Sprawling Plot Based RPs

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Sprawling Plot Based RPs


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Today 6:50 PM
Hello there, posting this mess of RP ideas here as well to cover more ground and see if perhaps more people will see it here!

First off, I am a male but I do not mind playing a lead female role. I can play many characters at once in RPs, even completely different characters that are as deep as a main character. Playing side characters is also no problem for me. I do not ask that my partner be able to do the same but if you can then great.

Secondly, I only do hetero pairs in terms of romance in the RPs.

Thirdly, I tend to be very descriptive with imagery and characters at all times. So if long detailed scenery or gore bothers you then let me know in advance. I can only really get into the RP if my partner can also supply at least 1-3 paragraph replies that are decently spellchecked and the grammar isn't terrible. I really just have to be able to read and understand your reply plus get some kind of spark of inspiration to continue from it

Lastly I don't usually do characters or themes that are grounded in reality just because I prefer anime art styles and fantasy settings to get away from the boring monotony of the real world. If I do participate or have an idea for a modern day setting then it is usually with a very interesting twist such as supernatural phenomena or sci-fi

Now onto the plots I have in my head right now. I will add more as I get more time to write them out so please don't think these are the only plots I have!

The Withered Rose:
So it's a slice of life setting with a supernatural horror murder mystery twist, however it takes place in an alternate universe where culture and technology maintained an older feel yet still advanced to modern times. As in there is still a class system where noble lineage rules the lower classes, common housing is more of an elaborate older design yet with a modern ascetic in terms of materials (designsas in Victorian, ancient Chinese & Japanese, and even Hindu), and military technology features both firearms and highly advanced medieval weaponry designed to be feasible in modern combat.

The story centers around an international academy dedicated to advanced and specialized education. It's purpose is to teach very specific subjects at a college level and serves as a prerequisite for many skill specific or class specific careers. For example it is a requirement for the heir of a corporation to attend the finance and business curriculum, or for a young noble of political standing to attend the etiquette and politics courses... Yet there are also required courses there for a career as a weapons engineer or military officer or even knight which are not class bound, but have high expectations for knowledge and skill. Basically trade school/college for very prestigious or specific positions

The supernatural murder mystery part comes into play when students and faculty start being gruesomely murdered by what appears to be an animal or creature of some sort based on the wounds. Something that correlates to the rumor about the academy being cursed. Things become more bizarre from there and your character becomes directly wrapped up in the curse and the secrets of the academy

Love Me and Live:

This story is a bit flexible and a much more different one for me as I actually main a female character in it. Though there are other just as fleshed out characters with important roles as well. I also ask that you at least double in this rp as it is more interesting for me to have an element of surprise from more than one source in this dark and twisted story...

It follows a woman by the name of Yagura who falls completely head over heels in love with a student of hers. She is newly hired professor at the University of Okinawa and her completely inappropriate infatuation for the young man is not the only thing that is odd about her. The most odd thing about her is how she spends her free time... She follows the student everywhere and engrosses herself in learning all there is to know about him before he even knows she is interested. It is then that she begins to make her move and the college freshman finds himself faced with a woman overwhelmingly obsessed with him that has more dark secrets than anyone can imagine.

So the RP starts off calm and with an air of creepiness from Yagura's actions and her thoughts before the mystery of her past is slowly unraveled. It then becomes truly horrifying and potentially disturbing as well as ridiculously over the top towards the finale many many posts down the road depending on how things play out.

A couple of spoiler-ish hints are that it is more than a story about a creepy stalker and it delves into dark and gritty criminal themes and the supernatural. The supernatural part being directly inspired by Japanese mythology with my own creative liberties added in there

The Black Dissent:

High fantasy setting that focuses around a small country of rogue magisters that broke away from their former colleagues to pursue an unregulated study of all magics, even those deemed wicked or dangerous by the Grand Church. They fled the empire in a self-imposed exile/exodus and founded their society on the southern coast of the newly colonized island region of Nera under the protection of the mysterious magical deities that are bound there. Due to their acceptance and focus on the dark arts and the other powers they have acquired through binding their essence to the deities, these rogues became labeled as Necromancers and their society was known as The Black Dissent. Now over 100 years later they have blossomed into a small country filled with exiles and unsavory sorts ruled over by the noble families of magical power. The story follows a character of your own creation in this world and their adventures in an era that is prophecized to be beginning of the end of all life.
(More lore details about the world, the civilizations of the world, and magic in general is available but I don't have time to list all that right now)

This Rp is based around a fantasy world that focuses on a region that loosely resembles the sengoku era of Japan with high fantasy elements. Ninja/Shinobi with mystical powers, samurai, demons, with both old school weapons like the naginata and katana as well as the beginnings of firearms.

That is where the similarities end however as the world and its inhabitants are way different than in reality. In fact there are even different races such as the Wyrmlings who are a half breed of long extinct dragons and humans. The Ryne who are beings that bleed mystical fog and mist that is caustic to organic material yet beneficial to themselves. And Asher which are sage like nomadic mountain people who are seemingly made of rock.

The storyline i have in mind primarily follows a cast of heroes that are committed to stopping a Wyrmling plot to revive an ancient Godlike dragon. The wyrmlings plan to use this being to restore the prosperity of their kind and conquer the region through bloodshed. Yet at the same time there is a foreign invading nation that has the reigning shogunate and their allies focused on defending the country. There are other events going on as well that may or may not be in the spotlight depending on your character and their allies based on how things play out. I have more details for those who pm me

The Sanguine Dirge:

This RP is centered around the destiny of your main character and the ancient magical power hidden in your bloodline. Your character's bloodline is that of the rulers of an ancient empire that ruled most of the Old World using a magical power in their blood that made them unnaturally gifted in all things. This Wyrd Blood lineage was eventually stamped out by the arrogance of the family and the loss of faith in the Gods. With the empire splintered apart by rebellions and civil wars, chaos and anarchy reigned for decades until the world finally settled down into various small kingdoms. This is the aftermath of a world run by wicked politics and those who strongarmed their way into power atop a bloody mound of their enemies. The world is fractured into various cultures at this point and enjoys more freedom than under the ancient empire, yet it also suffers from great corruption.

Your character is unaware of their lineage until their parent(s) reveal the information rather suddenly. I was thinking this could occur after an assassination attempt by a mysterious knighthood order. An order that is sworn to ensure the Wyrd Blood is eliminated from the world and that no One Empire ever rises again. The theme of the RP would be your character attempting to survive the threat to their life and gather the power to fight back against the order and destroy them to ensure his/her safety and the ability to live their life as they please. It is paced to work more like a medieval war and strategy RP where you lead your forces in battle and experience the world during a life-changing journey. It can end in several ways such as destroying the knighthood order and vanishing from the spotlight to live life as an ordinary citizen of a country and raise a family. Or maybe you wish to continue to amass power and re-unify the land through bloody conquest. Perhaps the end will come in a more dramatic turn with a final battle that leads to the heroic death of your character in order to convince the knighthood order to focus on fighting the corruption of the world rather than a dying lineage of former tyrants. Let's work together to try and build your character and their story in this dark and bloodsoaked world

There you have it! If you are interested just reply here or PM and we can discuss the details of our RPing together. I am a really laid back individual and don't mind OOC talk as well, it actually can lead to lots of brainstorming and making an awesome connection with new people too
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