Closed 'Subtle' Differences

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Closed 'Subtle' Differences


The Rolling Stone
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Today 9:13 PM
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I'm looking for literate partners who enjoy dark themes as much as I do. ^^

In short, I wish to play a character who is beyond warped. They've got blood on their hands, it's their bread and butter. There is no line to be drawn, they may well enjoy it or may be so set in their murderous ways that the killings have become insignificant. A psychopath, perfectly insane and a lover of gore. (Not vore.)

The ideal counterpart for said character, in the plot I hope to create with you, would be someone gentle, someone conventionally 'normal' with a nice background. A bloodless life, a flowery life.

The two will undoubtedly rub off on one another and I wish to find an imaginative partner to plot it out with! My character could be a violent burglar who chose your character's home for its affluence or a dangerous convict seeking refuge from the authorities. A roving serial killer, a murderous dorm roommate, a scary neighbor, etc. We can talk about how they'll meet, but what I most want to discuss with my partner(s) is some sort of agreement.

This won't be my character forcing himself on yours on a whim at random, that's not the story I'm looking to write. The smut will come naturally, the two will be around one another a lot of the time. No, I'm more interested in establishing an agreement; One that disallows your character to run away from mine and that prohibits my character from killing yours.

If this idea appeals to you, let me know! I would love a partner! I don't have a gender preference for your character, any will do so long as they are interesting! I will, however, say this... Neither chibi-esque femboys nor giggling damsels will hold my interest. Adults only.

To elaborate, being petite is of no concern as it is a natural occurrence and a real body type, but I must stress that any character with an inherently childish appearance will be shot down if we're to write something romantic. A short character who is 26 still ought to look at LEAST 18, and that's being generous. My characters are not cradle robbers, please don't make them out to be. TTmTT
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I have a few characters in the works and already made, they can be edited and worked upon so we can both get what we want :) a good rp experience am I right? I mostly play male characters with a sort of alternation. Lkke mechanical or they reply on certaib things to keep them healthy or just have a disability in general. I have also been working on an incognito Prince character for a while now :) again I am willing to work with you and let me know if your interested and look at my character catalog for a few rough ideas on my character styles. (Not all them can be as dark as some of the others)
I have a kind and happy unless prevoked character if I'm able to do this role play
Hey, if you are still looking for partners on this theme give me a shout. I don't have a lot on here as a newbie but happy to send a writing sample.
I would love the challenge of playing a sugar sweet character, as I normally play the dark side PM me if you like and let's discuss your ideas
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