Either Needed Strangeness of Dimensions

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Either Needed Strangeness of Dimensions


Local time
Today 11:50 AM
World's End
A newspaper article attracts your attention:

"WANTED: People needed to explore new dimension with me. This is not a joke. E-mail candidature at dimensions@yiyel.33mail.com . You'll get paid after we get back. Must bring your own gear - that includes weapons. Safety not guaranteed. I have only done this once before."

Underneath it, is a template - most probably for the candidature:

Name: Self explanatory.
Age: Self explanatory.
Gear: What you brought with you. Include everything, no matter how insignificant you think it may be.
Title: What you call yourself - as in, what you want to provide as service to the group. Doctor? Researcher? Muscleman?
Misc: Anything else you think I should know before we go on.

Out of curiosity, thrill of adventure, greed of possible reward, despair due to a need of money, or simply boredom, you decide:

What's the worst that could happen?

Name: Sinder

Age: 22

-Automatic rifle that has small magazines but high fire rate.
-Hiking pack filled with spare ammo, spare change of clothes and some cans of food along with a few water bottles
-Water purifier as well
-Nail clippers
-Three paperclips

Title: Sinder the scout

Misc: "Well I can't say I am that big of a guy. I also can't say I am willingly signing up for this but my boss is going to kill me if I don't pay him before the beginning of next month. I should never have gotten involved with a guy like him, but I am willing to charge into any uncharted area and map out anything necessary. I have very good drawing skills and can detail a map in a day, and I am quick too! I am not that strong so I can't carry much but the bright side of that is how fast I can climb and traverse the land! So pick me and I will run into any hell hole you tell me to go in!"-Sinder
Oooooo this sounds cool.. I'll get on the character creation!!

Name: Aurora Elizabeth Loughlin
Age: 22
Gear: Crystals of varying sizes, Sage, Lavender, Clove, Chamomile, Ginger, Jasmine, Devil's Shoestring, Mugwort, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood, matches, candles of varrying colors, divination stones, tarrot cards, chalk, salt, ritual dagger
Title: Pychic - Astral guide - Priestess
Misc: "Dimensional travel is nothing to be taken lightly. It can be quite dangerous if one is not properly prepared."
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