All [Signups & OOC] Celestial University - Hexata’s Door

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All [Signups & OOC] Celestial University - Hexata’s Door

I think that could be fun! I like that our characters seem to come from pretty different backgrounds; it'll make things interesting.

(Again, assuming my character doesn't get a big red rejection stamp slapped on his forehead)
Name: Shafyd (given name)
Age: 19
Gender: Cis Male
Appearance: Shafyd is of average height and build for a common human of the Million Worlds. His face is square-shaped with a strong, aquiline nose and large, dark eyes beneath a shag of gently curling hazelnut hair. The features of Shafyd's face are otherwise sharp, due in large part to his water-scarce life in the deserts of Som-Babda. Shafyd's skin is a medium bronze hue with a slightly leathery texture from countless long days beneath the scorching sun. His normal attire consists of sandals and a light tunic, over which he wears a long, sand-eaten, white robe that offers his body and face protection from the harsh rays of the sun.

Personality: Shafyd, while fond of playful banter, has learned to err on the side of caution with most people. His magical abilities put many from his homeworld on edge when in his presence and teasing rarely acted to lessen their nerves. As such, Shafyd is exceedingly polite and strategically complimentary—though not disingenuously—when speaking with anyone but his closest friends; of which there are admittedly few. Regardless of the suspicion often cast upon him by his people, Shafyd endeavors to be kind and trusting whenever common sense allows.
Homeworld: Shafyd hails from a vast desert region on one of the many nameless planets on the fringes of the Million Worlds. To the people of this desert region, their home is known as Som-Babda, or, loosely, "the Place Between Horizons." The human population of Som-Babda is sparse. Most live either in small settlements around oases and desert wells or in nomadic communities that herd large sheep-sized insects similar to silkworms.
Backstory: Shafyd was born in a small town deep in the deserts of Som-Babda. Shafyd was born on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month and was the fifth child of his parents. 555 is considered an unlucky number in much of Som-Babda. Supposed reasons for this unluckiness range from its similar sound to the word for "drought" in Dhes, the most commonly spoken language in Som-Babda, to the fact that a five-syllable word with a stressed fifth syllable would not fit anywhere in a traditional Som-Babdaan narrative poem except for the end of the fifth stanza which generally describes a moment of great sorrow. The definite reason for the association is lost to time though. But, thanks to this unluckiness, Shafyd was given up to the aged mystic of a nomad tribe. The old woman saw magical potential in the infant Shafyd and took him under her wing.

Style/Form: Shafyd practices his magic primarily through reading a set of carved knuckle bones taken from a species of long-legged, predatory weasels native to Som-Babda. He also carries a small metal amulet made from the broken tip of a knife which he uses in a similar manner to a dowsing rod. Shafyd practices divination through the movements of animals as well. All of Shafyd's divined knowledge comes to him more as a vague understanding or awareness rather than clear, definite information.
Affinity/Focus: Shafyd's only practiced magic before coming to the Celestial University was divination. Importantly, Shafyd is currently incapable of reading the future, only being able to divine information about the present or past. As well, the more closely guarded a piece of information, the more difficult it is for Shafyd to uncover. At present, Shafyd has trouble even divining a long-held secret on his own.
Other Skills & Interests: Skilled preparer of tea (by Som-Babdaan tastes), Amateur horticulturist, has a nice singing voice

Pet: Shafyd brought no pet with him but is very fond of animals and can even practice a basic level of communication with them through his divinations.

Let me know if anything needs changing!

Edit: Forgot to describe his hair color oh silly me
Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't even see this—Approved, although I would highly recommend you seek out approval before divining secrets of Player Characters.
Also, roommates are fine—Everyone is "supposed" to have their own rooms, but things obviously can happen and people can wind up needing to share a space if they would like—co-ed or otherwise
although I would highly recommend you seek out approval before divining secrets of Player Characters.
Absolument, mon ami! I was planning mostly to use it for learning non-player info. And, from a character standpoint, Shafyd isn't really nosy like that with his abilities.

Excited to join in!
Whew. Okay. Let me know if I missed anyone.
@dispatch99, would it be ok for characters to do a little exploring on their own or would you prefer that most of them just follow along for now to make things easier for you?
The latter—don't worry, there's maybe like 3-4 posts of mine (excluding the Lux subplot) left until there's free time. Just wanna let people know what they can expect lol
Whew. Finally replied. Sorry about that wait folks, but I hope it was worth it.

Also, apologies if it feels like Jinni and Iris got a little short shrift: I generally save big multi-paragraph blowout posts for 1x1 character interactions, and I really would like to reunite the group as soon as possible. Your times will come, I promise!
Sorry for the holiday hiatus, folks—working on a way to kick everything into gear here. Something will be here soon: keep your eyes on this space!
No worries at all—most of us were. Plan is for me to make a long form post breezing through the intro, letting everyone explore and get settled in, and then there will be an event at IC sundown!
Heads up folks—I had gotten a message from maji to the effect that they're going to have to take a break while their muse recovers, so those of you involved with that subplot may find the thread snapped rather abruptly while I try and get things moving again. I'm currently making a draft megapost that will describe the university: like I said, as the sun sets there will be a chance for everyone to explore and settle in, and then at nightfall there is an event that will bring everyone back in.

Thanks for sticking with me. I'm glad you all are interested in this story, and I promise I won't let you down here.
Alright folks. I owe all of you an apology for going silent. I won't waste your time with excuses or anything, so I will cut right to the chase: I'm interested in picking Celestial University back up and running with it in a more free-form, action-packed way.

However, it's been a while: I would like to know if those of you who are still interested would rather I push forward with this plot as it stands, or if you would rather I make a reboot.

So, informal poll time:

1. Give a blue "Thumbs Up" reaction for pushing forward with our current OOC and IC threads,
2. Give a green "Replying Now" reaction for starting fresh and creating new applications and a new story thread.

Let me know what you think! I will pay attention to the results for a week or so before settling on a decision by May.

Thank you all for playing with me, and I hope to get going again soon.
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