Female(s) needed Sisterhood of Sirens

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Female(s) needed Sisterhood of Sirens

Jeremy Bentham

Lone Wanderer
Local time
Today 4:34 PM
-Sisterhood of Sirens-
(Works in Modern or Fantasy periods)

Concealed in secrecy, the Sisterhood of Sirens serves as a cult of magically infused females with powers to seduce and lure those they wish. As beautiful as they are deadly, these women hide from the unfriendly eyes of the Brotherhood of Thorn. The Brotherhood viewing such sirens as witches, demons, they're determined to hunt down every last one. Thus forcing the Sirens to stick to the shadows, to control their powers and use them only when in need.

On the run, the sirens must stick together to find means of survival. Their Sanctum still undiscovered by the Brotherhood, they use it as a home until such times as it is safe to re enter the world of man. Survival is not easy, each Siren must do what she can to aid her sisters, bring money and defense to their home. Town to town, man to man, caravan to caravan, they seduce and steal whatever they must if there is money for the taking.

This RP contains heavy smut both FxM as well as FxF, partners must be willing to play multiple sirens and participate in such acts.
If you're interested or have questions, shoot me a PM.

2 Paragraph Min, 5 Max, unless situation calls for more/less. Flashbacks and character development/customization welcome.
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