So I'm back and I'm Searching.

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So I'm back and I'm Searching.

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Today 6:08 PM
Hmph so you decided to check out my search thread after all these years, I'm Aria Scarlet (no that isn't my real name, it's called pen name duh). I haven't rped in a long time so my skills might be a little rusty but don't that stop you. I am a female who enjoys doing both genders and I'm Asexual so I'll do anything under the sun (yaoi, yuri, straight, you name it). 2 paragraphs minimum for me but if you want more just ask.

Werewolf x human or both
Fae x human or both
Vampire x human or both have a plot for this
Siren x --------
Fallen Angel x Human
Supernatural Hunter/Partner
Supernatural Hunter/Client
I'm up for any supernatural mix as long as it follows my criteria

Assassin x Assassin
Knight in shinning armor x wanted Thief/ lost princess
Bounty hunter x Bounty
Witch and her Familiar
Salem witch x witch Hunter
Carvan Gypsy x Detective or Hunter
Gypsy x Gypsy other clan
Witch Gypsy/Knight
Witch Gypsy/Prince
Werewolf King/Baroness(Victorian Era)
Werewolf King/ Vampire Queen(Victorian Era)
Executioner/Evil Queen
Ice Queen/Fire King
Ice Queen/Ice Warrior
Dragon King/Human Queen
Dragon Rider/Dragon
Dragon Queen/Dragon Slayer
Dragon Queen/Dragon Guard
Morgan Le Fey/ Arthur Or something like this
Enchantress/ King or human
Royalty x Non-Royalty
Arranged Marriage have a plot
Assassin x Target
Princess x Prisoner
Skeleton King/Mistress
Skeleton King/Evil Queen
Mage Knight/Queen
Mage Knight/Princess
Demon Queen/Human Hero Bodyguard
Demon King's Daughter/Human Hero Bodyguard
Demon King/Female Human Bodyguard
Spider Queen/Knight
Scorpio Queen/ Knight or human or Spider king
Dark Elf Queen/Human Knight
Dark Elf king / human female
Alchemist/Countess Daughter
Male Gladiator/Female slave ( kinda like Spartacus)

Dancer x Dance partner
Lead Dancer x New Dancer
Dance school
Dramatic arts school
Lead Rolex Lead role
Soldier/ soldiers wife a return home from tour
Detective x Victim
Serial killer x Helper
College student × exchange student
Roommates x Roommates
Sister x Brothers Best friend
Naval seal x Naval Seal
Ghost team Leader x Ghost Team First Mate
Bad Boy x New Girl (can be realistic or not college age obviously )
Anything with pregnancy
Country Singer/Pop Singer
Stranded Crash Survivors
Young couple trying to make it on their own*check plots
Club Owner/Dancer
FBI Agent/Protect Witness
Singer/Band Manager
Band Member/Band Member
Lingerie Model/Photographer
Adult Film Star/Producer
Female Crime Boss/Undercover Agent
Casino Owner/Cocktail Waitress
Movie Star/Bodyguard
Movie Star/Director
Car Mechanic/Rich Woman
Crime Boss/Lawyer
Crime Boss/Police
Police Officer/Police Officer
Lonely Housewife/Neighbor's Son
prisoners kinda plot
Outlaw Biker/Police Officer
Female Gang Leader/Male Runaway
Country Girl/Country Boy/girl
Country Girl /City Boy/girl
City Girl /Country Boy/ girl
Normal Girl /Gang Member
Dancer /Normal Guy
Dancer /Jock of Any Sport
Dancer /star Player of Any Sport
Police Chiefs Daughter/Male Gang Member
Police Chiefs Daughter/ Male Gang Leader
Rancher's Daughter /Ranch Hand
Rancher's Daughter/ Ranch Foreman
Street Family

te x daughter of a ex pirate captain
Goblin king x Dark Fae ( goblin king from the tenth kingdom if possible if not all good)
Dark Fae x Human knight
Greek Warrior/Greek Goddess
Egyptian Priestess/God
High Priest/Pharaoh's Daughter
Female Demon/Priest (more like Van Helsing priest)
Female Demon/Demon Hunter
Pirate/Sea Goddess
Test Subject x Test Subject
Cirque Performer x Cirque Performer have a plot kinda
Zombie or nuclear Apocalypse

fandoms are up in the air for now, ask me and I might know it
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Hi! I'm only moderately helpful, but since nobody else is here I'll offer my mediocre services... Okay I'm really gonna try to sell you on my own roleplay, but help is also involved in that.

Hey, at least I'm honest okay?

I'm getting back into things myself and just starting up a roleplay I've been TRYING to start for ages. I do dark fantasy that disguises itself as fun, pretty, high fantasy for a little bit until you suddenly wander into a Giger-esque hellscape and are faced down by Lovecraftian horrors that your nightmares are afraid of. If you're down for that or didn't understand my references and want a better explanation then you might want to learn more about A History of The Dark War.

In the requirements section, which I'm going to change after I post this but just in case you read it before I change it, on that section I do mention that I won't take newcomers because I don't want to teach every new player how to play. Well I don't have any new players, so that point is moot and I don't mind helping a few people learn what's up or get their legs back.
Interesting, I'll message you now and we can talk.
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