Character(s) Sofia's Masks

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Character(s) Sofia's Masks


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Inner Sanctum Nobility
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This thread is for my own tracking purposes. I tend to forget certain details if I don't write them down somewhere.

For now, the character descriptions/details will be very basic but I plan to fully flesh them out later.

Character Profile - by The Lazy Scholar

Basic Statistics

Socioeconomic Level as a child:
Socioeconomic Level as an adult:
Current Residence:
Birth order:
Siblings (describe relationship):
Spouse (describe relationship):
Children (describe relationship):
Grandparents (describe relationship):
Grandchildren (describe relationship):
Significant Others (describe relationship):
Relationship skills:

Physical Characteristics:

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Glasses or contact lenses?
Skin color:
Shape of Face:
Distinguishing features:
How does he/she dress?
Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.)
Favorite Sayings:
Speech patterns:
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.):
Greatest flaw:
Best quality:

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Educational Background:
Intelligence Level:
Any Mental Illnesses?
Learning Experiences:
Character's short-term goals in life:
Character's long-term goals in life:
How does Character see himself/herself?
How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others?
How self-confident is the character?
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?
What would most embarrass this character?

Emotional Characteristics

Introvert or Extrovert?
How does the character deal with anger?
With sadness?
With conflict?
With change?
With loss?
What does the character want out of life?
What would the character like to change in his/her life?
What motivates this character?
What frightens this character?
What makes this character happy?
Is the character judgmental of others?
Is the character generous or stingy?
Is the character generally polite or rude?

Spiritual Characteristics

Does the character believe in God?
What are the character's spiritual beliefs?
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life?
If so, what role does it play?

How the Character is Involved in the Story

Character's role in the novel (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? etc.):
Scene where character first appears:
Relationships with other characters:

1. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel).
2. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel).
3. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel).
4. Character's Name: -- (Describe relationship with this character and changes to relationship over the course of the novel).

How character is different at the end of the novel from when the novel began:

Additional Notes on This Character:


Character Template - by Vian De Vod


Pretty obvious. First, middle, last and nicknames go here.

Home Country:
Another obvious one.

Age at the start and end of the novel (at least estimate it)

Colour, length, style, thickness, etc.

Colour, size, usual expression (serious, playful, etc.)

Ethnicity for humans, actual race name for fantasy races.

No specifics here, actually. Try to describe it the way someone would describe the character to a friend (if they had seen them on the street or something).

If you don't know what one is, I suggest you research it. It's useful to know what role your characters play.

Weapon of Choice:
What weapon do they prefer, and why?

Things they enjoy. Feel free to add as much as you want.

Things they absolutely don't enjoy. Ditto the above.

What are they trying to (personally) accomplish throughout the story? What drives and motivates them?

What are their rules for magic? Can they use magic? What are they willing to do with magic? Everything related to magic and character go here. Don't explain the magic system, that should have been covered in last week's template.

Subplot is what happens during the main plot. Does this character save the world while also falling in love? Do they discover the truth about their parents? Do they find out their friend's true identity? All these are subplots. List them here!

Hobbies/Fun Time:
What does your character do for fun? What is it that helps them relax in their free time?

I'm talking real character flaws here people. Having bad hair isn't. Hell, even having no legs isn't a flaw. Flaw does not equate disability. If your character struggles to form meaningful relationships or is a compulsive liar, that is a flaw. Flaws come from within and they usually should see some progress towards being "fixed" by the end of the book.

What motivates them to complete their goals? What drives them? Parents never believed in them? Trying to prove a point? They have a friend's life to save? Why do they do what they do?

Out of Ordinary:
What makes the character stand out? Is it their brash personality? Their skill with a sword? Their inability to walk outside without checking that their appearance is absolutely fabulous? Name one thing (or two if you want) that makes this character really memorable.

What advantage do they have over others? A soldier has the advantage over commoners by having had training and combat experience. A noble has the advantage of money and probably education. What gives your character an edge?

Scared Most By:
Basically, what is their greatest fear/phobia?

Greatest Accomplishment:
What are they most proud of?

Greatest Regret:
What would they consider to be their lowest moment?

What can and can't they do? This is especially useful. Likely a noble stuck in the wilderness won't know how to set up camp and build a fire, but they might be very educated about the are due to reading. Know what your character's abilities are.

What is their backstory? What brought them to this point (where they are introduced in the novel)?

The Ultimate Fantasy Character Template!


Helpful links:
Character Personality Generator -
Personality Generator
Jill's List of Character Archetypes | Jill Williamson
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Adam Wright
Avaline's New Tutor - @Miss Trick
Dark brown
Brown eyes
25 years old
  • Political science graduate, with minor in history
  • Taking up Law at the local university
  • Triathlon athlete
  • Has a bondage fetish
  • Works as a private tutor

Inoue Kimiko
Awakening - @AvidAngel
Long, straight black hair that reaches the small of her back
Dark brown eyes
27 years old
  • Loves to traveler
  • Works as a part-time travel blogger
  • Works as part-time English tutor online

Serena Jacobs
A Breathtaking Case - @Ariade (WIP)
Dark brown (pixie cut)
Blue gray eyes
24 years old
  • Height: 5 ft 6 in
  • Skin Color: Fair / Caucasian
  • Occupation: Police Officer / Detective
  • Significant other: N/A (Proud member of "No boyfriend since birth" club)
  • Relationship status: Single but not looking (or so she thinks xD)
  • Dressing style: Casual/Informal. Prefers male clothing.
  • Personality: Boyish. Honest and straightforward, careless/reckless, optimistic, good-humored, freedom-loving
  • Ideal type of guy: Someone stronger than her. Someone who can see beyond her boyish appearance.

Evelyn Ross
Dreamscape - @DRB
Light brown, with blonde highlights
Emerald green eyes
  • supporting actress for "Hidden Realms" movie
  • hates insects with a vengeance
  • can memorize scripts easily
  • scared of bats and lightning
  • withdraws into a character when under extreme pressure
  • has a thing for tattoos and body piercings; thinks they look "manly"
  • likes giving pet names for people she's friendly with
  • thrives in warm weather; dislikes the cold climate
  • has a small birthmark on her backside that looks like a tattoo

To Bring Chaos - @Shalesta
Reddish brown / auburn
Gray eyes
21 years old
  • Originally from Edgemire Village
  • Accused of being a witch because of her hair
  • Has low self-esteem
  • Has difficulty trusting people
  • Likes: pastries, honey, drawing, spending time alone, walking/traveling, orders/directions/commands, cow's milk
  • Hates: spicy food, the smell of coffee


Symonne was born as the youngest to an impoverished family in Edgemire Village. They weren't the happiest family but she felt like she belonged at least. Until people started pointing at her with a strange look in their eyes. At first she couldn't understand what was going on. She was too young to care about how different she was from the rest of her family. To her, they were family. Nothing else mattered. They loved each other, right?

Unfortunately, her striking appearance proved to be the source of her downfall. She had reddish brown hair and gray eyes. Her family --- parents and siblings --- had either dark brown or black hair. All had brown eyes. She was simply too different! How could this be? Even she was baffled when this was pointed out. Then when the rumors got really bad, her father started accusing her mother of cheating him... and that Symonne was a child from an illicit affair!

Of course, her mother strongly denied this. How could she take another man? Symonne is their child! But Symonne's appearance seemed to contradict her mother's words. Her mother died early with a broken heart. And her father couldn't seem to come to terms with this. He started drinking heavily until whatever meager money they had was lost to his vices. Everything fell apart. Her siblings left home after their father started beating them whenever he got drunk. Then one day, Symonne realized it was just her alone in that rundown shack. The family that she cherished was... gone. And somehow, she felt that it was her fault.

For a long time, she couldn't accept her fate. Surely, it was just a bad dream?

She left her home soon after and tried to mingle with the villagers. She gained friends but after refusing the amorous affections of a nobleman, she was given a bad reputation and was called a "witch" because of her hair. The rumors got worse when some villages up North were attacked and the rumors of runes appearing spread even to their far-off village. Unfortunately for Symonne, the necklace that her mother left behind -- her only memory of her parent -- seemed to contain symbols similar to runes. Her "witch" reputation spread until she was thrown out of the village. She was forced to go to another village -- Portsmead.

Portsmead was where she finally managed to keep a low profile for at least a month. Her neighbors didn't really care that she appeared out of nowhere and that her appearance might entice trouble. They seemed like really good people. Life was comfortable and peaceful. But not for long.

Dangerous Liaisons - @RemnantDeity
Blonde (reaches down to the small of her back but is usually tied in a severe bun)
Ocean blue eyes
  • 2nd daughter of the Duke of Baycrest
  • Kind and generous
  • Gullible
  • Likes helping people

Saved by a Shichibukai - @Death_Surgeon
Dark brown eyes
Cancer (actual birthday=July 3)
One Piece Wikia on Nami



What she calls her crewmates

Sanji is "Sanji-kun". Everyone else is referred to by their first names, sans honorifics. Occasionally calls Usopp "Longnose" when she's pissed off at him.

General speaking style
She tends to be casual but feminine within the crew, more polite (but not really formal) with outsiders that aren't enemies.

What her crewmates call her:
  • Sanji: Nami-san
  • Robin: used to be Kōkaishi-san/Navigator-san/Miss Navigator, but from Thriller Bark on she seems to address her with just plain "Nami" and refer to her as "Nami-chan" (however, examples are few as Robin often seems to avoid calling people by anything at all).
  • Franky: Girlie or Chick ("komusume", which means "girl" or "little girl" and is not a very polite way to speak - Nami gets annoyed by it) This is a recent correction as of July 2012. Originally I wrongly thought that Franky called her "Nee-chan". Correction from this comment further down. Thank you, wednesday_10_00
  • Brook: Nami-san/Miss Nami or Lady Nami
  • Vivi: Nami-san/Miss Nami (but see the remark above re Luffy that Vivi's politeness can be shown in other ways)
  • Everybody Else: Nami
Source: Repost: Strawhats, what they're called and how they talk

Princess Gweneira
Spoils of War
- @SilentVoice & ???
Teal eyes
  • She's engaged to Baron Whitting (arranged) before she was taken by the Warlord.
  • 5 foot 6 inches tall
  • Tries to keep a prim and proper front but actually likes being wanton and free
  • Dreams of living like an ordinary person
  • Likes strong men (thinks that Baron Whitting is a stupid weakling)
  • Finds it hard to curse at anyone --- though she curses them inside her head (lol!)
  • Has the curiosity of a kid
  • Natural clumsiness whenever she's stepping on non-flat surfaces
  • Likes tea
  • Likes having fruits for breakfast
  • Has a hard time expressing her feelings because of her isolation from the rest of society as member of the royal family where norms are strictly followed; feels emotionally inept sometimes
  • Thinks that a lot of nobles are pompous, pretentious fools



Judith Heyworth
The Woman and Her Monster - w/ Militia_killer
Brunette (dark brown)
Emerald green eyes
20 years old

- w/ Starduster
Dark brown eyes
Cancer (actual birthday=July 3)

Kristin Richards
The Good, the Bad and the Famous - w/ Snow Winters
Brunette (dark brown)
Green eyes
Name: Kristin Richards
Stage Name: Erin
Age: 21
Nationality: Canadian (Half-Japanese)
Current Residence: Los Angeles, California
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120 pounds
Occupation: Country Singer / Songwriter / Model
Agency: Glory World Records
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eye color: Green
Skin color: Pale
Distinguishing features: Moles at the back of her neck and inner thigh; thick eyelashes; pinkish pouty lips; gentle aura
Body build: Slim / small frame
Significant Other: None at the moment. Had one when she was in high school but broke up after graduation.
Likes: pasta, pancakes, iced coffee, oranges, stuffed toys, songs, photography/instagram

Kristin has a reserved, introverted personality. Though she isn't shy by nature, she prefers observing situations instead of actively starting scenes. This habit helped her in writing most of her songs which centered on emotions and dreams. She is a very private person who does not easily trust people. However, as soon as she trusts someone, she gives her all and treasures the relationship. She does, however, have a habit of talking to people who seems "alone" and in need of company. Probably because it reminded her of her past when she was often by herself.

When she was still in grade school, people mistook her silence as shyness and aloofness, causing her to be subjected to bullying in her early years. This only made her more reserved as she grew up.

Her talent for singing was discovered by accident on her senior year when a friend begged her to accept a role in a school play that required minor singing parts. Once they heard her voice, they realized that there was more to her and at that moment, she was suddenly given more assignments to sing on stage. During one of her performances, one of the invited guests was a talent scout who immediately recommended her to her current management team. From there, her popularity grew. It's been four years since then.

She currently maintains a clean, angelic image, as discussed with her manager, Lauren Stowe. She is not allowed to have a boyfriend while under contract nor get involved in scandals that can damage her image. This suits her fine. After all, it's closer to her own personality. Besides, after her last breakup, she has no intention of getting involved with anyone else. (Her last boyfriend cheated on her.)

Redemption - w/ Lead_Eagle
Brunette (dark brown)
Dark blue-gray eyes
19 years old
  • Quirks: loves apple pie, scared of lightning

Catherine Emily Hughes
Could there be a happy ending? - w/ Sparrowhawk
Light brown, with blonde highlights
22 years old
  • Stage Name: Emma Hughes
  • Nationality: American
  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Straight
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 120 pounds
  • Occupation: Actress / Model
  • Agency: LME Talent Agency
  • Hair color: Light brown, with blonde highlights. Large curls reach the small of her back. (Sometimes, she colors her hair to either auburn or blonde)
  • Eye color: Brown (sometimes she likes to wear contact lenses -- blue or green)
  • Skin color: Pale
  • Distinguishing features: Noticeable mole on her right breast and left leg; thick eyelashes; pinkish pouty lips (she likes wearing either pink or bright red lipstick)
  • Body build: Slim / petite / well-toned
  • Significant Other: Mark Campbell, a fellow actor. Their relationship took a rough dive after Mark was caught on camera with a blonde bombshell at a secluded Caribbean beach. They are currently giving each other "space" to do their own thing.
  • Personality:
    • The Good: loyal, emotional, sympathetic, persuasive; loving, passionate and sensual but need to know that you only have eyes for her; attached to people she keeps close
    • The Bad: moody, pessimistic, suspicious, manipulative, insecure
  • Quirks, etc:
    • Loves massages and spa treatments and has them booked twice a month.
    • Pampers self whenever she's feeling sad/stressed
    • Hates strong perfumes
    • Goes to a yoga class when she's not working
    • Bought herself a VW Beetle - Convertible after her first box-office hit movie
    • Method actress
    • Won the Best Supporting Actress Award at the Emmy's for her role in the daytime TV series, "War Heroes"
    • Loves apple pies with vanilla ice-cream
    • Join acting because of her dream
    • Only had two boyfriends before: one in college and another -- her fellow actor, Mark Campbell, who cheated on her
    • Models for "Vita," an Italian designer bag and "Felixo," a makeup brand.
    • Featured in Maxima Magazine's January cover


Haruno Sakura
The Mission - w/ Gaara
Pink hair
Green eyes
18 years old


Demons Among Us - w/ Xelian
Short black hair (human) / Long black hair (demon)
Brown eyes (human) / Red eyes (demon)
1,305 years old (but looks like someone in his mid-twenties as a human)
  • Demon form: 7-foot muscular frame with horns, dark wings and tail
  • Human form: 6-foot medium muscular frame
  • The successor of Asmodeus as the 4th Prince of Hell

His powers were bestowed upon him the moment he was considered the next Demon of Lust.
  • Immortality
  • Possession - takes possession of human bodies to act on earth.
  • Pheromone Generation - has the ability to generate scent-based pheromones from his body, which allows him to control the women around him. The pheromones may even cause the women to become disoriented, extremely sick, libidinous, or violent.
  • Telekinesis - He can move objects with his mind.
  • Super Strength - possesses incredible strength; he can lift and throw vehicles, including trucks and buses, with ease.
  • Super Speed - He can move with incredible celerity; faster than a speeding bullet and the human eye.
  • Super Agility - quicker and more graceful in movement than humans. He can jump higher and further than any human that ever lived and perform impressive parkour feats
  • Super Stamina - As a prolific love maker, his vessels are endowed with inexhaustible energy
  • Telepathy - uses telepathy and empathy to assist in his sexual conquests
  • Invulnerability
  • Teleportation

Princess Gweneira
Ethuliem, A World of Madness - w/ Asmodeus
Teal eyes
  • She's engaged to Baron Whitting (arranged) before she ran away with her maid Elspeth.
  • 5 foot 6 inches tall
  • Tries to keep a prim and proper front but actually likes being wanton and free
  • Dreams of living like an ordinary person
  • Likes strong men (thinks that Baron Whitting is a stupid weakling)
  • Finds it hard to curse at anyone --- though she curses them inside her head (lol!)
  • Has the curiosity of a kid
  • Natural clumsiness whenever she's stepping on non-flat surfaces
  • Likes tea
  • Likes having fruits for breakfast
  • Has a hard time expressing her feelings because of her isolation from the rest of society as member of the royal family where norms are strictly followed; feels emotionally inept sometimes
  • Thinks that a lot of nobles are pompous, pretentious fools

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Alexia Tarren

Thicker Than Thieves - @Tancong
Light brown, curly hair
Blue eyes
23 years old
SPECIES: Female Human
  • WORK: Pickpocket
  • PERSONALITY: Independent, passive most times, cheerful about life in general, cynical, naive
  • BIRTHPLACE: Palaccus (town), Thryllis (continent/kingdom)
  • CURRENT LOCATION: Currently traveling to Baycrest
  • APPEARANCE: Light brown curly hair that barely touches her nape. Slim body with B-cup breasts that are often covered by bandages. Likes to dress as a boy to protect herself from the slave trade.
  • BACKGROUND: She lived in an orphanage all her life in Palaccus until they told her that she was old enough to go outside. She learned to fend for herself, realizing early in life that if she wanted to stay untouched by the heathens running the brothels, she will need to pretend to be a boy. She lives on pick pocketing and thievery.
  • LIKES: Strong men who do not need to turn on women to support their masculinity
  • HATES: Wimps, Broggart and Horace, her life in Palaccus

Fujiwara Tetsuya
War Always Changes - @IntheTickofTime
Black hair
Brown eyes
25 years old
Anime style

Fantasy style
  • SPECIES: Male Human
  • WORK: Heir to the Fujiwara clan; secret weapons trader
  • CURRENT LOCATION: A villa near the outskirts of Kyoto

Jenny Clarkson
Misconception - @Baxter Peters
Hazel brown eyes
22 years old
  • Passionate about modeling and clothes and makeup
  • Loves without restraints
  • Misses her family
  • Dreams of becoming a top model; wants her family to be proud of her
  • Quirks: collects Starbucks mugs, scared of mice and cockroaches, will not wear a shirt with a hole even if it's her last piece of clothing in her closet.
  • Likes: animals (dogs, cats), color red, quesadillas, fruit spritzers, body-fitting clothes, good pair of high heels
  • Hates: instant coffee, purple lipstick, black nail polish, glitters on her clothes (but will put up with it for work), granny panties, the smell of hospitals, needles, wimps


Zoe Meyer
Coffee? - w/ Notme
Blue-green eyes
20 years old

Helena Alexin
Keri - w/ Notme
Brunette (light brown, with blonde highlights)
Hazel brown eyes
21 years old

Yamagata Miyuki
Carnal Muse
- w/ Noblesse Oblige
Brown, with blond highlights
Dark brown eyes
20 years old
Basic Statistics
  • Age: 20
  • Nationality: Japanese
  • Hometown: Fukushima
  • Current Residence: Tokyo
  • Occupation: Currently job hunting. Previously a gravure idol
  • Talents/Skills: Modeling, massage
  • Bad At: Cooking
  • Birth order: Youngest daughter (4th child)
  • Significant Others (describe relationship): None at the moment
  • Relationship skills: In and out of relationships. Last boyfriend cheated on her.

Physical Characteristics

  • Height: 5' 5"
  • Weight: 120 lbs
  • Eye Color: Dark brown
  • Hair Color: Brown, with blond highlights
  • Skin color: Pale
  • Shape of Face: Heart-shaped
  • Distinguishing features: Mole near her belly button; thick eyelashes, pouty lips
  • How does he/she dress? Skimpy clothing. Usually in shorts/mini skirts and loose blouses.
  • Mannerisms: Tears up while laughing; places her hands akimbo at random times
  • Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) Drinks herself to sleep sometimes. Does not smoke.
  • Health: Good health. No potential problems.
  • Hobbies: Karaoke-singing, feeding the cat, watering her plants.
  • Favorite Sayings: "Keep living instead of sulking." (Unknown)
  • Speech patterns: Uses "ne" a lot in her speech.
  • Disabilities: None.
  • Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Elegant and classy
  • Greatest flaw: Naïve, too trusting, airhead, daydreamer
  • Best quality: Positive thinker; very cheerful

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Mecatl of the Malhatu Tribe
Long black hair tied in braids that reaches her waist
Gray eyes
20 years old



Long dark hair tied in braids that reaches her waist. Like most of the Malhatu tribe, she wears a plain woven fabric on herself that's just enough to cover her private parts. To cover her chest area, she wears a halter top that's cropped just above her navel. And for her lower body, she wears a short skirt that's unevenly cut and has slits on both sides. She wears bangles and earrings made from a combination of shells, fabric and feathers. Her shapely legs are adorned by straps made of animal skin and a thicker material for the soles. She wears tattoo marks on her left arm bearing the sun symbols of the Aristocratic class. She has gray irises.

She is good in using the spear and average with arrows. She is an excellent swimmer and can hold her breath for longer time than most. She can do combat with some men but lacks the built to do offensive stances.

Mecatl is the daughter of the Malhatu tribe village chief. She loves the village and will do anything to protect it. Because she is not born male, she is destined for an arranged marriage with another tribe to keep the peace within the land. She has already resigned to her fate and refuses to do anything to destroy their peace. She, however, dreams of being free, out in the world, where she can do anything with her life.

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