Closed Shea's Requests/Collab Thread

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Closed Shea's Requests/Collab Thread


Welcome to the Sanctum
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Today 7:55 PM
Hey! I'm Shea, I'm 26 & have been writing for about 13 years now.

I lost my creative drive after a few really difficult years in my personal life, but I've recently gotten the itch to try and dive back into my writing again, so I'm looking for some like-minded folks to get collaborating with. Ideally I'd like to have 3 or 4 stories going at once, though being currently between jobs I have a lot of spare time to kill so I may have space for more than that. I'll list below some info & interests but if you also have a general idea for a story or setting and you think we'd get along, feel free to hit me up with that as well.

Here we go!

How I write;
-I generally don't do canon characters. All of the characters I've ever written with are original creations, of which I can play M or F and I'm happy writing with someone who can do either. There may be some very specific canon pairings that I might include one day, but for now that list is empty.

-I really enjoy darker themes, especially psychological mind-buggery stuff; e.g. mind control, possession/loss of autonomy, stuck in dreams, having visions, etc. The only things I won't touch are things like non-con, bathroom stuff or furries/anthros at least off the top of my head. If there are more I'm sure they'll come up. I also have no interest in anime-styled writing or themes/shows, esp stuff like slice of life, as well as Westerns/Wild West, Zombies/End of the World, History, Historical Fiction and I'm pretty over the typical MCU-type Superhero stuff.

-High level violence, gore, course language & similar sensitive themes are all part of what I write and the themes I generally enjoy. One specific thing I will note though, is that if something like SA or child abuse comes up I don't want you to go into graphic detail about it, whether it is actively happening in the story for some reason or whether it's used as a point in the character's history. Mentions of or allusions to it are fine, even if it's described lightly such as in the use of flashbacks, PTSD attacks, that kind of thing. I just don't want to read through every detail or have my character be put into that situation without my consent, especially when it has nothing to do with moving the story forward or developing either of our characters. I'm not here to fulfill your r/pe fantasy.

-Being asexual I don't have interest in smut for smut's sake, but I am a romantic, so if our characters do develop that way then I'm fine with writing erotic content when or if it comes up and I feel comfortable/into it enough. However, if you're happy to let us fade to black at any point I'd appreciate having the ability to make that decision. General intimacy is all good, e.g. characters touching, generally intimacy, kissing, being affectionate, fantasising etc, really it's just the detailed sex & foreplay stuff.

-My characters aren't perfect and yours shouldn't be either. Their strengths should be as many and as varied as their flaws. Ideally they'll be mentally and physically tested, strained and even broken during the story. On that note, even though it's fantasy, please make an effort to be realistic. If your character never takes any damage, never makes a mistake or has everything work out for them every time, I'm not going to stay interested.

-As far as posting goes I'll be posting at least once a day as a minimum, though depending on your reply speed it can be more like multiple daily posts (especially while I'm unemployed.. covid is balls), and I love it when I can go back and forth quickly with someone and smash the posts out over a period of a few hours or a day. I will also mention that I have just re-settled so there's a lot to unpack and set up but that's really the only thing I have going on right now, aside from the occasional commission work. Also, I'd like you to be able to post *at least* 2-3 well sized paragraphs with good grammar, formatting etc. Everyone has their flaws but this much is essential.

-Please don't use images of anime or cartoon characters in your CS.. I like anime too but I really struggle to picture a digital Ichigo Kurasaki somewhere in the real world like Paris, or a faux real setting like King's Landing. They are two totally different mediums that make no sense being together, sorry. If you can find either a photo-realistic or even semi-realistic piece of digital art as your character reference photo, that would be awesome, if not, a written description is perfect. I'll also take photos; I'd just prefer it if you steer away from celebrities or pop stars.

-Throw me curveballs! I love character conflict, unexpected events, surprises, betrayals, hidden agendas being revealed and everything in between! I'll be doing the same, so feel free to really knock me off my feet (just make sure it makes sense for it to happen).

Thank you for reading! I know it's a lot and I probably don't come across in the best way. The rest is a little less intense, I promise.

*Things I like*
High Fantasy (sp. LOTR, The Witcher, The Inheritance Cycle/Eragon & Dragon Age)
Sci-fi (sp. Cyberpunk, Bladerunner, Star Wars, Altered Carbon & Firefly)
Urban Fantasy (e.g. modern witches covens, gnomes who own woodworking shops, elves who stream makeup tutorials, that kind of thing. Worlds that have mixed our modern times and modern technology with fantasy elements)
Supernatural/Supernatural Horror (sp. Supernatural, Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments)
Grimdark/Horror (sp. Large scale events that destroy civilisation etc, just no zombies. I'm over zombies, sorry. Stuff like a haunted house that kills people, a demon on the loose or a town that holds a dark secret, etc)
'Powered' people/people with special abilities (but gritty - like New Mutants or Being Human)

That's all I can think of for now..

*General Pairings (pairings I'm specifically itching for, but if you don't find one here that interests you then I still very much want to collaborate and make one that we both like, within one of the above worlds/themes specified)
(The Witcher) Witcher x Companion
(Dragon Age) Female Inquisitor x OC
(Dragon Age) Magehunter/Templar x Mage
(Dragon Age) Grey Warden x Grey Warden
(Star Wars) Smuggler/Outlaw x Officer/Guard
(Supernatural) Hunter x Misjudged monster/creature
(Supernatural) Hunter x Hunter
(Shadowhunters) Nephillim/Hunter x Nephillim/Hunter
Imprisoned Assassin x Guard who helps them escape

sp = specifically (e.g. particular universes/worlds that I'd specifically like to create a story within). If this isn't specified i'll just give examples of themes or other elements that could be a focus

So anyway, that's it, hope to hear from you soon! My DM's are always open for suggestions, ideas & questions so shoot me something whenever you're ready. You can also just reply to this thread. Thanks!
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