Spiderpool Deadman Here!

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Spiderpool Deadman Here!

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Today 7:41 PM
Hi everyone! So my name is a mix of Spiderman and Deadpool as I love both of them and I love their comics together even more! So I used to roleplay in high school so It's been a while but I've started another roleplay already here and I feel like I've already gotten into the groove again.

So I came back into writing because I've really been wanting to create some ideas for graphic novels, I'm an artist that has been wanting to tell stories through writing and drawing! I have a few ideas, very very underdeveloped as they are based off of vivid dreams I've had. Anyone else have those?

So some more about myself, I'm a student and I work so I won't have a ton of time for here but weekends I am pretty open when I'm not playing D&D. I really enjoy reading and probably do it more than I should, I also love doing yoga and I like to meditate. Other things I like include horror movies, music: Arctic Monkeys, Metallica, Halsey, I'm a dog and a cat lover but I own a dog so I'm biased towards dogs. I love my coffee super sweet and if that offends you sorry not sorry (a lot of people are flabbergasted about sweet coffee for some reason), carbs are my life, and I'm sure you can all tell by my name that I am a Marvel fan but I am also a DC fan.

As for roleplaying, I'm pretty open with what kind of roleplays I want to do, probably won't be doing things too kinky or smutty as I prefer plot over that. But I've gone through forums on here and I have to say that there are a lot of awesome ideas out there and you guys are pretty awesome!

I hope to see a lot of you guys out there on the forums and maybe when I've developed my ideas a bit more I'll start my own! See ya guys later and happy writing!

Mr. Spiderpool Deadman (I'm a girl but I like the way that sounds) :p
hi there! can't wait to see you around! I totally get that feeling of needing to write dreams into stories. Also, when I first saw your name I had to do a triple take to make sure I was reading it right X'D You tricked me good
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