♬ Meow ♬
Space Kitten
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Hello! I'm ♬ Meow ♬ the Space Kitten.
After a 2 year break from role-playing, I am now looking to get back into some fun games. I have continued to write here and there however and I first started role-playing about 14 years ago. If you are familiar with Maximum Ride and its forums, that is where I first began role-playing (before the site's untimely end) and we might know one another! Although there were other more influential reasons (in "real life") for why I disappeared from my last site, one main reason was the lack of dedication to role-plays (group role-plays seem much less popular in recent years).
That all being said, I'm hoping to find partners (1x1 or group setting) that will help spark my fire again. When I have loyal and engaging partners I will post more frequently and enjoy the story more so I hope that I can find good writing partners here!
As far as what I'm looking for, I'm pretty open to ideas but my interests typically are in the genres of sci-fi and fantasy. I enjoy the following themes (to name a few): mutants, post-apocalyptic, space travel, mecha/robots, magical elements, anime, superheroes, vampires (plot is important), werewolves (plot is important).
I also LOVE world and setting building. I don't mind shouldering most of that responsibility but if you are also into this then great! Depending on the story I may also like to use images/music to set the mood and help envision everything.
In regards to 1x1 pairings, I am primarily looking for FxF pairings but will also play a male for MxF pairings. In either case, I enjoy playing multiple characters and don't mind if my partner also enjoys doing so.
When it comes to writing, I do prefer stories that have at least 2-3 paragraphs per post however I do not expect more words just for the sake of writing. Sometimes it's acceptable to post 1 paragraph and other times it is acceptable if not necessary to post 5+ paragraphs. As long as the post is engaging and makes sense I don't see me having any qualms with it. Quality over quantity is a good concept to follow.
I do expect standard grammar and good spelling, however. Mistakes happen to all of us and are OK of course. Still, I don't want to read posts that are littered with poor mistakes as not only are they harder to read, but they also take away from the story immersion.
I try to post once a day, sometimes several times. But I may get caught up with things in life and take two to three days to respond. If it is for some reason longer, don't assume I've forgotten about our role-play. I will get in touch with you when I'm online again!
Some other if not obvious points:
-No godmodding
-Prefer 3rd person writing
-Absolutely no one liners
-No Mary Sues (unless somehow appropriate for the story we're writing)
-If you don't like group role-plays or are likely to fall out of them then save everyone the trouble and don't join mine
-If for whatever reason you do wish to drop out of any of my role-plays PLEASE let me know. I will not be offended
-Romance and sex is OK but it must fit into the story and be written well (not cyber-sex, which I believe is not allowed anyway)
Since many role-players seem to like Dragon Age, thought I'd mention I am also a huge fan and wouldn't mind doing stories in this universe.
I am looking for something in the Dead by Daylight universe as well, though I'm still working on the idea and it might be better as a group role-play.
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If you think you might be interested in role-playing with me please drop a post or send me a PM. /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ノ
Hello! I'm ♬ Meow ♬ the Space Kitten.
After a 2 year break from role-playing, I am now looking to get back into some fun games. I have continued to write here and there however and I first started role-playing about 14 years ago. If you are familiar with Maximum Ride and its forums, that is where I first began role-playing (before the site's untimely end) and we might know one another! Although there were other more influential reasons (in "real life") for why I disappeared from my last site, one main reason was the lack of dedication to role-plays (group role-plays seem much less popular in recent years).
That all being said, I'm hoping to find partners (1x1 or group setting) that will help spark my fire again. When I have loyal and engaging partners I will post more frequently and enjoy the story more so I hope that I can find good writing partners here!
As far as what I'm looking for, I'm pretty open to ideas but my interests typically are in the genres of sci-fi and fantasy. I enjoy the following themes (to name a few): mutants, post-apocalyptic, space travel, mecha/robots, magical elements, anime, superheroes, vampires (plot is important), werewolves (plot is important).
I also LOVE world and setting building. I don't mind shouldering most of that responsibility but if you are also into this then great! Depending on the story I may also like to use images/music to set the mood and help envision everything.
In regards to 1x1 pairings, I am primarily looking for FxF pairings but will also play a male for MxF pairings. In either case, I enjoy playing multiple characters and don't mind if my partner also enjoys doing so.
When it comes to writing, I do prefer stories that have at least 2-3 paragraphs per post however I do not expect more words just for the sake of writing. Sometimes it's acceptable to post 1 paragraph and other times it is acceptable if not necessary to post 5+ paragraphs. As long as the post is engaging and makes sense I don't see me having any qualms with it. Quality over quantity is a good concept to follow.
I do expect standard grammar and good spelling, however. Mistakes happen to all of us and are OK of course. Still, I don't want to read posts that are littered with poor mistakes as not only are they harder to read, but they also take away from the story immersion.
I try to post once a day, sometimes several times. But I may get caught up with things in life and take two to three days to respond. If it is for some reason longer, don't assume I've forgotten about our role-play. I will get in touch with you when I'm online again!
Some other if not obvious points:
-No godmodding
-Prefer 3rd person writing
-Absolutely no one liners
-No Mary Sues (unless somehow appropriate for the story we're writing)
-If you don't like group role-plays or are likely to fall out of them then save everyone the trouble and don't join mine
-If for whatever reason you do wish to drop out of any of my role-plays PLEASE let me know. I will not be offended
-Romance and sex is OK but it must fit into the story and be written well (not cyber-sex, which I believe is not allowed anyway)
FxF (Multiple Characters Likely)
I have a vague idea here so far.
I'm thinking up a story that would center around an institution for magic users. In this universe, magic is known to some as a dark art and to most as scary stories.
The magic does indeed revolve around darkness and powerful emotions, but how it is ultimately used is up to its users. The institution does not serve to oversee mages. It only instructs users on how to manage their dark abilities. From there they are free to use their talents how they choose, so long as they do not disrupt the natural order of the universe. Essentially their goal is to maintain order on a grand scale while also furthering the general knowledge of magic.
The main characters would be sages, powerful mages that were recruited by the institution to teach. Their responsibilities also include maintaining balance. This entails traveling to various locations, sometimes other dimensions, and then proceeding to lower or increase the amount of 'darkness' in place. There must always be a balance between light and dark, order and chaos, yin and yang. The sages must ensure this without bias.
We could also play students (+18).
As for the plot, I'm thinking some dilemma arises that greatly threatens either the institution, the universal balance, or both. Some kind of conspiracy by either a magic user or a greedy demon. Our characters would embark on cleaning up the mess that is made while also trying to figure out what is going on. Along the way perhaps the institution's values are challenged, as well as the morals of the characters.
Would love to discuss more ideas and work on this setting with someone!

I have a vague idea here so far.
I'm thinking up a story that would center around an institution for magic users. In this universe, magic is known to some as a dark art and to most as scary stories.
The magic does indeed revolve around darkness and powerful emotions, but how it is ultimately used is up to its users. The institution does not serve to oversee mages. It only instructs users on how to manage their dark abilities. From there they are free to use their talents how they choose, so long as they do not disrupt the natural order of the universe. Essentially their goal is to maintain order on a grand scale while also furthering the general knowledge of magic.
The main characters would be sages, powerful mages that were recruited by the institution to teach. Their responsibilities also include maintaining balance. This entails traveling to various locations, sometimes other dimensions, and then proceeding to lower or increase the amount of 'darkness' in place. There must always be a balance between light and dark, order and chaos, yin and yang. The sages must ensure this without bias.
We could also play students (+18).
As for the plot, I'm thinking some dilemma arises that greatly threatens either the institution, the universal balance, or both. Some kind of conspiracy by either a magic user or a greedy demon. Our characters would embark on cleaning up the mess that is made while also trying to figure out what is going on. Along the way perhaps the institution's values are challenged, as well as the morals of the characters.
Would love to discuss more ideas and work on this setting with someone!
FxF (Multiple Characters Possible)
Looking for a story based around Gwen as Spider-Woman and another female or female version of a Marvel superhero. I would prefer Black Cat but we can discuss other options. We can even play multiple heroes.
I don't intend to heavily follow the general canon of the Marvel Universe but a basic understanding of it would be helpful. This is essentially our own universe and separate from the actual Spider-Woman comics, however.
The plot is still in the works but feel free to jump in with me and help flesh everything out.

I don't intend to heavily follow the general canon of the Marvel Universe but a basic understanding of it would be helpful. This is essentially our own universe and separate from the actual Spider-Woman comics, however.
The plot is still in the works but feel free to jump in with me and help flesh everything out.
Puberty is hard.
Puberty as an adult? Even harder.
Puberty as an adult who is also sorting out new dimension altering abilities? Impossible.
Or at least it can seem that way alone. But with a good friend and some make-shift crash courses…maybe the world won't come to an end?
Viola, or "Vi" for short, is a twenty-two-year-old transgender girl finally coming into herself. Only, she has to not only learn how to be a woman but how to not completely wipe her city from existence. No pressure.
The shy and introverted Vi discovered she could tear down dimensional barriers, or 'blend' them together, after a wild night at a local club.
At first, the effects were chaotic and far-reaching. But with the help of a new friend, Vi begins to grasp her power better and learn that there are various kinds of consequences when manipulating the universe. Mostly bad, but some good.
Most important to Vi is that for the first time in her life she has someone who not only accepts her but encourages her to become the person she desires to be. Regardless of the sometimes destructive results. Along the way, perhaps something even greater than friendship and universe-changing power will be discovered?
So I intend for this role-play to be mostly light-hearted with some heavy underlying tones. Kind of like Life is Strange, if you're familiar.
Anyway, while I still would like to see decent spelling and grammar, I want this story to be fun and fairly fast-paced. So I'm not looking for chunky paragraphs here (though as always post sizes can vary). 2-3 on average is fine.
There will be slice-of-life elements and romance but as always I love adventure and suspense as well.
The idea still needs some fleshing out so feel free to ask questions or give feedback.

Puberty is hard.
Puberty as an adult? Even harder.
Puberty as an adult who is also sorting out new dimension altering abilities? Impossible.
Or at least it can seem that way alone. But with a good friend and some make-shift crash courses…maybe the world won't come to an end?
Viola, or "Vi" for short, is a twenty-two-year-old transgender girl finally coming into herself. Only, she has to not only learn how to be a woman but how to not completely wipe her city from existence. No pressure.
The shy and introverted Vi discovered she could tear down dimensional barriers, or 'blend' them together, after a wild night at a local club.
At first, the effects were chaotic and far-reaching. But with the help of a new friend, Vi begins to grasp her power better and learn that there are various kinds of consequences when manipulating the universe. Mostly bad, but some good.
Most important to Vi is that for the first time in her life she has someone who not only accepts her but encourages her to become the person she desires to be. Regardless of the sometimes destructive results. Along the way, perhaps something even greater than friendship and universe-changing power will be discovered?
So I intend for this role-play to be mostly light-hearted with some heavy underlying tones. Kind of like Life is Strange, if you're familiar.
Anyway, while I still would like to see decent spelling and grammar, I want this story to be fun and fairly fast-paced. So I'm not looking for chunky paragraphs here (though as always post sizes can vary). 2-3 on average is fine.
There will be slice-of-life elements and romance but as always I love adventure and suspense as well.
The idea still needs some fleshing out so feel free to ask questions or give feedback.
FxF (Multiple Characters Possible)
What happens when an inexperienced summoner calls forth a powerful entity beyond her ability?
Well, in this story, our summoner makes just a small mix-up.
When summoning demons there are two important things to remember. First, one needs a sufficient limiter. This makes it so that the demon can only manifest with a portion of its power, making it easier to manipulate and safer for the human realm. Second, is a binder. This item serves to bond the demon to its summoner and forces it to obey the summoner's commands.
Typically the limiter is lower in strength so that summoned demons can still use their power to aid summoners. The binder is much stronger, however, so that demons must obey their summoner's commands without much falter.
Unfortunately, this summoner feared summoning such a high-level demon and instead used an extremely powerful limiter. The binder was hence lowered in strength so that the discomfort would be less for the demon. The thought was also that the inexperienced summoner would not always know what commands to give, and so a less powerful binder would grant more freedom with instruction.
Now the summoner not only has a weakened demon but one that will not follow commands unless they are highly specific. Otherwise, it finds ways to avoid the task at hand or altogether ignore it.
Yula'rah is the demon that has been summoned. She is a lust demon, a species known for making deals with humans. They are also extremely manipulative and very powerful once they draw out whatever humans lust for.
Too bad it was a half-assed summon.
For this story I thought the summoner intended to challenge a group of bandits or something. Either to get vengence, save someone/a village, or take back something that was stolen. She would have other magic abilities besides summoning and we can add more characters to the party if desired.
Ultimately the direction of the story would depend on the characters and what we discuss.

What happens when an inexperienced summoner calls forth a powerful entity beyond her ability?
Well, in this story, our summoner makes just a small mix-up.
When summoning demons there are two important things to remember. First, one needs a sufficient limiter. This makes it so that the demon can only manifest with a portion of its power, making it easier to manipulate and safer for the human realm. Second, is a binder. This item serves to bond the demon to its summoner and forces it to obey the summoner's commands.
Typically the limiter is lower in strength so that summoned demons can still use their power to aid summoners. The binder is much stronger, however, so that demons must obey their summoner's commands without much falter.
Unfortunately, this summoner feared summoning such a high-level demon and instead used an extremely powerful limiter. The binder was hence lowered in strength so that the discomfort would be less for the demon. The thought was also that the inexperienced summoner would not always know what commands to give, and so a less powerful binder would grant more freedom with instruction.
Now the summoner not only has a weakened demon but one that will not follow commands unless they are highly specific. Otherwise, it finds ways to avoid the task at hand or altogether ignore it.
Yula'rah is the demon that has been summoned. She is a lust demon, a species known for making deals with humans. They are also extremely manipulative and very powerful once they draw out whatever humans lust for.
Too bad it was a half-assed summon.
For this story I thought the summoner intended to challenge a group of bandits or something. Either to get vengence, save someone/a village, or take back something that was stolen. She would have other magic abilities besides summoning and we can add more characters to the party if desired.
Ultimately the direction of the story would depend on the characters and what we discuss.
Since many role-players seem to like Dragon Age, thought I'd mention I am also a huge fan and wouldn't mind doing stories in this universe.
I am looking for something in the Dead by Daylight universe as well, though I'm still working on the idea and it might be better as a group role-play.
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If you think you might be interested in role-playing with me please drop a post or send me a PM. /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ノ
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