Something About Me

Currently reading:
Something About Me


Roar of Time
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When it comes to roleplaying, I very much enjoy the kind of "in the thick of it" feeling. I love drama, action, intensity, suspense. I love the build up! With that being said, let me give you some guidelines.


Writing Expectations:
I try my very best to be a detailed writer to give a lot of material for my partner to work with. I will typically write lengthy paragraphs for my posts as long as my partner is giving me enough to go off of in return. I truly enjoy in-depth writing and complexity. I want to be able to visualize what is happening, I want to feel the story. I can do solely smut stories but they don't scratch the same part of my brain that a good story does. I also write in the third person and prefer a partner that will do the same!

As for Kinks/Sexual content, I am pretty open. Some hard limits that I do not want in a roleplay are as follows: Vore and watersports.
A few things that I genuinely enjoy are: BDSM, hair pulling, choking, intense love-making, and foreplay. I won't write an entire novel of kinks that are enjoyed, haha.

Character Combinations:
Mafia/Gang Member x Innocent Woman (Craving)
Rich x Poor
Vampire x Human
Vampire x Werewolf
Elemental x Opposite Elemental
Jedi x Sith (Planning Needed)
Avatar x Avatar
Husband x Wife x Mistress
Husband x Wife x Master (Craving)
Soldier x Captive (Craving)
Royalty x Peasant
Shapeshifter x Human

I am also open to other ideas! I'm not big on fandoms because I am a bit forgetful and trying to keep up with correct lore and what not gives me anxiety buuuut I am flexible! If you have further in depth questions that are not covered here, please feel free to let me know. ❤️
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A cool breeze blew through the trees, the green leaves of the fading summer dancing off of it as if they were at a gleeful wedding with a DJ. A drizzle was just beginning.




Ember peered up from where she sat on a rather large rock, or perhaps some would describe it as a plateaued boulder. She watched as the water droplets from the clouds above fell onto the leaves, trickling and making their way lower until they met the ground beneath her. Reaching her hand upward to catch a few of the chilly sprinkles, a small smile forming on her lips. August had always been one of her favorite times of year. Still warm but stormy and the very early stages of nature adjusting to a new season...

But it also brought on the first year anniversary of being separated from her family. Her mother, father, and two brother were all out there without her. She assumed they were alive but she would probably never know.

The poachers.

Ember remembered that night vividly... Relived it in almost every dream she had had since then. Their pack was preparing to leave, they knew that they had been discovered and they knew that they needed to evacuate the area as soon as possible. She could still see her mother's nervous wreck of a face in her mind, tears forming on her lower eyelids as she stuffed clothing into bags. Her father barking out orders to her brothers as they whirled around the small cabin, gathering up precious familial belongings.

Then the shots happened.

Bang, bang, bang!

One of the windows in the living area shattered, spraying glass across the floor as panic filled the rooms. Her mother frozen in the hallway, a shirt in hand that she was loading into a duffel bag. Her father cocking a shotgun with a gutteral growl rumbling from his throat, seeming to debate whether to morph into his other state. Her brothers both morphing immediately into their gorgeous second form: snow leopards.

Ember was just as frozen as her mother. The rest of her family had experienced this before but for the last two decades, Ember had been protected. The poachers had seemed to be off their trail for so long, enough for her to be twnety-two and never have imagined that they would be found. But it all happened so quickly, a swarm of ten humans flooding through both the front and the back door of the cabin. Her father and brothers rapidly jumping into action to defend their family while her father screamed at her and her mother to run. It was muffled, her head seeming to be under water with how difficult it was to recognize the words coming from her father's mouth.

"Ember! Reina! Get out of here!!" Her father commanded.

She felt hands grip her arms, her mother ushering her to the broken window of the living room and hastily shoving Ember out with a loud thud as her body fell onto the dirt. Scrambling to get her feet beneath her and get up just in time to see one of the poachers grabbing her mother by the hair and yabking her backwards, one of her brothers pinned to the floor of the kitchen in the background. With tears welling in her eyes, she stumbled backwards a few steps then turned to run. Panting as she tried not to break down, her chest heaving out breaths...

Ember took a deep breath, coming out of the awful day dream, returning to the present. The rain fell a bit harder now, dripping off of her eyelashes as her gaze fell to the floor of the wooded area.


Her head swung around to the right, staring into the trees. She knew that was nowhere near the sound of lightning, it was a meer stick... That someone stepped on without realizing that it was there. She felt the hair on the back of her neck standing on end as she slowly eased down from the boulder and felt her boots squish slightly into the muddy grass below.
A king makes his son choose 3 peasants to become new servants for the kingdom. At first, the son hardly even pays the peasants any mind but begins to take an interest in (MC). He begins to put her in positions that requires her to be close to him. Working for him, around him. All the while, the kingdom is at stake because the king's son is supposed to be in an arranged marriage for another kingdom. If this marriage were to fall through, a war could break out.

As an exotic dancer, she had always refused to play a part in the behind the scenes play like drugs and pimps. She and one of her regulars begin to get closer as he starts to come more often. Although they get closer, she has no idea who she's dealing with but seems to crave learning more about him. He slowly begins to let her into his world but this poses a massive threat to him. Leverage for the people who hate him.
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