Super or Villain [OOC]

Currently reading:
Super or Villain [OOC]


@Marie K ,

Are players permitted more than one character?

Also, were you aiming for something relatively simple or convoluted?
I was thinking this would kind of be straightforward, with you in charge of the world's reaction....
Are we looking at kind of an early days of X-Men reaction to people fearing the supers as they are exposed?
Or have the various governments known a lot about supers and have had them in their secret organizations and on their payrolls?

When the characters use their powers, should it be obvious that they are not normal humans?
1.) More than one character is allowed, but capping it at two for now (suggestions always welcomed).

2a.) Whatever the rp calls for and best fits the group. For now, I'm waiting to see if the rp keeps up and then the details can be hammered out as we go and works for our characters.

2b.) As for the world's reaction, I'll leave that up to everyone else. For now, I'd suspect the government would want to get a handle on things and remain somewhat benevolent toward the supernatural community, but also I'd suspect (like other political issues) it'd vary per state/country, giving us freedom to explore different scenarios with our characters.

3.) More so early days of X-Men, but with some government foreknowledge or suspicion beforehand (so, more top-grade, secretive agencies within the government, but only those with clearance to work on top secret cases). Some characters may have been exposed prior to the revealing in the opening scene, but in general, no, the knowledge wouldn't have been widely known (or at least accepted).

(The above can be altered in certain cases and am open to whatever suggestions others may have.)

4.) The subtlety your character chooses to exercise within the scope of their power is completely up to you. Some powers may be considered sub-powers, but could later lead to greater advances and growth as the character learns to explore their power. Others could opt for weaker power and play more of a humanistic character. It's whatever writers feel comfortable with. The only rule of thumb for this, is the restriction of god-modding. As long as your character isn't ridiculously overpowered, I'm okay with just about anything.
@Marie K
Thank you for all of this info.
I could write about Irrompible' patrolling his bario tonight, but he likely won't find out about the big exposure until the game's next morning.
He could see himself on television the next morning....
@Marie K

Some clarification. The videos that Aunt Jules shared (probably soon to be posted to YouTube?)..., were they:
A. People with masks doing superhuman things, alerting the world to the supers' existence?
B. Superhumans AND their secret identities?
C. Just some superhumans with masks who still have their secret identities WHILE other superhumans have had their identities compromised?
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