MxF Slow-burn Slice of Life

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MxF Slow-burn Slice of Life


Knight of the Road
Local time
Today 3:39 AM
Hey all :)

I've been craving a slice of life roleplay with a slow romantic burn to it. Think two young wild souls finding each other, gradually warming up... you get the idea.

I'm looking for someone who loves story but will write heavy smut, and isn't afraid to heap detail and emotion into their posts...

Of course, this plot will be story first but I love smut, so when the story comes to it I won't be afraid to dive into the dirty details. I love OOC conversation and planning, so we'll probably spend a bit of time in private convo.

Now for the plots:

One of them, and old classic, is two roommates, either in college or past, moving in with each other and having to warm up to each other before it becomes serious. We could have something troubling the characters that, by working through it together, they forge a bond.

Number 2, and maybe my preferred one, is two small-town high school grads happening to move into the same huge, national university. Being used to small, quaint surroundings, they are completely out of their element, but even though they barely interacted at all in high school, in university they find solace in each other's presence.

If you like these ideas feel free to reply to this post or send me a PM! Thanks for reading :)
I've got some slice of life ideas if you'd like me to send them to you
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