Character(s) Spartan 054 (And the rest!)

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Character(s) Spartan 054 (And the rest!)


Goddess of Hopes and Dreams
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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Spartan 054 also known as Spartan Rose. Being a young girl she was taken into the spartan program. She was very wild and vicious and often was severely punished by ONI and the UNSC at very young ages. Once she was punished for trying to escape, another for trying to harm people. As she aged she mellowed out, but she still had her fight in her. She wears MJOLNIR Mk VI. It is white and red and has a rose scratched into the visor. Without her armor she has short red hair, green eyes, and stands at about 5 foot 9. Her body is covered in tattoos mostly consisting of half naked girls or fully naked girls, tribal, and her spartan code: 054. She has undergone many suicide missions but still came back. She is very dangerous. Some say she is on par with 117 or noble 6. She has many kills to her name.

Selene - A very likeable woman who loves who she is and loves the way she looks. She has much art on her body and many piercings. She loves to gather in social places and loves to hang out with friends. (Modeled after Ryan Ashley Malarkey)

Krystal - A rather well kept lady. She frequents the gym often so she can maintain her strength and her body. She enjoys painting and drawing. (Modeled after Kate Mara)

Jenna - A young woman who plays guitar and jams out to Metallica! 18 years old and fresh out of high school, naive at times but very thoughtful. She has a pet dog named Granite who is a good pupper that is of malamute descent.

John - A man who is retired from the Navy Seals after 20 years. He lives in a one bedroom apartment with his German Shepard, Charles, who loves him very deeply. He hits the gym everyday and works part time at a local gas station. He is 37 years old. (Modeled after John MacTavish)

Being born in the capital wasteland was a hard first chance at life. Kalyn lost her parents when she was 15. She was then taken by the very raiders that killed her family. They took her because she was very beautiful. Her pale skin, slim figure, and green and blue eyes were very rare. She was used and abused by them in many ways without her giving consent to them. She would be forced to do many sexual things for them and be forced to lure unsuspecting people so that they could kill them. She would also do many drugs to try and cope with her situation. By the time she was 19 a savior came by known as the lone wanderer. He killed the raiders and set her free. She would spend a very short amount of time with him, learning the wastes and survival, fighting, and many other things. She parted ways with the line wanderer after he went into space. Kalyn would then get art done to her body so that she could try and forget what had been done to her. She then traveled not very far to meet with the brother hood of steel. She would then serve with them for four years. She was very proficient and made paladin within the first year she was there. She then oversaw many missions and training of new recruits. She would then leave them and travel to the commonwealth. She didn't know what she would find there but there were many tales of a secret organization that was full of scientists. There she could hopefully gain peace with her childhood trauma.
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