Scarlet Thread
I will help you escape if you return the favor.
Happy Birthday!!
2500 Posts!
Welcome to the Sanctum
I rarely crave just straight up smut, but I am right now. This doesn't mean I don't care about the story. There needs to be one, and it has to hold my attention. I'm just craving a dive-right-in kind of sensual RP. More like 70/30 ratio though rather than my usual which is roughly opposite that. I like dark, psychological elements. I like unusual or extreme (but not disgusting or rule breaking) kinks. I like fantasy and supernatural, too. What I'm really craving is for my character to be unexpectedly dominated, and end up enjoying it. To become a willing victim, per se, with romance blooming where it shouldn't. I have very few limits and am alright with extreme bondage and even gore and death if it fits the story.
Shoot me a PM if you have an idea. Or if you don't and just want to brainstorm.
Shoot me a PM if you have an idea. Or if you don't and just want to brainstorm.