Challenge Submission Some Words for Some Shinies

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Challenge Submission Some Words for Some Shinies

Lore N. Fables

Inner Sanctum Nobility
Inner Sanctum Nobility Corrupting Influence Challenge Champion Confirmed Responsible Adult 10000 Likes!
Local time
Today 8:25 AM
Here are just some words,
Words are fun.
Words can make sentences,
And entertain everyone.

Words can be peaceful,
Words can hurt,
Words can be useful,
Unless they're in the dirt.

Words are just letters,
Scrambled to make sense,
Here are just some words,
That are just happenstance.


The Phone Call


I remember that Valentine's Day so clearly in my head,
I came back after years to see you lying in bed
So weak, so fragile, I was afraid to wake you,
But you doggo, Ewok noticed, and her barks ensued.

You said that I would get a message from you before you go,
Instead, you called me to let me know it was time to cross that Rainbow Road
I cried that day because you sounded so sure
But your voice was strong and sounded as though you'd endure

"Calm yourself, Love," you said, "I get to go where no one else knows"
I will be free of this pain, be with your father, and away from this snow"

Ever the funny one, that woman was
But she knew it was time and was thankful because
She could haunt those in life and keep tabs on her kids,
Watching over them quietly and playing pranks as she always did

I dreamt of her the other night and begged her to stay,
"Calm yourself l, Love; it was meant to be this way,"
She said it so plainly and with a warm smile,
"I will always be with you and see you after a while."

"Keep dreaming, sweet child of mine,
Keep writing, and everything will be fine.
Do what you dream, you only have one life,
It goes by too swiftly, so keep that in mind."

The alarm clock sounded, and she vanished so quickly,
But the smell of her perfume hung in the room so very thickly,
I didn't feel sad as I rose from my slumber,
I felt lighter than before and not so encombered.

Her scent lingered throughout the day,
And I still remember the words she said.

Keep dreaming, keep trying, and believe in yourself.

I almost didn't post this because of how close to my heart and how the
wound of the loss is still a bit raw. But the phone call truly happened,
as did the dream. My mother was a lot of things,
but she believed in me when no one else had.
So, this is a tribute to her.
Her goodness and the belief she had in me,
despite how things were when I had grown up.
My mother was my biggest
fan, and that is something I can't dismiss...
Thank you for taking the time to read...​

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