This is more for organization than anything. I keep my characters pretty fluid power and past wise to fit whatever rp or setting they're in so the only things really set in stone is personality and names. I'll add pics later.
I typically don't assign any sexualities as I don't have much preference who they're with. As long as the relationship is a decent match with plot potential, genders don't have much bearing in my mind. I don't do smut but I like intimacy and other shippy things.
Some characters are way more developed than others :p
Name: Robyn Hart
Age: 21
Species: Human
Race (if applicable): White
Gender: Female
Skin: Pale/white
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red, wavy, typically tied back in a ponytail or braid, shoulder-length.
Other Features: A band of freckles across the nose, burn scar starting from her chin down her neck, left side*
Height: 5'7"
Body Type: Skinny, could stand to eat more.
Typical Fashion: -Modern; blue jeans, navy blue t-shirt, beat-up faux leather jacket, combat boots, tattered red scarf when cold.
-High fantasy/medieval: Faded green tunic with belt, brown trousers, black leather boots,
Personality: Impulsive, short-tempered, snarky, scrappy, slow to trust, good under pressure, loyal to those close to her, streetsmart
Powers/Skills: Thievery, pickpocketing, picking fights. (World-relevant powers here)*
Weapons: Daggers, throwing knives.
Good Settings for RP: Modern, modern fantasy, fantasy, really anywhere you want a scrappy asshole.
Name: Cassandra "Cass" Brooks
Age: 26
Species: half water nymph (ALT: half mermaid, half siren, human)
Race (if applicable): Asian (Japanese)
Gender: Female
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black, straight, reaches her waist, tied in a ponytail when working.
Other Features: inconsistent patches of pale blue scales on her legs and thighs, gills
Height: 5'6"
Body type: Lithe
Typical Fashion: -Modern: Skinny jeans, blue and gray wrap, black undershirt, ballet flats, blue gem drop earrings.
-Fantasy: White and blue dress with belt, brown boots
Personality: Quiet, analytical, stoic, calm, very "neutral" in most situations, at first seems very serious but her tone is just dry and she often has some sort of of quip to add to a conversation.
Powers/Skills: Breathing underwater, fast and strong swimming, (World-Dependent: water kinesis, water magic)
Weapons: Typically uses magic only, could use a sword.
Good Settings: Fantasy, modern fantasy.
Name: Althea
Age: ~200-300 years old (Appears to be in her early 30s)
Species: Dryad- Willow Tree
Race (if applicable): N/A
Gender: Female
Skin: Willow bark
Eyes: Bright green sclera, no distinguishable pupils
Hair: green,willow branches and leaves
Other Features: Tree.
Height: 6'4"
Body Type: Willowy (get it?)
Typical Fashion: Sundresses, in a variety of bright colors.
Personality: Kind-hearted, polite, affable, curious, compassionate,
Powers/Skills: control plant growth, shoot thorns, healing (both herbalism and magic)
Good Settings: Fantasy
Name: Irene Greaves
Age: 32
Species: human
Race (if applicable): white
Gender: female
Skin: pale
Eyes: hazel
Hair: curly, blonde, pulled back into a neat bun at all times.
Other Features: black square glasses
Body Type: curvy
Typical Fashion: white blouse with a pressed black pencil skirt, black pumps, gold hoop earrings.
Personality: intelligent, analytical, cold, ambitious, informed, determined
Powers/Skills: Relies on brain power for most things
Weapons: pistol?
Good Settings: modern, modern fantasy, supernatural
Name: Isaac Greaves
Age: 32
Species: human
Race (if applicable): white
Gender: male
Skin: pale
Eyes: hazel
Hair: curly blonde, short
Other Features: glasses
Body Type: wiry
Typical Fashion: hoodie and jeans
Personality: sarcastic, intelligent, determined, scrappy, cynical
Weapons: knife, running away
Good Settings: modern, modern fantasy, supernatural
Name: Adeline Croft
Age: 25
Species: human witch
Race (if applicable): white
Gender: female
Skin: pale
Eyes: purple
Hair: black
Other Features:
Height: 5'2"
Body Type: skinny
Typical Fashion: goth ish. lots of black, vaguely Victorian, and a black cloak.
Personality: odd, chaotic neutral, independent, clever, prankster, self-serving
Powers/Skills: transfiguration, divination (through tarot cards, mostly cryptic) potion making
Weapons: magic
Good Settings: fantasy
Name: Estelle Corvi
Age: 19
Species: human
Race (if applicable): white/Hispanic
Gender: female
Skin: brown
Eyes: brown
Hair: dark brown, tied in a braid
Other Features:
Height: 5'11"
Body Type: toned
Typical Fashion: Modern: t-shirt, cardigan, and jeans. Fantasy: Chain mail, red tunic, black pants and brown boots.
Personality: happy go lucky, cheerful, outgoing. talkative, spontaneous
Powers/Skills: CQC
Weapons: Sword and shield
Good Settings: any
Name: Wisp
Age: ????
Species: Shadow? Ghost?
Race (if applicable):
Gender: ????
Skin: shadow
Eyes: white no pupils
Hair: shadow
Other Features: mute
Height: any
Body Type: any
Typical Fashion: n/a
Personality: curious, shy
Powers/Skills: Shapeshifting shadow, can change size and shape but not colors (silhouettes), nightmare/vision powers
Weapons: magic
Good Settings: fantasy
I typically don't assign any sexualities as I don't have much preference who they're with. As long as the relationship is a decent match with plot potential, genders don't have much bearing in my mind. I don't do smut but I like intimacy and other shippy things.
Some characters are way more developed than others :p
Name: Robyn Hart
Age: 21
Species: Human
Race (if applicable): White
Gender: Female
Skin: Pale/white
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red, wavy, typically tied back in a ponytail or braid, shoulder-length.
Other Features: A band of freckles across the nose, burn scar starting from her chin down her neck, left side*
Height: 5'7"
Body Type: Skinny, could stand to eat more.
Typical Fashion: -Modern; blue jeans, navy blue t-shirt, beat-up faux leather jacket, combat boots, tattered red scarf when cold.
-High fantasy/medieval: Faded green tunic with belt, brown trousers, black leather boots,
Personality: Impulsive, short-tempered, snarky, scrappy, slow to trust, good under pressure, loyal to those close to her, streetsmart
Powers/Skills: Thievery, pickpocketing, picking fights. (World-relevant powers here)*
Weapons: Daggers, throwing knives.
Good Settings for RP: Modern, modern fantasy, fantasy, really anywhere you want a scrappy asshole.
Name: Cassandra "Cass" Brooks
Age: 26
Species: half water nymph (ALT: half mermaid, half siren, human)
Race (if applicable): Asian (Japanese)
Gender: Female
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black, straight, reaches her waist, tied in a ponytail when working.
Other Features: inconsistent patches of pale blue scales on her legs and thighs, gills
Height: 5'6"
Body type: Lithe
Typical Fashion: -Modern: Skinny jeans, blue and gray wrap, black undershirt, ballet flats, blue gem drop earrings.
-Fantasy: White and blue dress with belt, brown boots
Personality: Quiet, analytical, stoic, calm, very "neutral" in most situations, at first seems very serious but her tone is just dry and she often has some sort of of quip to add to a conversation.
Powers/Skills: Breathing underwater, fast and strong swimming, (World-Dependent: water kinesis, water magic)
Weapons: Typically uses magic only, could use a sword.
Good Settings: Fantasy, modern fantasy.
Name: Althea
Age: ~200-300 years old (Appears to be in her early 30s)
Species: Dryad- Willow Tree
Race (if applicable): N/A
Gender: Female
Skin: Willow bark
Eyes: Bright green sclera, no distinguishable pupils
Hair: green,willow branches and leaves
Other Features: Tree.
Height: 6'4"
Body Type: Willowy (get it?)
Typical Fashion: Sundresses, in a variety of bright colors.
Personality: Kind-hearted, polite, affable, curious, compassionate,
Powers/Skills: control plant growth, shoot thorns, healing (both herbalism and magic)
Good Settings: Fantasy
Name: Irene Greaves
Age: 32
Species: human
Race (if applicable): white
Gender: female
Skin: pale
Eyes: hazel
Hair: curly, blonde, pulled back into a neat bun at all times.
Other Features: black square glasses
Body Type: curvy
Typical Fashion: white blouse with a pressed black pencil skirt, black pumps, gold hoop earrings.
Personality: intelligent, analytical, cold, ambitious, informed, determined
Powers/Skills: Relies on brain power for most things
Weapons: pistol?
Good Settings: modern, modern fantasy, supernatural
Name: Isaac Greaves
Age: 32
Species: human
Race (if applicable): white
Gender: male
Skin: pale
Eyes: hazel
Hair: curly blonde, short
Other Features: glasses
Body Type: wiry
Typical Fashion: hoodie and jeans
Personality: sarcastic, intelligent, determined, scrappy, cynical
Weapons: knife, running away
Good Settings: modern, modern fantasy, supernatural
Name: Adeline Croft
Age: 25
Species: human witch
Race (if applicable): white
Gender: female
Skin: pale
Eyes: purple
Hair: black
Other Features:
Height: 5'2"
Body Type: skinny
Typical Fashion: goth ish. lots of black, vaguely Victorian, and a black cloak.
Personality: odd, chaotic neutral, independent, clever, prankster, self-serving
Powers/Skills: transfiguration, divination (through tarot cards, mostly cryptic) potion making
Weapons: magic
Good Settings: fantasy
Name: Estelle Corvi
Age: 19
Species: human
Race (if applicable): white/Hispanic
Gender: female
Skin: brown
Eyes: brown
Hair: dark brown, tied in a braid
Other Features:
Height: 5'11"
Body Type: toned
Typical Fashion: Modern: t-shirt, cardigan, and jeans. Fantasy: Chain mail, red tunic, black pants and brown boots.
Personality: happy go lucky, cheerful, outgoing. talkative, spontaneous
Powers/Skills: CQC
Weapons: Sword and shield
Good Settings: any
Name: Wisp
Age: ????
Species: Shadow? Ghost?
Race (if applicable):
Gender: ????
Skin: shadow
Eyes: white no pupils
Hair: shadow
Other Features: mute
Height: any
Body Type: any
Typical Fashion: n/a
Personality: curious, shy
Powers/Skills: Shapeshifting shadow, can change size and shape but not colors (silhouettes), nightmare/vision powers
Weapons: magic
Good Settings: fantasy
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