Simple Intro

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Simple Intro


The Wanderer
Local time
Today 10:14 PM
Hello Everyone!
My names Pjkiller and Im just a humble human looking to have some rp fun!
Im also a gamer, I game on pretty much everything except Xbox nothing against it just never got into it. Iv been rping for about 5 years or so on another site but its been shut down for a bit now. Hoping I can set some new roots here ^^.
Welcome, glad to have you here! Everyone I've met so far are all super nice and welcoming! Also, love your avatar!!!!
Thank you that very nice to hear and awww thank you I had it custom drawn of my fursona! I do like your avatar as well.
Thank you that very nice to hear and awww thank you I had it custom drawn of my fursona! I do like your avatar as well.
Thank you, someone, I use to rp with made her for me.
Welcome to the Sanctum. I believe I recognize your screen name. From another site. I don't believe I ever rped with you, but if it was DreamRealms like I think. There are many people that came from there to here. So you may run across old friends while making new friends.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
I'm sure that you will. I know that I have.
Welcome to the Sanctum! I hope your muse behaves and that you find some awesome writing partners!
Pj!! Welcome!! It's Kat from DR! I'm so glad you found us! Hope you have a good time here!
OwO Is this furry I see?
Welcome, welcome!
Welcome to the Sanctum! I do hope you enjoy it here! ❤️
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