Character(s) SilverPersimmon's Muses

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Character(s) SilverPersimmon's Muses


I think I'm punny
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Welcome to my profiles of muses. Both canon and OC will be listed here. Should you have any interest in of them, feel free to hit me up.
My canon muses are normally played as AU and can be adapted for many situations.

Post 1: Tadashi Saga - OC - Fallen Angel/Demon
Post 2: Gin Ichimaru - Canon(Bleach)
Post 3: Lieutenant(Luu Hai) - Canon(Legend of Korra)
Post 4: Minor Canons
Post 5: Underused OCs/Still in development
Name: Tadashi Saga [Astaroth - Angels may know his true name]
Gender: Male
Age: Ageless
Birthday: Before man
Race: Angel - Fallen
Height/Weight: 5'9"/180lbs
Face Claim: Nobuchika Ginoza [Psycho-Pass]
X - X - X - X

Personally: Tadashi is a kind soul that honestly wants to help humans. He sees them as interesting creatures, understanding why Father tasked angels with watching over them. While most of are kind some do need help. Darkness runs rampant in their hearts so it's an angel's job to direct them from sin. Faith has not wavered. Tadashi will do anything he must to save a human soul from eternal damnation.
The mistake he made by making a deal with a demon tainted his soul, cost him his home and his wings. Everything he does is to atone for his misdeeds. Though knowing he can never truly earn his place back in Heaven, Tadashi will continue to try.

Mannerisms: Emotions are still new to him but slowly starting to understand them. His humor is dry and comes off as stoic, though he does really try. A quick chuckle or a small smile is the most he will offer most of the time, but it's genuine. He assumes most humans are kind and even dark souls are given a chance. Nothing can deter him from giving on on someone no matter how 'evil' they may seem. Mostly at his own expense.

Abilities: The glasses he holds are the last remains of his angel powers. They allow him to see into someone's soul, be them human or otherwise. It also allows him to see what's not a human, unless they are a near god like being. With no wings, all he holds are the wounds that can never truly heal. Touching them causes great pain and immobilizes him.

Name: Tadashi Saga
Gender: Male [Male pronouns]
Age: Young demon
Birthday: Unknown
Race: Demon
Height/Weight: 6'2"/???LBS
Face Claim: Azazel [Shingeki no Bahamut]
X - X - X - X

Personally: After a long struggle of struggling with his faith, Tadashi succumbed to the darkness inside him. Becoming a demon out of his hate for his so called 'family' and humans. While he won't outright attack humans he tries to avoid them most of the time unless he gets board. Even then he will only torment someone of interest. Humans are his main targets and he will avoid angels or other demons as much as possible. Though he detests being alone, he holds so little trust he refuses to allow anything else. For a demon, he knows he's not like others in many ways and that makes him an outcast, or at least he believes so.

Mannerisms: He will act much more vicious than he really is mostly to get left alone. Tadashi is prone to emotional outbursts. While he isn't violent, he is quick to anger and will lash out to get away from the situation. He is demisexual, so any sexual advances are made to strike fear. He will do all he must to avoid someone getting a chance to have the upper hand on him.

Abilities: Control of ice is his main power. He can turn the water in the air to ice and change it's form into anything he desires. His powers are also tied to his emotions and can sometimes get out of control. Claiming is something he would only use in the event he actually found a human he wanted to form a bond with. A demon may claim a human by biting them, normally the neck, to inject some of their own essence into the human. By doing so, their souls become bound. Emotions are shared as well as thoughts. The demon can cut the ties and block the share of emotion, or take back the claim. Giving or taking a claim is unbearably painful to the human but in return their life span in greatly increased and they may gain some power of the demon over time.
Name: Gin Ichimaru
Gender: Male
Age: ~35
Birthday: September 10
Race: Human
Face Claim: Ichimaru Gin [Bleach]

Personally: Gin is a very playful man. His tone is normally a mocking formal tone with some sing-song flare and heavy accent. Life is a game to him, everyone is a player and he always wins. If someone catches his interest, he will chase them until he gets what he wants. He is relentless and patient in his hunts, Laying low until the moment to strike is perfect. In no sense of the word is Gn a stable man. Always ten steps ahead with a plan for every possible outcome. Gin is too intelligent for his own good. While he graduated from college at a young age, he never developed proper social skills. Childhood wasn't easy and he was on his own much sooner than he should have been. Turn about is fair play though and Gin enjoys the same games played on him.

Mannerisms: Truly a snake in fox clothing.

Abilities: His only true power is his charm over people. As charming as he is creepy. Gin is a self-trained dancer to add to his allure.

Other info: Gin can have his shinigami powers or not, depending on the plot if he's reborn or human. He is in no form loyal and incapable of love, no matter how well he can fake it.
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Name: Luu Hai
Gender: Male
Age: ~40
Birthday: June 12
Race: Human
Height/Weight: 6'1"/185LBS
Face Claim: Lieutenant [Ledgend of Korra]

Personally: A stoic, workaholic that is as suborn as he is intelligent. Loyal to a fault, Luu will never fail his higher up. Though it takes a lot to earn that respect from him, once it's earned it will never falter. There is no harder worker. Always striving to do better than expected and become stronger in order to serve his masters better. Nothing can break his dedication or distract the strong willed man. Because of it he is anti-social and sees no use for romance. It's only a distraction from work. Much of his body is covered in scars ranging from larger ones over his chest and back to smaller ones along his limbs and calloused hands.

Mannerisms: The few people that have earned his respect, he will always stand at attention when addressing them, as well as use 'mam' or 'sir'. His outlet is to create blueprints. It doesn't matter what they are, from weapons or even something as simple as a uniform, anything creative. Working out is part of his job though serves as an outlet as well. He enjoys making sure he keeps himself in shape. Everything is kept high organized. His workstation never has a thing out of place. To others it might seem more like organized chaos when he's working on something. He never allows others to see his work unfinished, unless ordered by his masters. He finds it unprofessional. The quickest way to get him riled up is to mess with his work station.

Abilities: Master strategist and technician. Able to hold his own against nearly anyone he comes in contact with, should the need arise.

Other info: Romance with Luu is no easy task. It would take a great deal of work. Though he is prone to having a deeper than normal admiration for his master/leader. Luu is also a technophile, preferring the company of androids or maybe even cyborgs to humans. Most plots with Luu are with him having military background.
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Minor muses have no profile but may get one in the future. They are ones that may come and go or used as side characters.

Slade (Teen Titans)
Thrax (Osmosis Jones)
Ryuken (Bleach)
Tesra Lindocruz (Bleach)
Works in progress are OCs I've used in the past but haven't fully fleshed them out. I would love a chance to really let them shine even just as side characters.

Kotaro (Angel) - Face claim: Basch fon Ronsenburg [FF12]
Misuke (Dragon) - Face claim: Cloud [FF7]
Genichi (Dragon - Elder) - Face claim: Loz [FF7: Advent Children]
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