Name: Maeve Astrid Nor'Hellqvist
Kingdom: The Kingdom of Moorheim
Title: Crown Princess of Moorheim
Gender: Female
Birthday: 1st day of the Twelfth Moon; 25 years old.
Birthplace: Blarvegr Royal Palace
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Moorian
Preferred Hand: Right
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Hair Color: Snow White
Complexion: Porcelain skin with freckles across the bridge of her nose.
Marks/Scars/Tattoo: Runic tattoo across her back.
Height: 5'8"
Distinguishing Features: Her discolored hair and contrasting eyes.
Style: Fitted leathers and furs to keep warm, in the colors of her family, blacks, blues and silvers. Shifts towards silks and veils once moving to Arast.
Grooming: While her mother wished Maeve would be perpetually pristine, the activities she takes interest in leaves her dishevelled more often than not.
Posture: Back straightened in a correct posture at all times.
Gait: An elegant strut with small, measured steps while attending court matters and confident, assertive strides during leisure time.
Coordination: Very disciplined and precise in movement.
Habits and Mannerisms: When uncomfortable or irritated she narrows her eyes and smiles widely to maintain appearances but her tone slips into something darker.
Scent: Smoky woods mixed with leather aromas.
Orientation: Heterosexual.
Love Type: Predominantly Eros, a passionate type of physical and emotional love.
Position: Switches with ease between dominant and submissive, depending on the mood.
Phobias: Dying of old age and disease.
Addiction: Sex and the thrill of battle scented in blood and steel.
Attitude: Confident and determined, takes initiative and responsibility whenever possible.
Expressiveness: Deceptive and controlled.
Prized Possession: The crown she ripped from the King of Crathen's head as she killed him in the battlefield.
Main Goal: Surpass her father's legacy as a fearsome yet fair ruler.
Desires: To prove herself worthy of her title and heritage and expand the Kingdom of Moorheim into an empire.
Accomplishments: Conquered Crathen after years of warring.
Biggest Failure: A poor siege strategy that lead to the death of thousands and almost cost them the war.
Hobbies/Interests: Sparring with whomever will pick a sword against her.
Skills/Talents: What she lack in physical strength, Maeve makes up in agility, speed and precision with both sword and bow.
Sense of Humor: Crude and dark.
Pet Peeves: People who complain without objective cause, being kept waiting and long court duties.
Strengths: Her wits and battle prowess as well a her deceptive appearance.
Flaws: She walks a thin line between confidence and arrogance and the latter can cost lives.
Lures: The promise of excitement, adrenaline or adventure.
Soft Spot: People who thrive despite having been dealt the shitties cards.
Cruel Streak: Ladies of the court that insist she should concern herself more with being more of a lady and less of a warrior.
Languages: Moorian, the Common Tongue.
Accent: Neutral accent while speaking her native tongue but easily recognizable nordic accent while speaking the Common Tongue, through those rounded vowels and diphthongization.
Greetings and Farewells: Very polite and courteous.
Expletive: Most commonly 'fuck'.
Laughter: A light, girlish laugh.
Signature Quote:
Alignment: Chaotic evil
Vice: Victory in bloodshed.
Virtue: Fair and just.
Religion: The Moorian Pantheon but primarily Tharion, the God of Death.
Morals: Ambiguous at best..
Philosophy: One can not coexist with death, as such, you need not fear it. If there is death, there is no onsself.
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