Hey there! Figured I'd post some starters and pairings I'm interested in. If one sounds interesting or exciting to you, PM me!
Well enough talking- let's RP!
Greek Demigoddess/Demigod x Norse Goddess/God
Greek Demigoddess/Demigod x Egyptian Goddess/God
Norse Demigoddess/Demigod x Greek Goddess/God
Norse Demigoddess/Demigod x Egyptian Goddess/God
Egyptian Demigoddess/Demigod x Greek Goddess/God
Egyptian Demigoddess/Demigod x Norse Goddess/God
Assassin x Apprentice
Assassin x Assassin
Princess x Assassin
Soldier x Researcher
Researcher x Rebel
Ship captain x medic
Princess x Knight/Rogue
Mafia Boss x Civilian
Assassin x Target
Prince/Princess x Spy of another country
Good girl x Bad boy/girl
Princess x Prisoner
Researcher x Test Subject
Royalty x non-royalty
Bad-girl x Preacher/Preacher's son
Hero x Villain
Native x Settler
Known mythical deity x human
Soldier x Native
Gang leader x Rival gang leader
Tough guy x shy girl
Greek Demigoddess/Demigod x Egyptian Goddess/God
Norse Demigoddess/Demigod x Greek Goddess/God
Norse Demigoddess/Demigod x Egyptian Goddess/God
Egyptian Demigoddess/Demigod x Greek Goddess/God
Egyptian Demigoddess/Demigod x Norse Goddess/God
Assassin x Apprentice
Assassin x Assassin
Princess x Assassin
Soldier x Researcher
Researcher x Rebel
Ship captain x medic
Princess x Knight/Rogue
Mafia Boss x Civilian
Assassin x Target
Prince/Princess x Spy of another country
Good girl x Bad boy/girl
Princess x Prisoner
Researcher x Test Subject
Royalty x non-royalty
Bad-girl x Preacher/Preacher's son
Hero x Villain
Native x Settler
Known mythical deity x human
Soldier x Native
Gang leader x Rival gang leader
Tough guy x shy girl
1) Western-
Adelpha pulled herself up onto her horse, Naera. She twirled the reins around her hands and stared up at the sun cascading behind the dark mountains, leaving darkness in its path. The plains were empty except for a few loose cattle, grazing the barren fields. Adelpha sighed and pulled Naera to the side, beginning their trek back home to their family farm. Now that she was 19, they were bound to kick her out eventually. She wished not to leave her little siblings in the same house as her father. But what more could she do to prevent it? Her father had been the town drunk for about as long as she could remember. And now that her mother was on death's door, she didn't imagine her siblings would even make it to the young age of 16.
Adelpha pushed away from the thought and continued on her way home. The air was almost silent except for the gentle clop of Naera's hooves against the dirt, and the distant chirp of crickets in the wind. Cold air blew down her back, she shivered and tightened her grip on her horse's reins. The night was approaching swiftly, and she knew for certain she shouldn't be out this late. She let out a steady breath and focused on the trail home.
2) Gangs-
The school never seemed to change. It was always bleak and melancholy. Students had their cliques and friends, and the loners had their few friends. There were a few gangs around town and in which the school was constantly involved in. One of the more prominent gangs was Y/C's. They controlled the streets and the hallways. Even the teachers feared them, never knowing what they were going to do next. They rarely attended school and spent their nights partying and wreaking havoc amongst the town. Everyone knew them. Leading the principals to decide to send the groups to one of England's most prestigious boarding schools. It was a fight, but eventually, they were shipped off. The school was full of the worst of the worst, with the teachers being somewhat heartless. It never seemed to improve. But one day, something strange happened. A new student had been introduced. Madeline Adverchi. Needless to say, she was out of place, not joining in the reckless and rebellious manners in which the others composed themselves. Madeline was closed off and didn't interact with others, despite others teases and advances. After all, she wasn't foul looking.
Madeline was walking down the hallway right as the classes had ended. She was in pursuit of her dorm. Her eyes remained on the floor as she gripped her books. She let out a sigh, glancing up for only a moment to realize she was getting cornered…
3) The Cursed King and his Bride
A mysterious stranger rescued a princess from drowning as a child. Her father, the King, offers the young man anything in his kingdom as a reward and the man shocks them all by choosing the very Princess herself. The King, unwilling or unable to go back on his word, agrees to the arranged marriage. Years and years later, the Princess grows up and the mysterious stranger returns on her eighteenth birthday for her. Much to everyone's surprise and horror, the young man has not aged a day since last they saw him, and when he takes the Princess home with him as his bride she realizes there is a lot more to him than meets the eye.
4) The Yankee Soldier and the Woman-in-Disguise: American Civil War
He was used to training soldiers by now, he was good at it. He could lead men wherever he pleased, and he knew it. But there was something different about his latest recruit: a pretty-faced boy with no upper-body strength or training with a rifle. Suspicious, the soldier gets closer to the boy, only to develop strange feelings of attraction toward 'him'. Confused and bewildered, the soldier decides to keep the boy in his unit and watches him like a hawk. The boy is a woman in disguise, trying to lie low, and cannot help but feel attracted -and cautious- of her superior officer.
4) The Governor's daughter and the Pirates: 1700s
Heading across the Atlantic to join her father, the Governor, in the Caribbean (or wherever I don't care), the young woman's ship is attacked by pirates and plundered for all its worthy goods - including her. The Pirate Captain takes her on board as a valuable bargaining piece he can use the next time he encounters the British Navy. As she stays on board, she becomes more and more ingratiated with the crew - especially the Pirate Captain, to the point where she no longer knows if she even wants to return home.
5) The Captain and the Rebel
In a world ruled by a tyrannical Empire, the Captain is one of a handful of people living on the fringes of society doing less than legal things to survive. The Captain is a pirate, robbing Empire outposts and freighters and selling the goods to the highest bidders on the black market. The Rebel is wanted for actions against the Empire and in desperate need to disappear. One day, the Rebel stows away on the Captain's ship and the Captain discovers them. For whatever reason, the Captain decides to spare the Rebel's life and keep them aboard (as kicking the rebel of the ship is as good as handing them back to the Empire). The Rebel then tries to convince the Captain to join the movement against the Empire in the coming revolution, a revolution they helped start.
Adelpha pulled herself up onto her horse, Naera. She twirled the reins around her hands and stared up at the sun cascading behind the dark mountains, leaving darkness in its path. The plains were empty except for a few loose cattle, grazing the barren fields. Adelpha sighed and pulled Naera to the side, beginning their trek back home to their family farm. Now that she was 19, they were bound to kick her out eventually. She wished not to leave her little siblings in the same house as her father. But what more could she do to prevent it? Her father had been the town drunk for about as long as she could remember. And now that her mother was on death's door, she didn't imagine her siblings would even make it to the young age of 16.
Adelpha pushed away from the thought and continued on her way home. The air was almost silent except for the gentle clop of Naera's hooves against the dirt, and the distant chirp of crickets in the wind. Cold air blew down her back, she shivered and tightened her grip on her horse's reins. The night was approaching swiftly, and she knew for certain she shouldn't be out this late. She let out a steady breath and focused on the trail home.
2) Gangs-
The school never seemed to change. It was always bleak and melancholy. Students had their cliques and friends, and the loners had their few friends. There were a few gangs around town and in which the school was constantly involved in. One of the more prominent gangs was Y/C's. They controlled the streets and the hallways. Even the teachers feared them, never knowing what they were going to do next. They rarely attended school and spent their nights partying and wreaking havoc amongst the town. Everyone knew them. Leading the principals to decide to send the groups to one of England's most prestigious boarding schools. It was a fight, but eventually, they were shipped off. The school was full of the worst of the worst, with the teachers being somewhat heartless. It never seemed to improve. But one day, something strange happened. A new student had been introduced. Madeline Adverchi. Needless to say, she was out of place, not joining in the reckless and rebellious manners in which the others composed themselves. Madeline was closed off and didn't interact with others, despite others teases and advances. After all, she wasn't foul looking.
Madeline was walking down the hallway right as the classes had ended. She was in pursuit of her dorm. Her eyes remained on the floor as she gripped her books. She let out a sigh, glancing up for only a moment to realize she was getting cornered…
3) The Cursed King and his Bride
A mysterious stranger rescued a princess from drowning as a child. Her father, the King, offers the young man anything in his kingdom as a reward and the man shocks them all by choosing the very Princess herself. The King, unwilling or unable to go back on his word, agrees to the arranged marriage. Years and years later, the Princess grows up and the mysterious stranger returns on her eighteenth birthday for her. Much to everyone's surprise and horror, the young man has not aged a day since last they saw him, and when he takes the Princess home with him as his bride she realizes there is a lot more to him than meets the eye.
4) The Yankee Soldier and the Woman-in-Disguise: American Civil War
He was used to training soldiers by now, he was good at it. He could lead men wherever he pleased, and he knew it. But there was something different about his latest recruit: a pretty-faced boy with no upper-body strength or training with a rifle. Suspicious, the soldier gets closer to the boy, only to develop strange feelings of attraction toward 'him'. Confused and bewildered, the soldier decides to keep the boy in his unit and watches him like a hawk. The boy is a woman in disguise, trying to lie low, and cannot help but feel attracted -and cautious- of her superior officer.
4) The Governor's daughter and the Pirates: 1700s
Heading across the Atlantic to join her father, the Governor, in the Caribbean (or wherever I don't care), the young woman's ship is attacked by pirates and plundered for all its worthy goods - including her. The Pirate Captain takes her on board as a valuable bargaining piece he can use the next time he encounters the British Navy. As she stays on board, she becomes more and more ingratiated with the crew - especially the Pirate Captain, to the point where she no longer knows if she even wants to return home.
5) The Captain and the Rebel
In a world ruled by a tyrannical Empire, the Captain is one of a handful of people living on the fringes of society doing less than legal things to survive. The Captain is a pirate, robbing Empire outposts and freighters and selling the goods to the highest bidders on the black market. The Rebel is wanted for actions against the Empire and in desperate need to disappear. One day, the Rebel stows away on the Captain's ship and the Captain discovers them. For whatever reason, the Captain decides to spare the Rebel's life and keep them aboard (as kicking the rebel of the ship is as good as handing them back to the Empire). The Rebel then tries to convince the Captain to join the movement against the Empire in the coming revolution, a revolution they helped start.
Well enough talking- let's RP!