MxF [SMUT] Looking for Darker Plots and Depraved Partners

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MxF [SMUT] Looking for Darker Plots and Depraved Partners

Bronze Dust

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About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Mickey and I am a 21 year old female looking to write long-term erotic stories with a hyper dominant male.
I am at an intermediate level, usually writing multiple paragraphs and I expect my partner to do the same. I do not have a preference for first or third person. Frequent OOC communication is preferred, but not required.


💜 I am a submissive female looking for someone willing to play a hyper dominant male.
💜 My ideal partner would be comfortable with themes like age gaps, physical/psychological abuse and Stockholm syndrome.
💜 Horror, fantasy, historical fiction, modern and psychological are my favorite genres.
💜 A list of my kinks and limits.
💜 I prefer to play tomboyish/androgynous looking females. Here are examples of the types of characters I like to play.
💜 OOC chats are always welcome, as long as there is no flirting.
💜 Most, if not all ideas posted by me will be smut heavy scenarios.
💜 I am always interested in original plots, never feel shy to PM me with them!

Basic Pairings

Professor x College Student
Therapist x Patient
Criminal x Runaway
Director x Actress
Wealthy Businessman x Maid
Warrior x Captured Enemy
Father x Daughter


Attack on Titan
Breath of the Wild
Death Note
Castlevania (anime series)
Fallout: New Vegas
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Parts 2, 4, 5)
FullMetal Alchemist

Fandom Parings

Trevor x Sypha
Link x Zelda (BOTW)
Mustang x Hawkeye
Guts x Casca
Kaiba x Ishizu

Grffith x Charlotte
Tamaki x Haruhi
Kyouya x Haruhi
Eren x Mikasa
Zuko x Katara


Red = My character
Blue = Your character

Mialynn Amalia was born into a tribe of wood elves being eradicated by the ruthless military forces of the ever expanding country of Astrea. They deemed the nature worshipping elves as savages, unfit to optimize the rich resources their land possessed to progress their society. During the height of the conflict between lands, an Astrean soldier takes the lives of young Mialynn's parents before her very eyes. Feeling pity for the girl, he allowed her to live, and returned home with her after the victory of Astrea was decided.
Over the years the soldier raised Mialynn strictly, but also taught her useful skills such as repairing weapons and crafting bolts and arrows. She grew into a beautiful young woman, adapting well to Astrean culture and obediently serving the man who took everything she once knew.

A famous knight has been offered a large sum of coin to guard the sheltered daughter of an elite nobleman. Upon arriving at the sprawling mansion, he is informed that he is responsible for guarding the young woman 24/7, and that she is forbidden to leave castle grounds without explicit permission from her father.
Before he arrived, she slipped by most of the guards employed at the mansion with ease and garnered a reputation for rebelling against authority. She has spent her whole life behind these walls and as she grew older her desire to leave grew. Will he choose empathize with her plights, or will he revel in having authority over such a lovely and innocent creature?

AU Scenarios

Ganon's malice overwhelmed Link in their final battle, stripping his soul away leaving Hyrule's hero nothing more than a husk to be used by the terrible creature on verge of consuming everything in it's path. With his new puppet, Ganon captures the princess before taking the form of a Gerudo man and forcing Link and Zelda to aid him in overtaking Hyrule.

"The slightly unconscious model is often the most open and honest. No vanity or posing, just... pure expression."

Mark Jefferson is a famous arts professor at Blackwell Academy harboring an unhealthy obsession for one of his students, Max Caulfield.
Despite his suave demeanor, Mark was on a bizarre mission to photograph innocent young women in his hidden bunker called the 'Dark Room'. After perfecting his crime, he had every intention of abducting Max and making her his own eternal muse.

Apologies for the bare bones post. I will continue to update it as I get more ideas. If you are interested in any of the pairings/fandoms above, feel free to send a PM! I am also always open to hearing new ideas and scenarios. Hope to hear from some of my fellow degenerates.​
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