Both Needed Survival & Post-Apocalyptic

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Both Needed Survival & Post-Apocalyptic


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Today 7:46 PM
So a few years back I developed a group RPmce tired a group of survivors after a mysterious apocalyptic event, the Plot and some of the characters I created for it are near and dear to my heart!

I would really like to explore he possibility of revamping it and starting it over with a fresh spin and start. Some of the characters would be premade by me (although they could certainly be modified) and there would also potentially be openings for original characters as well both male and female

The plot would contain great story and intrigue and be story and character driven but will be dark a sexy at the same time with a lot of smut, sex, violence and emoitions. I don't want to give away to much of the plot as it could significantly ruin the story, I am just trying to gauge interest before I go full bore towards getting it set up. Looking for dedicated RP'ers only please.

There is still a possibility I could be interested in this RP. If you recall over on DR I submitted a character for this that was a theatrical stuntwoman. I'll resubmit the character again if you're interested in seeing it again.

Just a note though, i will be gone on vacation from May 31st to June 5th.
Yes I am still recruiting, just in the early stages actually.

As far was the vacation goes, when the RP kicks off depends entirely on when I get enough people!
If anyone is interested please feel free to take a look at be characters, I will be posting one or two more as well.

There will likely be room for one or two original characters as well, but my overall goal is to keep the group size limited to 6-8 characters
I also added a few more (new) character drafts in the hopes they might catch someone's interest.
Hello, I would like to take the part of Natalie Bennett should you still need more characters. If I may, can I make a few adjustments to the character as she is almost the same as me so I just want to make two appearance changes so she looks a bit more like me.
Sure PM me your ideas, sorry j was sick all weekend and the last thing I felt like doing was getting on the computer!
Yeah, I know the feeling. And it's nothing major, just changing her hair color blonde and make her 5'4" or 5'6". Just a little shorter like that.
Whenever I get enough players!! Right now you make three
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