world, and you either adapt, or you die. She chose survival and adaptation.
Her mother didn't know how to be a parent at all, and probably shouldn't have been one. As soon as Em was old enough to wander alone, probably six years old, in her mothers eyes she was set loose on the city. Her father, well…. He went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back well before she was born. It was no skin off her nose, she had decided early on in life. No parents, no rules. She quickly learned that wasn't the case. There are rules, and there are consequences for your actions. Once she figured that out, it was all downhill from there.
As an adult she sought out a way to improve her skills, better ways to case a joint or cause distractions. Even kill more efficiently if necessary. As she explored various avenues of magic, she eschewed the scholarly wizard pursuits for the reason of… well.. She just wasn't a scholar. She had been tutored by the school of hard knox and was not at all interested in books. She thought about sorcery but wasn't born with the innate gift of magic.
Finally, after years of searching for an answer she discovered Korik, an extra dimensional being leasing magic for a price. Well, everything had a price. She wasn't afeared of nothin' and she was on her way to prove it.
Korik was a trickster, almost feylike in his mischief. He was a changeling too, like Em, though he could change himself much more intricately. Therefore his symbol and preferred form was that of a raven.
She sold herself to his service, promising a favor in return for power. Whatever he asked, she would do it. Whenever he called for her, she would answer. The trade off granted her a raven, magicks, and an atheme. Part of her wanted to use these powers for good, a very small part of her that she quickly banished. She laughed with glee at her newfound abilities and decided her life of crime was going to be at its all time high. She headed out into the world, to return to Shara-Tel under the guise of Rellin Crow. With new duds and a new face she would start from the bottom and work her way back up, using previous faces to weave stories, rumors, and good will about her new identity. But first… she, or rather he, would stop by and visit an old friend to get something real under his belt as Rellin.
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Alias [Little Magpie, Cele]
Real Name: Celeste Blackburne
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Bard/Rogue
Background: Traveling Minstrel/Pirate
Social Status: Commoner
Hair: Crimson
Eyes: Murky Green
Skin: Snow white
Height: 5'9
Weight: 155lbs
Body Type: Slender

Appearance: The wild curls of crimson are prominently tamed within a single ponytail made from simple leather. Despite wrestling with it every day, much to Celeste's frustrations. She keeps it clean and tidy, like the rest of her body. She baths regularly so her snowy skin holds a glow to it from all the honey she adds to the warm waters. Her body is mostly blemish-free but across her left thigh is a remarkable scar, jagged and deep as if it had almost cut to the bone. Celeste is normally self-conscious of the mark and hides it behind a thick set of breeches. She holds a slender frame, with a narrow set of hips and a small waist, not curvy like most women making her look more like a tom-boy than most women of her age who look spectacular in a dress yet she would appear better in a tunic, and breeches for formal occassions.


Much of Celeste's clothing was a gift. Leathers from all types of craftsmen, some were found in her travels or given to her for playing a piece of music. She wears an old leather shoulder piece on the left that is fastened over her chest. A blue gaily-coloured silk shirt and black breeches with a matching pair of boots, that gathered dirt often. She also wore a pair of brown gloves that went up the forearm. Often she carried her small bag that held the lute and vielle clunking behind her as she walked. And a pan for when she'd be out in the wild cooking her food. Her most unique piece was the green scarf made of fine linens and kept pristine from daily washing, it was her most prized possession besides Morgans Vielle.

Personality: Optimistic, Adventurous, Pragmatic, Daring

Celeste was known as a force of nature on the high seas and a charismatic whirlwind in any tavern. She thrives on the adventure of the moment as she prides herself on being a woman who lives for the now. But, no storm or enemy can dampen Celeste's spirits. Her unwavering optimism is a beacon in even the darkest of times. And even in the most harrowing of events she is always seen to take the first step no matter how dangerous or life-threatening.

Her biggest joy is finding new challenges to light the fire in her belly.

Flaws: The most prominent is her stubbornness, once the girl has her mind set on something it can be hard to dissuade her decision.

Celeste is a bit like a magpie and can't seem to help herself from taking something shiny. Like her days at sea, she learned to love treasure, in particular gemstones that she hides away. Without the X to mark the spot...

She is also a woman who lives in the moment. That can sometimes translate into impulsivity for Celeste.

Her spontaneous nature leads her to make hasty decisions without fully considering the consequences.

A black heart is hidden beneath the waves. Out at sea, she was a woman who thrived on the hunt for treasure and the dangers of the ocean. Many of her ballads are comprised of the daring adventures she undertook when she sailed under the black. She hides her dark desires for treasure well but they can sometimes get the better of her when offered a few baubles and emerald stones.

Skills: Pickpocket, she can take an item with only the slightest distraction (a brush on the shoulder, a slight bump into the person)

Performer, Celeste has frequently charmed a room with only her voice or vielle alone granting her quite a few coins for her entertainment.

A great sailor she can handle any storm or waters beneath the hull of a vessel.

Special Talents: Bardic Inspiration, Song of Rest, Charm Person, Message (Bard), Prestidigitation (Bard), Disguise Self, Heroism, Sleep

Equipment: Lute, Morgan's Vielle, Leather Armor, Short bow, Longsword, Backpack, Disguise Kit, Thieves Tools, Poetry Journal


Black Sails

Little Magpie's Story

It all began at the tender age of 8 years old dressed as a boy no doubt. Like many thieves and beggars, she watched the merchant ships roll into the harbor, full of food and riches. With an empty belly, the skinny Celeste hid in one of the barrels of fish to be loaded onto the ship. When night rolled in she found a spot on the vessel and slowly picked away at their stock of food. For two weeks she traveled with them unnoticed. But her luck ran out when the ship was attacked by pirates. The men plundered and took what was owed to the sea. Anything that remained was set ablaze.

Celeste found herself in the Captain's quarters after they had discovered her unconscious and with pockets full of jewelry. Soon after she became their cabin boy introduced to the harsh life of a pirate. The Captain knew of her secret. But the crew remained oblivious, as she kept her hair short and dressed like the men.

Celeste soon found out the Captain was not just a man who held eyes filled with hunger for gold and fame. His soul was gentle in the way of music. Many nights she found herself sleeping outside his cabin listening to the melody of his Vielle. The passion that flowed from his hands drew the fire in her heart to find the same. She slowly proved herself and changed the way Captain Blackburne viewed her when she was caught playing his Vielle with some raw talent. The man took it upon himself to teach Celeste as he once was by a man who took a chance on an orphan.

The Captain treated her differently more as a pupil than a cabin boy. Slowly she became the ship's bard driving joy into their hearts, and a storm in their lungs before they plundered a helpless ship. Out of respect and seeing the man who commanded their vessel as a father she took his family name as her own. Captain Blackburne of the Martin. Her journey on the waves lasted 4 years until the vessel fell to a greater enemy. Celeste was alone once more as she found far-off shores, traveling for years as she performed in taverns and sometimes for nobility.
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