World ► Silk and Steel ◄ │ Lemon • Hightower │

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World ► Silk and Steel ◄ │ Lemon • Hightower │


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility 250 Posts! 100 Likes! 250 Likes!
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the Dragon's Deceptive Treasure Room


Name: Maeve Astrid Nor'Hellqvist
Kingdom: The Kingdom of Moorheim
Title: Crown Princess of Moorheim
Gender: Female
Birthday: 1st day of the Twelfth Moon; 25 years old.
Birthplace: Blarvegr Royal Palace


Species: Human
Ethnicity: Moorian
Preferred Hand: Right
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Hair Color: Snow White
Complexion: Porcelain skin with freckles across the bridge of her nose.
Marks/Scars/Tattoo: Runic tattoo across her back.
Height: 5'8"
Distinguishing Features: Her discolored hair and contrasting eyes.

Style: Fitted leathers and furs to keep warm, in the colors of her family, blacks, blues and silvers. Shifts towards silks and veils once moving to Arast.
Grooming: While her mother wished Maeve would be perpetually pristine, the activities she takes interest in leaves her dishevelled more often than not.
Posture: Back straightened in a correct posture at all times.
Gait: An elegant strut with small, measured steps while attending court matters and confident, assertive strides during leisure time.
Coordination: Very disciplined and precise in movement.
Habits and Mannerisms: When uncomfortable or irritated she narrows her eyes and smiles widely to maintain appearances but her tone slips into something darker.
Scent: Smoky woods mixed with leather aromas.


Orientation: Heterosexual.
Love Type: Predominantly Eros, a passionate type of physical and emotional love.
Position: Switches with ease between dominant and submissive, depending on the mood.

Phobias: Dying of old age and disease.
Addiction: Sex and the thrill of battle scented in blood and steel.
Attitude: Confident and determined, takes initiative and responsibility whenever possible.
Expressiveness: Deceptive and controlled.
Prized Possession: The crown she ripped from the King of Crathen's head as she killed him in the battlefield.

Main Goal: Surpass her father's legacy as a fearsome yet fair ruler.
Desires: To prove herself worthy of her title and heritage and expand the Kingdom of Moorheim into an empire.
Accomplishments: Conquered Crathen after years of warring.
Biggest Failure: A poor siege strategy that lead to the death of thousands and almost cost them the war.

Hobbies/Interests: Sparring with whomever will pick a sword against her.
Skills/Talents: What she lack in physical strength, Maeve makes up in agility, speed and precision with both sword and bow.
Sense of Humor: Crude and dark.
Pet Peeves: People who complain without objective cause, being kept waiting and long court duties.

Strengths: Her wits and battle prowess as well a her deceptive appearance.
Flaws: She walks a thin line between confidence and arrogance and the latter can cost lives.
Lures: The promise of excitement, adrenaline or adventure.
Soft Spot: People who thrive despite having been dealt the shitties cards.
Cruel Streak: Ladies of the court that insist she should concern herself more with being more of a lady and less of a warrior.

Languages: Moorian, the Common Tongue.
Accent: Neutral accent while speaking her native tongue but easily recognizable nordic accent while speaking the Common Tongue, through those rounded vowels and diphthongization.
Greetings and Farewells: Very polite and courteous.
Expletive: Most commonly 'fuck'.
Laughter: A light, girlish laugh.
Signature Quote:

Alignment: Chaotic evil
Vice: Victory in bloodshed.
Virtue: Fair and just.
Religion: The Moorian Pantheon but primarily Tharion, the God of Death.
Morals: Ambiguous at best..
Philosophy: One can not coexist with death, as such, you need not fear it. If there is death, there is no onsself.
Last edited:


Name: Yohannes II Selas
Kingdom: The Kingdom of Arast.
Title: Crown Prince of Arast.
Gender: Male.
Birthday: Fourth day of the Fourth Moon - he is 22.
Birthplace: The Golden Point, Arast. (One of the secondary castles of the King.)


Species: Human
Ethnicity: Arastani. (Think Arab mixed with East African.)
Preferred Hand: Right.
Eye Color: Brown.
Hair Color: Dark brown.
Complexion: Light-brown skin.
Marks/Scars/Tattoo: Birth-mark upon his rear end, scar from a sparring session gone awry on his shoulder.
Height: 6'2"
Distinguishing Features: Freckles upon his face despite his dark complexion, often wears a confident half-smile.

Style: Loose silk garbs to combat the relentless desert heat, favours the colours of his families house, green and red.
Grooming: To maintain public appearances, he more than often is groomed into being clean-shaven and neat. Besides when he is on a hunt, or otherwise preoccupied with sparring or a war game.
Posture: Graceful and proper when at court, relax (albeit with a confident swagger at times) when court is not in session, or he is elsewhere.
Gait: With pride, his shoulders and head held high. Not rushed however, as was taught of him. He takes slow, measured and Cochise steps, often aware of his surroundings.
Coordination: Average, nothing spectacular. That's why you buy a good blade.
Habits and Mannerisms: When provoked or angry, the prince has a habit of licking his lips. At court he can often be seen smiling and paying little attention to the follies that come with them.
Scent: Vanilla, (or steel and sweat, perhaps with a touch of blood when caught upon one of his free days).


Orientation: Heterosexual.
Love Type:
Position: Preferably dominant.

Phobias: Being captured when he is sent to battle and being taken away from home, snakes.
Addiction: Perhaps like gambling a little too much and often plays for foreign odds and trinkets with merchants from afar, sleep tea - a drink commonly consumed by Arast before sleep, to bring upon pleasant dreams and ward of evil spirits.
Attitude: Careless to politics despite coming the heir apparent due to the fact he was not actually groomed to be his fathers heir, quick to laugh, in some ways, perhaps naive. When the mood does call upon it, Yohannes can be surprisingly wroth - but never particularly cruel.
Expressiveness: A rather wide, white smile.
Prized Possession:

Main Goal: Rule... I guess?
Desires: He desires to be matched with a bride soon, primarily because of lust, but because many of his kinsmen have already been married away - for his heir apparent, his father had to find the best match and that match was one that he would have to wait for.
Accomplishments: Survived the battle of the Red Hills.
Biggest Failure: ... And failed to protect his elder brother, the then Crown Prince Menelik the Magnificent.

Hobbies/Interests: Enjoys a duel, a fight or a war-game with many of his cousins or the sons of knight at court. Is annoyed when they tend to loose on purpose. Reading, and travelling around his fathers kingdom to attend tournaments and events.
Skills/Talents: Whilst not particularly accurate, Yohannes is agile enough to be proficient with the Arastani short-sword.
Sense of Humor: Crude, dark and awry. Though he is one to find common japes and jests irritable.
Pet Peeves: Unkempt people. the nagging of old woman and unspiced food.

Strengths: Is often quick to reject or mock those who seek to take advantage of him and is not easily convinced to do something against his own wishes.
Flaws: Sometimes he is too reckless and can put himself at jeopardy.
Lures: The chance to do or see something he has not quite seen before, to impress his peers or gain something of note.
Soft Spot: Has a soft spot for young children and in an entirely different way, he has a soft spot for comely women.
Cruel Streak: The guards who fall asleep during their shifts, people who sneer at him. When he was eleven, when a the castellan did as such, he had the guards make him eat a snail.

Languages: Arastani, the Common Tongue.
Accent: Speaks in the Arastani drawl that sees his vowels elongated and his tone often husky and heavy.
Greetings and Farewells: Often depends upon whether or not he is at court, and whether he is happy to send the person he is parting with on their way.
Expletive: "Fuck."
Laughter: Loud and heartily, notably contagious.
Signature Quote: With disinterest, "Welcome to court, my lords."

Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Vice: The thrill of doing something that one is not supposed to, an adrenaline rush, or something that is forbidden.
Virtue: Although he is naive yet, he can be rather humble.
Religion: Not one central religion, but follows a number of different gods in the "central" southern religion. Zula, the goddess of knowledge, Ammon the Father of the Sun and the Sky, subtly, Kojo - the god of forbidden knowledge (and very recently, Sabella the Goddess of Fertility)
Morals: The ends justify the means, and if you need to do a lesser evil to get a greater good then so be it. (The Greater Good would only be to the benefit of his own kingdom, and not the world at large.)
Philosophy: The Ends Justify the Means.
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