MxF Soviet's Ideas and Adventures

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MxF Soviet's Ideas and Adventures

Soviet Biscut

The Wanderer
Local time
Today 6:43 AM
Somewhere in the Midwest.
Suppose if I am to make a request, best to do it now and do it straight forward. This is a bit work in progress, more will appear as time goes. I just hope I do it right....

I write in Paragraphs, varying between multiple to one or two. I hope to have a partner that can do the same. I do not do well with one liners however, as I find them immersion breaking when I provide what I can into a starter or reply.

Smut or Story, it does matter to me. There must be some kind of story, a reason to it all. Even if 80% of the roleplay is smut, I want there to be a reason why. Such as corrupting a character through erotic scenes. Smut just for smut is boring.

My limits:
Violence during smut such as abuse. Cuckolding. Male receiving anal play. Watersports. Excrement. Gore during smut. Killing my character without briefing me first. Blood during smut scenes.

Good news! I do love OOC chat and would be excited to discuss things and simply chat over OOC for all sorts of different things. Sometimes you want to express how much you enjoy the roleplay to your Roleplay Partner, sometimes you want to make sure they are doing okay, and maybe even become friends. Sometimes roleplays don't work out, but sometimes friendships can!

I do not tolerate text speech during roleplay or OOC chat. I do NOT tolerate abrasiveness or rudeness. And for the love of (Insert pantheon name here), please don't leave me on hold for long periods of time. If I am all excited for a roleplay and you don't enjoy it or are going somewhere, at least have some way for me to know so I don't feel left on the back burner. I am extremely understanding, sometimes things come up.

Last thing, I can role play as males or females, but will only roleplay smut if one character is male and the other female.


W.I.P. Not All ideas Placed down yet.

I am NOT one sided during Ideas, I enjoy sorting things out. I am also VERY accepting of ideas other people's ideas. I am always happy to Negotiate and trade Ideas back and forth. Adjust, adapt, change, and Modify with me, until we make the world and roleplay a wonderful and memorable time.

So, Ideas. Not everything is explained yet, and it may be a while until they are. But for now I will write down the ideas I have.

If you enjoy an idea, don't hesitate to strike up a conversation!

^:Can lean either towards Smut or Story depending on preference.
#: Leans towards smut, but some story would be nice
': Leans towards story.

DISCLAIMER: This Idea is part of a fictional world I made. Politics, Religions, and such are different here than from real life. This is also a 'What If' scenario to the world I made.

^Taming the Human Dreadnought: The Idea for this is that I have an Emperor character I have. Set in the Modern Era of a HighFantasy World, an aging Empire is on its way down. Buckling from generations of corruption and decadence, The New Emperor must do anything he can to save it. Such a task, however, isn't easy on the mind.

The Imperial Court plots his death, the Senate works against him, the other Noble Families work in the shadows, even the Religious Authorities work to undermine his every growing power. As each day clamps harder on him in his fight to save the nation he rules over, he clamps back even harsher. This Situation cannot sustain itself. Something will break.

Every hour that goes by frost covers his heart, sanity slips slowly his mind, and his hope dwindles. Can your character be the one that helps restore and heal him through love and compassion. Or perhaps your character wants this Emperor to succumb to his darkest desires, making him shudder and shake at her very touch.
(Almost all types of Females are accepted for this roleplay. Goddesses, Dark Goddesses, Humans, Orcs, elves, and far more are welcome. Want to give that new character of yours a try? Send a message.)
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Are you still looking? I really like that idea you have.
I would absolutely love to take a shot at this plot with you if it's still open! Please let me know if you're still looking!
Let me know when you get more ideas up. Not too interested in the current one but I'm interested in how you roleplay
I am interested , shoot me a pm when your available please
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