So I kind of just fell from the sky.

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So I kind of just fell from the sky.


I exist!
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Yesterday 10:06 PM
I've been roleplaying for about six years, which is a hefty chunk of experience. And I've been trying to widen my exposure to roleplay in general, so here I am. On a website that I am just barely learning how to use, and sinking myself in to whatever culture exists here. This is kind of a big splash in the face for me and I could use some guidance at this point.
Hello Mid, Welcome to Sanctum and I hope you enjoy your stay here. It is a wonderful site to explore and those around the site are very pleasant from my first sign up here.
Hello Mid, Welcome to Sanctum and I hope you enjoy your stay here. It is a wonderful site to explore and those around the site are very pleasant from my first sign up here.
Any suggestions for where to start dipping my toes into the waters of this place
Of course, You could look into the Request Forum to either request of members if they wish to write ideas you may have tossed in your mind, or visit other request forums. James Martin has a great thread example to assist with ideas how to coordinate your request form.
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If you bave any questions about the site, looks for those in color: Purple, Blue, green and Yellow. 🙃
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Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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Welcome to the Inner Sanctum, Mid! I do hope you enjoy your time here! Six years is quite a bit of experience and there is a wide range of experience on this site! Feel free to jump in the chat if you have any questions as well as message any of the staff, (they're a friendly lot), and I'm sure we could get you squared away. (: Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻
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Hello and Welcome to I.S. I'm glad you found some people to help you if you find you need more assistance feel free to ask and happy wiriting.
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Welcome to The Inner Sanctum, if you've got questions feel free to ask, we're here to help~
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