MxF Story Seeds

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MxF Story Seeds

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Today 2:27 PM
Well, I've been RPing for quite some time, and through the years I've tried a lot of different "seeds", little bits of information for characters or scenarios that can grow into RPs. I've used them off and on in many different settings, and am always delighted by the wide variety that such small seeds can grow into! I am a straight lady, so I tend to play opposite of male characters. I don't RP out sex (sorry, it's just not something I'm into RPing).

I do enjoy romance though, adventure, class friction, maybe some explosive secrets. =o3 All these can add interesting twists to the story! Length... well, I haven't RPed on forums in ages, so I guess I'm not sure what my length would be? I'll do my best at any rate!

For settings I enjoy: Scifi (space based, starships, aliens and space stations), Medieval Fantasy (pre-industrial revolution, so swords, bows and arrows, elves, ect), or a mixture of genres (scifi/medieval fantasy, scifi/modern, modern/medieval fantasy, and so on. Regardless there's not much time in the modern world in any of those scenarios. If I want to deal with the modern world... I would go outside. =oP )

Well, without further ado, lets plant some seeds!

1. Prince and thief (my all time favorite). In this type of scenario, a thief meets up with a prince, and somehow they keep running into each other. Either because the thief is caught trying to steal something from the prince, or the prince is sneaking out of the palace to get a taste of the freedom the lower classes enjoy, or perhaps they're on some kind of adventure where they're thrown together and must face danger side by side! While originally designed with medieval fantasy in mind, this storyline seed has been adapted to scifi with a few successes.

2. The lost princess. This is one that can be combined with the Prince and Thief storyline, or work in other ways. Something happened, and the princess disappeared, often at a rather young age. She grew up not knowing she was a princess, but the hero never gave up hope of finding her. This storyline can take the hero across the world, universe, or even to the modern world from either a fantasy civilization, or a scifi civilization.

3. The Lost Tech Priestesses. This is a scifi storyline, one that I've had some trouble getting success with, but I hold onto because the idea interests me so much. In this case, centuries ago an ancient ship crash landed on an undeveloped planet (tribal or stone age at the time of crashing). Something in its technology leaked into the local area, bleaching the plants, animals, and residents of the area white. A priestesshood grew up around the crashed ship, building a large temple complex over it, using the old technology in their rituals and worshipping the goddess that sent it from the sky. Beyond the reach of the leak, the land is normal, and would resemble a medieval fantasy world. Although the locals do not much care for the priestesses, believing them, and the land around them, to be cursed. In this storyline you could play as a space traveler who notices traces of the old tech on their scanners, or someone from nearby that meets one of the priestesses.

4. Disguised Girl. I admit this is a storyline from a book I loved growing up... a young girl disguises herself as a boy, so that she can become a knight. I haven't played it in AGES, but since I'm throwing all these seeds out, might as well toss this one out too. (If you haven't read The Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce, I do recommend it, it's where this idea came from. Good YA books)

5.The crewmember with a secret. This one was designed for scifi, once upon a time when I was part of a Star Trek PBEM group. Alas, the group died before the story seed got to grow. In this storyline the crewmember works in a normal ships role, be it first mate, engineering, security, what have you... but what the rest of the crew doesn't know, is that she's from a long line of pirates! Oh the embarrassment....
5a- VARIANT: First Mate with a secret, hires a captain, but doesn't tell him that she's connected to the ship.
5b- VARIANT: The pirates also govern over a group of planets, and she's considered guardian of one of them. These planets are usually purposely kept at the medieval fantasy level of development (swords, bows, etc.). Kind of an elaborate playground for the pirates.

Hmm... that's all I have right now, but I'm not limited to these either! If you have ideas you're looking for someone to play in, let me know!
I'd be up for playing around, seeing if we can get a story rolling.
Hey! So, I'm totally interested in doing the Disguised Girl plot. If you're still looking, feel free to shoot me a PM!​
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