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You can call me Lena, or Lady, I really have a long name. I started Roleplaying in Tumblr, around 2012 and transitioned to roleplay forums/site around 2014.

I love books, music, chess and archery, and everything that makes my imagination run.

Writing is my ultimate passion, and roleplay helps me to not lose my creativity. Haven, as some would call it.


I can only reply 1 to 2 times a day however, since I am in my last year in college, it's taxing. But my inbox is always for any request! :)

Hope to know more about this place and it's members, and soon find the right partner :)


p.s. However, I have one weakness, I can only play female characters. I tried playing male but alas, I just can't make my mind turn to a man for a sake of a reply.
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ROMANCE/DRAMA AND ASSASSIN AND HISTORICAL. HELL YEAH. I have an assassin character somewhere in my bank, so I'll have to find her and we can freak out together. (I created her when I was still big into Assassin's Creed, but I think she can be used for any time).

So hi, fellow newcomer!
Thanks for stopping by! It looks like we only really like playing female characters, sadly :( We are just too similar ;_;
Welcome --again-- to the Sanctum. We're happy to have you on board. If you have a questions or concerns feel free to ask away.
@NoraVonSanctum so it seems, I can play female and partner up with female, but nothing romantic. I tend to be into the character's story and if I don't feel it, it comes out bland.

@Vaughn Doom thank you again! If I ever do have any inquiry, I shall ask
*places a lemon tart on the table* That one you can have without consequence ^-^ Welcome again! We're glad to have you!
Lemon tart! You are a sweet person, thank you! This place is definitely great! ^-^
Sounds like my situation, as to how many replies you can get in. I'll be going back to college soon myself so, It'll be pretty busy. None the less I'd be interested in RPing with you later on when I don't have so many. Trying to keep my list to a minimum of 3 or 4 ^^'
@Endac Korinth College is like a leech for writers, so yay! Someone understands. I'm curious as to how and what kind of an RPier are, I can't wait.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I'm new as well!

Hope your final year of college gets easier for you! Everyone needs more time to write! haha.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum! I'm new as well!

Hope your final year of college gets easier for you! Everyone needs more time to write! haha.
Don't I know it!, I miss my high school days where I just write my days away. -le sighs. And thank you for the warm welcome ^-^
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