Both Needed Spring Harbour

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Both Needed Spring Harbour


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It's summer, and five friends have returned to their small hometown. Each hopes to regain something lost, or fill a space in their heart once emptied.

June in Spring Harbour, California. The days are long, warm and sunny. The city close by awaits shenanigan-filled weekends heavy with liquor and laughter. The glistening beach is ripe for swimming, boating, and bonfires. Who knows what adventures await the crew.

Five high school best friends have returned to their small coastal hometown of Spring Harbour after swearing they'd never look back. They all have their reasons for returning and secrets for making them want to escape so badly in the first place. There will be romance, drama, and possibly violence, depending on what unfolds.

- I want exactly five for the reason of an uneven number pairings wise. I want there to be cheating, some possible polyamory, jealousy, all the juicy stuff. An even number would probably just result in immediate couples and how boring is that? Three is too little and seven is way too many. So here we are!
- I'd prefer every character to be bisexual, pansexual, etc or at least questioning, for the sake of anyone could end up with anyone. If this is very out of your comfort zone this roleplay may not be for you.
- I want everyone to be part of the world-building! Coming up with NPCs and locations on the fly is fun and I'm down for it all, as long as it does not replace or cancel out anyone else's idea, and generally fits into the coastal-town vice (for example, a megamall wouldn't really make sense).
- I was considering adding a supernatural element, such as strange happenings in the town and the crew decides to investigate... We can discuss after we have a group established, yeah?
- I would like to see some good activity and literacy. A post at least every 2-3 days (more is always better!) and 2-3 paragraphs. I don't mind the occasional essay, but please, five paragraphs every post is excessive if it's just your character's thoughts. As always, if you need a hiatus, please let us know!
- Let's all get to know each other! I'd love OOC chatting about developing our story and life offline.
- Have fun and be respectful! Pretty much no ideas are off the table. If you're ever uncomfortable with something, please speak up!

Girl 1: Carina Fernandez {»falifer}
Girl 2:
Boy 1:
Boy 2:
Intersex: Olive Akech (she/her) {CasualAdventurer}

**once we have our crew established, we can go over who's closest, who maybe had a falling out, lingering feelings, etc. remember, they were once all best friends (or secretly more)**

Face Claim:
Bio(include reason for leaving/returning):
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Gender: Female
Age(21-25): 22
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation(optional): Bartender, but dreams of being an astrophysicist

Personality {wip oops}:

In the sixth grade, an older boy made fun of Carina's braces. He lost both his front teeth and Carina was suspended for two weeks. The fighting spirit has never left. Carina can be rather rude, and has no problem speaking her mind. Arguing is one of her favorite hobbies, but comedy remains first. She loves to laugh and make others laugh, even if her jokes are at the expense of others. Unfortunately, if she hurts feelings, her pride gets in the way of apology. She also has selfish tendencies and is not one for favors. Despite her attitude, Carina is more of an introvert than one would suspect. On any given day, you'll find her in a hammock on the beach, a book in one hand and a cocktail in the other. She would much rather stay in with a few friends than hit the club, where she ironically works. Carina absolutely LOVES food. She eats like no one's business and if anyone asked her, it's her biggest passion. She's a beast in the kitchen and loves cooking for others. Carina is fiercely independent and protective of her those she loves, and her family is her biggest weakness.

Bio(include reason for leaving/returning):

As a small child, Carina lived in a happy home with her mother and father. She was an only child and spoiled rotten. Her world shattered at the age of 13, when she discovered her mother had been cheating on her father. Her father left, and lives in a neighboring town. They stay in contact and are very close. Her relationship with her mother, however, suffered greatly. She saw the ordeal as a betrayal to not only her father but herself. She and her mother fought for years, until a new man was brought into the picture. Abusive and neglectful, home became hell for Carina. The only positive was that she was able to forgive her mother, as they now had a new issue to overcome together.

Due to her home situation, Carina made it her goal to escape Spring Harbour. She excelled in high school and attended UCLA, majoring in math. Carina worked as a cam girl in college, to make ends meet, but has not told anyone. Her junior year, her mom called her to tell her that she was pregnant and the deadbeat had left. Carina pushed through her last year and a half, then made the difficult decision to come home. Delaying grad school to take care of her baby sister was a rarely selfless act from Carina, but the most rewarding thing she's ever done. She's not working at a bartender in one of the dive clubs downtown until her mother gets back on her feet. She's pleasantly surprised her friends have also returned to Spring Harbour, but nervous about what sort of buried emotions reuniting will bring up.

= NAME =
Olive Akech


= AGE =




Olive is a little problematically carefree, making it a habit of taking heavy risks without being too worried about the end result. Most important to her is happiness, even if it comes at the cost of a comfortable life.

= BIO =

Born the daughter of Spring Harbour's only Sudanese immigrant family, it was understandable for her parents to be adamant about her going to college. From nothing, her parents toiled to reach a comfortable standard of living on their GED's alone, holding in their hearts the hope of seeing their little girl get a real education. But when the time came for her to start making some crucial decisions about her life, she, in the eyes of her overbearing parents, made the wrong ones. Rather than apply and study something easily profitable, Olive decided to leave and pursue a career in photography in New York, while working as a waitress to provide for herself.

As a last ditch effort to earn some money from her work, after months of receiving rejection letters from local galleries, Olive took the plunge and spent the majority of her savings to rent a space for herself and others to show off their work. She'd relied heavily on the hope that plenty of other artists might contribute money to at least help cover the costs, but when none did, she was left penniless. With a heavy heart and portfolio, Olive was forced to call her parents for help. Her mother caved, but her father only agreed to help if she came home to work at her father's convenience store. While not too proud to take a paycheck, she drew the line at staying at home. Hopefully, an old friend might let her crash on their couch.
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Name: Malynn Carson
occupation: Strip club pole/cage dancer
personality: product of the classic broken home. Father attempted to have sex with Malynn after repeated unwanted flirtations....mother was in denial and blamed the ensuing divorce on her daughter.
Malynn nevertheless stayed with her after the divorce but was rarely home, usually frequenting bars, finally landing a job in one as a exotic pole dancer.

Malynn finally decided to start a new life and left town.
she moved in with a girl, had her first lesbian affair but everything fell apart when her friend wanted to become pregnant.
Malynn's mother passed away from a prolonged illness, leaving the house to her. She now returns to claim it.
Malynn is bisexual but with serious relationship issues. FB_IMG_1585952277479.jpg
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