Character(s) Su's characters

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Character(s) Su's characters


Comic sans is the best font, fight me
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Tomorrow 2:25 AM
Name: Rae
Age: 21
Race: Vampire
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance description:
Standing at a height of 170cm, Rae prides herself in her rather athletic build. Though far from vain, she makes it a point to be well dressed, swathing herself in a classic grey suit no matter the situation. Adorning her back lies the remains of her once majestic wings, now nothing more than two rugged black drapes, easily covered by her clothing. As much as she'd like to have the hair of a classic female protagonist (I'm looking at you "waterfalls of black silk cascading down her back in shimmering curls"), she wears a simple taper cut styled to upwards with the occasional highlight or two.

Now let's talk about her eyes. (Cliche, I know, but hey it is her most redeeming feature apart from the slit in her brows). They're not the red of sunsets or roses - that would be too tender a description. They're the red of fresh blood spilled on whitest snow; the red that looms in the shadow of a crimson moon; the red of scarlet-kissed embers. And when she carries herself with her facade of unbridled dignity, they're the red that gazes down as though she was a god and the world at her mercy.

Rae is generally an outgoing person who enjoys interacting with other people. She is headstrong and believes in her own unchanging values. She wishes to portray herself as someone who's strong, determined, and unwavering. Once she gains respect for an individual, she'll remain loyal and devoted to that person be it in a friendship or a relationship; no amount of bribery can sway her. Though she isn't exactly selfish, she values money and other valuables. (But for some reason, donating money to the old ladies who don't have a home to return to is an excellent way of spending money).

Once she sets her eyes on a goal, she would strive for the best; falling short is not an option. It's all or nothing. Though Rae struggles with responsibility herself, she will not tolerate those who run from it and will not hesitate to confront them about it. That said if she dislikes anyone she still refuses to display it outright but rather, she portrays it in a very passive-aggressive way. Some mistake her as cold or calculative but that is more of a result of Rae being unable to identify much of her inner turmoil.

Flirting used to be her number one facade but over time, she has grown uncertain about the identity behind that mask. Still, all that self-discovery she has yet to do is a problem for Future Rae. Right now, it's all about living in the present for her.

Born and raised by the seaside, Rae found comfort in the familiar aroma of the ocean. Although she could still recall countless joyful memories of frolicking by the sea, there's one memory that would follow shortly after - her mother's suicide. Despite being aware of her parent's strained relationship from a young age, never did it cross her mind that her mother would end up taking her own life. Throughout her childhood, she felt lost and unsure of what to do in the future but after that incident, she decided to chase the dreams her mother never could - to open a salon. It was a faraway dream but one she intends to achieve before she passes.

1. Illusions
Rae holds power over illusions, allowing her the power to bend and alter a person's senses. It's a cool party trick; works splendidly in seducing strangers at the club.

2. Blood manipulation
Rae is able to manipulate her own blood, provided it's outside her body, and crystallize it to form different structures (one day she's gonna make ice sculptors run out of business, you heard it here first). Fun fact, once she uses this ability, there's a high chance she'd faint on the spot unless she manages to hunt something down to replenish the blood in her body.

3. Night-time healing (but not really?)
Thanks to her second ability, she tends to have many open wounds but she's able to heal them overnight if she stays beneath the twilight shadows. That said, she can't speed up her recovery for internal wounds or broken bones so girl's really got to stop getting into fights.

1. Religion really ain't her thing
As cool as she'd like to be, crosses, bibles, and anything related to Christianity would make her queasy and cause her to have difficulty tapping into her abilities.
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Image credit: Shadowverse official art
Name: Mystel
Age: unknown (Appearence and maturity: 25)
Race: Dryad
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: True Good

Appearence description
Donned in a dress of leaves and composed of nothing but flora, Mystel stands firm but light. At a height of 163cm (5'3) and a frame more slender than a silhouette, her presence is neither noticeable nor imposing. Instead, she carries herself with all the grace and lithe of a ballerina. With hair like iridescent silk and complexion smooth as porcelain, it's as though she holds the divinity of moonlight itself. But no, she is a simple dryad, blessed with the title of a guardian and cursed with the lack of a kingdom.

Her eyes are hues of a bleeding sunset. When she stares at the water - at herself, it is all she can see. Because unlike the rest of her body adorned in shades of starlight and forests, her eyes are red. Red like the dawn, red like the dusk, but more importantly, red like the burning embers of her once beloved home.

More introverted than extroverted, Mystel prefers to keep to herself. She delights in hearing the voices of the plants and her thirst for adventure is usually one fulfilled in solitary. When she speaks, her tone is of a lullaby and her touch evermore gentle. That said, she is far from shy. Over the years, she has honed her skills in conversation. She learnt that words alone could be wielded not just as a blade but also a blessing. As a result, she'd much rather avoid confrontation and believes in the power of negotiation.

For Mystel, hatred had been a foreign concept. She experienced disliking something or someone but hate had always felt too strong a word. However, as she matured, she has come to despise the greed and tyranny of those in power abusing their positions. It is the one thing she cannot stand. In that sense, she finds the line between prejudice and loathing is blurred beyond recognition.

Mystel enjoys banter and finds herself trusting people easily. She always assumes the best of others though the opposite is true for herself. She is devoted to those she cares about and will go to great lengths to protect them. (And if she was in the real world, she'd definitely be one of those people giving money to the to ladies on the streets.)

Mystel did not know how nor when she came to be, only that the rivers were her blood and the earth was her flesh. Birthed by the forest itself, she remained shrouded in the safe embrace of its haven and knew little of the outside world. For a century, she did not have to. Though she was eventually elected to be the guardian of the forest, there was little to protect against, apart from the occasional adventurer or two. That was until the humans came and brought forth what they claimed to be a "glorious era of civilization". It was the opposite of glorious; it was genocide. Over the course of a decade, their flames destroyed more and more of her home, stealing her land for their people. Before she knew it, she had nothing left to protect.

1. Plants go yeet on others
Mystel is able to manipulate existing plant life, causing them to grow at exponential rates to aid her in battle. She is also able to make plants grow from barren ground though earth is still required for them to take root. Oh and sometimes, she swears she can hear the flowers gossip. You think roses are pretty? Well, the things they say... not so much.

2. Plants go yeet on herself
Since her body is made up of a composition of plants, she is able to heal herself. However, while cuts heal instantly, burns take a much longer time due to her weakness. Mystel is also able to change the type of plant her body is made up of. For example, her hand could become a big fat cactus, or her hair could become some weird mutant carnivorous plant, oh the horrors.

2. Magic water
She's able to cleanse any body of water no bigger than the size of an olympic swimming pool and use water to heal others to a limited degree. For example, she cannot grow limbs back but she can stop their wounds from being fatal. Though small cuts and scars heal almost instantly, more severe internal wounds such as broken bones could hours to heal.

1. Fire
Are you kidding me? Is this the typical "plant type pokemons have a weakness against fire type pokemons"? Yes. Yes it is. Mystel is quite literally flammable, like, dry leaves kind of flammable. The kind of flammable you'd make campfires out of. For instance, a small candle could probably cause her entire arm to erupt in flames if she isn't careful.
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Image credit: this link
Name: Jade
Age: 29
Race: Human sorcerer
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearence Description:
To say Jade is hardened and unnerving would be an understatement. At 174cm (5'7), she stands with the confidence and prowess of a predator. Her hair falls in unruly shambles just past her shoulders and, much like the clothes she dons on, are as black as the nyx river itself. Though she specializes in fire, her magic is green and so are her flames. With her cold composure and angular features, one would be hard-pressed to feel relaxed around her, especially when faced with the weight of her verdant gaze.

Jade also bears the mark of the chosen one on her right hip. For the most part, she has ignored it and thought of it as nothing more than a fancy birthmark. Oh how wrong she was.

Jade is a perfectionist at heart; if she sets her mind on something, she will do it and she will do it perfectly. Failure has never been an option for her. Perhaps it is because of those traits she's quick to give up on things she isn't naturally gifted at. (Well, good thing she was always good at magic huh?) Despite being a general and holding a high rank in the army for most of her life, she kept her rebellious charm. Getting the job done whilst breaking as many rules as possible might as well be her own personal mantra at this point.

Another quality that comes along with being rebellious is being stubborn as all heck. Jade herself doesn't even know how she hasn't been demoted yet. She lacks the usual respect when addressing seniors or elders which results in a bad impression more often than not. But honestly? She couldn't care less. That said, when it comes down to protecting her people, she will do everything in her power to keep them safe.

Jade's likes include fighting, destroying things, making things erupt in flames... you get the idea. Oddly enough, she also likes cuddling (though she'd rather die than admit that to anyone.) While many people assume she dislikes rules, they couldn't be more wrong. Jade understands the importance of them; she breaks them because it's just more fun to piss people off. What she actually despises over all else would be feeling helpless.

Oh, and did I mention that for a general, she swears like a fucking sailor?

1. Make things go boom
Jade has the ability to create and bend fire to her own will. She could probably change the color if she tried hard enough but why would you want to change COOL GREEN BLASTS... yeah, no she won't be changing the color anytime soon. She can also concentrate her magic to create more explosive blasts.

2. Make things go sparky and boom
Would you be surprised if I told you Jade's lightning is green too? Yes? No? Well, it is green. Like, super green. It's the green of oceans in the midst of a storm and zaps people at the speed of… well… lightening.

3. Healing for the soul
After discovering that fire is simply a manipulation of energy, she learnt to harness it to heal rather than destroy. Jade can't heal physical wounds but can subdue or lessen emotional grief and torment.

1. Water
Naturally, she's weak against water. Being stronger than most, she has been able to get away with evaporating the water used against her in a fight but water conducts lightning and extinguishes flames. It's pretty much a given that her options would be limited when fighting against a water manipulator.

2. Feeling helpless
It's stated above that she despises feeling helpless but as the number of deaths she'd seen climbed higher and higher, her hatred for being powerless became a constant, nagging fear. If something were to rob her of her powers, she might just have a meltdown.
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Name: Freya
Age: 27
Race: Light spirit (originally human)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Neutral good (formally lawful good)
Height: 171cm (5'6)

Freya is your typical protagonist. Kind, saviour complex, trauma, and most of all, she has the power of plot armour which overrides all sorts of abilities. She's not just a stereotype, she's the stereotype. Well, until she's not. Because the stereotype dictates some form of self-loathe, humility, and generosity that exceeds human understanding. Freya is simply human. She has goals, beliefs and aspirations she would die for but she's still self-preserving. (Most of the time anyway). She's angry at the world for taking so much away from her but she isn't strong enough to accept it and use it as motivation. At her core, she wants to make the world a better place but sometimes, she wonders if this is even a world worth saving.

Being a warrior both in her previous and current life, she's not one for conversation. Her replies tend to vary between a few words to a sentence and she usually doesn't give personal information unless asked directly. (That's a different story if she's drunk though.) BUT speaking of alcohol, Freya makes sure to stay far far away from the bottle. She doesn't like the lack of control that comes with the high and being a cuddly happy person is just a weird look on her.

Freya doesn't care much for appearance. Her movements are far from elegant but they're confident which grants her a certain kind of grace. She also doesn't place romance as a very high priority but since she's someone who experiences emotions strongly, that is something that can be easily changed.

Likes: rain, silence, classical music, oceans, forests, twilight
Dislikes: crowded places, corruption, evil, dark magic, manipulation

Born into the esteemed Knights of Greswing, Freya lived her life completely sheltered from the outside world. She was raised to believe in law and order and the hierarchy that enforced them both. Only when she became a lieutenant, did she finally learn the truth of the matter. Hundreds of thousands of destitute lay sprawled on the outskirts of her own kingdom whilst the crown revelled in their riches. This was the first of many instances where she questioned the hierarchy of her nation.

The day of her death, ironically, was supposed to be a day of glory. Freya was sent along with her squadron to subdue a nearby town that had been rumoured to terrorize the citizens of her country. However, when they arrived, she found that all the rumours were false and it was simply a civilian town. Still, her commander ordered genocide and when she refused, he pierced his sword right through her beating heart.

Since then, she had been revived by a moon goddess known as Lunaria to begin her new life in Amaris - a hidden forest housing numerous fae folk and magical creatures.

1. Gravity manipulation
With the powers granted to her by the goddess of the moon, Freya is able to manipulate the direction and flow of gravity. It's nothing significant like controlling the push and pull of tides but rather, it's a magic that's much smaller in scale. Her strikes pack more of a punch, she's able to carry inhumanely heavy objects while still maintaining a high level of dexterity and, she can engage in aerial combat. Unfortunately, the extent of her powers are limited to touch (so no, there's no cool blood-bending make everyone crumble to the ground kinda thing here).

2. Lunar summoning
She's able to conjure the moon's light whether it be in bright flares or dim lighting. It could either be emitted directly from her body or exist in floating spheres.

1. Magic glowing hair?????
As the title suggests, her hair glows. Not sure if that's a weakness or a fun fact or both but she'll never be able to launch surprise attacks and she's pretty easily spotted at night, thus making her easy to capture or fight against.
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Name: Seraphina
Age: 196 (Mental age 25)
Race: Siren
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 4.7m (15'4) in siren form, 162m (5'3) in human form

Appearence description:
With eyes of pearls and a complexion of mist, rational people should be quick to shy away from her but they're drawn in instead. They're drawn to the ethereal flow of her hair, the fluidity and grace of her movements, but more than ever, they're drawn to her voice which resonates with the divinity of gods.

Despite being slender in frame, Seraphina's tail stretches to 3.7 meters in length. Her scales have a metallic tint to them and beneath the sparse light of the sea, they glow emerald. Various fins adorn the length of her tail, making it appear a lot more voluminous. Even in the "human half" of her body, her skin is silk smooth and littered with patches of virescent lamia. Seraphina's hair is usually woven into a loose braid that hangs to her mid-back and she chooses to don a plain green dress that extends slightly past her torso. In place of ears, she has two pinkish-green fins which flicker occasionally as she moves through the waters. Her tail is flexible, to say the least. It's able to twist in turn in ways a human can only imagine which amplifies her dexterity. She also has a dorsal fin that stems the entire length of her upper back down to her tailbone which she's able to extend upwards or flatten.

Seraphina is the definition of grace; her entire body is streamlined to perfection but her outerwear is less than optimized. As she moves through the waters, her dress often catches onto stray corals and rocks resulting in numerous small tears littering the fabric. Despite living in near total darkness, she carries herself with dignity; her wraith appearance has no hold on her melodious voice.

Seraphina stands for what she believes in; there's a reason why people know her for being the rebel of the town. Her respect is also something that needs to be earned rather than given. As such, the elders shun her attitude towards them. It's a wonder how she hasn't been disowned by the royal family. Well, in her defence she's seventh in line so the need to uphold a good reputation is significantly lessened. Plus, she happens to be a damn good diplomat so they'd be in Big Trouble if they get rid of her.

Being a siren, she knows exactly what makes a heart tick. She understands people but has a tendency to read too much into their actions. That said she's still naive which makes her easy to take advantage of. This stems from her hope that the world is a good place and so are the people in it. Seraphina's aware that her worldview is blissfully ignorant but assuming that everyone is fundamentally nice just feels a lot better than being suspicious of them. Besides, even if she had that trust broken more times than she could count, she refuses to change the way she sees things.

Seraphina also has a tendency to chatter on and on and it's easy for her to do so since her thoughts fill her head to the brim. To a stranger, she could come off as overwhelming. (She's working on it. Trying to, at least.) Whenever she's with someone, she feels an obligation to fill the silence with entertainment which is actually very draining for her so while she's loud with others, she also needs ample time alone to recharge. Seraphina tries her best to come off as composed and competent but honestly, she's just a dork and doesn't know what she's talking about half the time. (If she had access to the internet she's the kind of person who spends hours browsing through random Wikipedia pages for fun.)

Seraphina's hobbies include reading and writing and as all of us writer/roleplayers know... that means she has unrealistically high expectations for romance and will go to great lengths to make every date perfect.

Likes: nighttime, stars, streams, quietude, peace, high humidity, rum, cake
Dislikes: desert, loud music, bitter things, bright light, silence

The perks of being a Siren (Abilities):
1. Night vision
Seraphina has spectacular night vision. Even without a source of light, the subtle glow of her scales is enough for her accurately get a picture of her surroundings.

2. Tail goes yeet
Her tail possesses superhuman strength whilst her scales serve as a kind of armour. This means she can easily propel herself out of the waters 70 meters at a time or capsize lifeboats with a single swipe. She's also able to shapeshift her tail into legs but she would retain most of her scales and lose all supernatural strength as a human. Moreover, in her human form, she's unable to run or even walk for prolonged distances.

3. Siren's voice
The legends are true! If you hear voices singing out at sea, don't venture close because if you do, you're pretty much a goner buddy. Although Seraphina's voice can be heard within a one-mile radius, it's not exactly potent when heard so far away. Rather, at the maximum distance, creatures would feel unnaturally drawn to her voice but can still choose to resist it if they have enough willpower. Only once they give into temptation will she be able to manipulate their emotions or actions through her words.

4. Good At Math
I know this isn't a supernatural ability. No, she's not extra smart or anything but, unlike her creator, she will not cry if she sees a math problem and I think that's an ability worth noting down.

The not so good perks of being a Siren (weaknesses):
1. Day blindness
During the day, her vision is greatly reduced. At sunrise, her vision is that of a normal human but by the time it reaches high noon, everything beyond a 7-meter radius is just white light.

2. Stranded
If she gets stranded on land and goes too long without soaking her body in water, she will literally turn into sea foam and evaporate. This process would normally take a week even with the intensity of high noon but by the end of the second day, she would lose mobility in her legs/tail. By the fourth day, she will be completely immobile and roughly a day before her time's up, she'll lose her voice.
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Name: Nora (Villain name: Malice)
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Race: Fallen angel
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: 1.78m (5'8)
Mental health issues: BPD
Social status: Outcast
Tattoos/noteworthy mentions: Snake tattoo between her shoulder blades which stems the length of her back, wings, mechanic left arm and eyes, multiple ear piercings.

Appearence description:
Being more comfortable with her masculine side, Nora is often seen wearing a black suit, tailored to her body. Up close, one can see the fabric stretch where muscles adorn the length of her arms and legs. Her movement is confident and her posture evermore so. She walks with sense of purpose and when she looks at you, her gaze is piercing. Red irises glow with cybernetic light, scarlet as freshly spilt blood. From the sharp bridge of her nose down to her jaw, her facial features resemble sculpted stone. Piercings line the cartilage of her ear whilst scars adorn her back. Whether it'd be from failed experiments or battle injuries.

On her back adorn great wings that trail on the ground as she walks. Her plume is pitch black and when they beat in the sky, the very winds shudder in its wake. However, her wings had only recently grown so large. Weird fallen angel puberty and all. As such, she tends to be a little clumsy with them, knocking things off tables or having them stuck behind doorframes.

Nora's left arm is made of pure steel and pipes, connected to her body at her shoulder blades. Under the sun, it gleams silver whilst the rest of her battle armour is various shades of dull grey. She wears a belt strapped with numerous bombs and would never charge into a fight with her trusty plasma gun. In combat, her top is a bulletproof vest with a plain singlet underneath while her pants have a tight fit to ensure optimal movement.

Brimming with ambition, Nora simply wants. She's power-hungry and willing to take on anything and everything to get her heart's desire. Sometimes, she comes across as borderline insane but she takes that in her stride and accepts it as a part of her. After all, she is but a product of her own upbringing. Nora often finds herself donning a flippant facade, using jokes or banter to conceal her true intentions. She's the definition of a puppeteer and loves the game of manipulating people. Her words are honey-sweet but can cut sharper than blades. However, she is unable to trust. Stemming from a deep-rooted fear of abandonment, she finds herself spending more time with her own creations rather than real people. Perhaps that's how she drove herself to the cusp of insanity. Her mods flicker between hot and cold; there's no in-between with her. A single word, a gesture, or even a tone could set her off completely. But these bouts of emotion only happen when she's alone. Around others, there will be no vulnerability.

As much as she wants to be competent, she often neglects small details in her schemes which is the main reason why they fail. She prides herself in her creative ideas but creativity can only take her so far. In the rare occasion she really sets her mind to something, she can be a force to be reckoned with. Nora also struggles with her identity. Having been shunned her entire life for her race and weak abilities, she found no place in society and eventually learnt how to fend for herself. After all, social skills can be learnt but humanity? Once you lose it, it's gone forever. And she knows this. She knows she's been nothing but a self-serving fiend; she embraces it. It's as they say, "A child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth."

Nora carries an array of weapons to make up for her lack of pure destructive power. Her go-to is a plasma gun blaster capable of incinerating concrete itself. It fires luminescent blue liquid at speeds similar to a bullet. If this liquid comes into contact with skin, it will burn through it like acid. She also has small but potent bombs tucked safely in her jacket. They vary in attribution; some are capable of blowing up an entire building while others secrete a fog for her to escape. She's also built an artificial sidekick... defective, of course, BUT she's working on it. If only she could get that robot to stop offering the damn heroine tea and cookies and blast her with lasers instead. Machinery's tough okay.
However, said sidekick has much more firepower than Nora. She has inbuilt guns, bombs, and even a self destruct which can blow up a small island. Nora just can't get the program to work. Now she's stuck with a potentially destructive but completely useless butler-slash-maid and she does not know how to feel about it.

Brief background:
They say every angel's wings are born white. Nora's was black for as long as she could remember. She was a defective product of an experiment. Magic in the current era was revolutionizing and scientists were tapping into the potential of genetic enhancement. She was born blind and therefore a perfect candidate to serve as a guinea pig. Her parents, peasants both, were quick to sign her life over in exchange for a large sum of money. Her days in the lab were a blur of wires and drugs. Eventually, a pair of bionic eyes were implanted to replace her own but she still couldn't see. That was the first pair of many and eventually, the experiment was scrapped. However, unbeknownst to the scientists, it wasn't a complete failure. Left on the streets, Nora realized that she could suddenly see things. It was all shadows and silhouettes for the first week but within a few months, they became outlines. By a year, she even had depth perception. Her bionics were evolving on their own.

A piece of poetry she would probably write/relate to:
I have never been in love. Only wanted to be in love. Thought I was in love. Desired to be loved. But to be in love? Never. Because when all you've known is chaos, you mistake the absence of it as love. And when all you've felt is loneliness, you'd think company is love enough. So when I say I am lonely, I mean so much more than that wretched word implies. I mean my soul weeps for connection. I mean I have an unquenchable desire to be understood. I mean I want to be yearned for the same way we all yearn to touch the stars. There is an entire universe's worth of depth contained in me and in everyone around me - so why am I unable to reach it? Do we not all want to cry out to the rain? To the godless sky and abandoned world? Do our hearts not beat the same sorrowful beautiful wonderful symphony? Do our eyes not reveal a galaxy beneath the sun?

So why is it so hard for me to find love? And why is it so easy for loneliness to find me?

She is adept in the art of alchemy and engineering. Given the right materials, she's able to build just about anything from scratch. She's also able to modify body parts and use machinery to enhance their strength, as she did to herself when she lost her arm. (Yes, she lost it because she accidentally blew herself up but shh, it all turned out well didn't it?)

Attribution: tainted light magic
1. Illusions
Nora is able to create large scale illusions. She can do so by either manipulating the way an object looks by bending the light around it or tapping into the senses of a person by manipulating the perception of their soul.

The first method consumes a lot less energy but would restrict her illusions to sight and sound. This means that she can conjure what appears to be a storm with lightning and thunder but the raindrops would not be able to touch people. Through such means, she can also make herself invisible or even change her entire appearance.

The second method would allow her to manipulate all five senses of a person. This means she can conjure much stronger illusions like pain. She can also make them relive memories by changing the entire scene around them. However, she's only able to fully control the senses of one person at a time. She can also opt to do a hybrid of both where she controls the sight, sound, and touch, of a handful of people. This would lower the scale of her illusions but would also make it seem more realistic.

2. Cyborg arm and eyes
Her cyborg arm is stronger and faster than a human arm. A single grip can shatter bones whilst a punch can destroy walls. It's also more durable and can stand it's ground against any other weapon such as swords and spears. It's only drawback is it's short range. Her eyes on the other hand don't provide any advantage, they simply glow.
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Name: Nyx
Age: 297
Gender: Female
Race: White Snake (Basilisk)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: 1.75m (5'7) in human form, 15 meters in Basilisk form
Social status: Rogue
Tattoos/noteworthy mentions: Shifting snake tattoo stemming from the base of her neck down to her tailbone, canine teeth are slightly sharper and longer, resembling fangs

Appearance description:
As a human, iridescent scales adorn the length of Nyx's arms and legs, fading into a faint porcelain complexion on her face, torso, and back. Her movements are poetry in motion. Combine that with the slightly luminous properties of her scales and skin, and she is walking starlight. Cascading tresses of onyx hair frames her face and flows down her back in a loose braid whilst her virescent earrings emit a faint glow that makes her features appear sharper. She is usually swathed in black garments with loose sleeves but a tight waistline. Multiple leather belts help secure the outercoat to her person - but truth told, it's more for aesthetic purposes. She wears white inner garments tinged with bits of green near the v-neck lining, giving her a more eastern appearance. Her legs on the other hand are sheathed in black leather tights, showing off her lean muscle and leaving a lot less than she'd like to the imagination.

As a snake, her scales glisten like purest alabaster. She spans a hefty 15 meters in length with an aura equally formidable. Though her fangs and appearance are gargantuan in nature, her sinuous motion carries the grace of tides itself.

Now, let's get to her eyes because that is arguably the most (and perhaps only) important feature of a Basilisk. To put it simply they're green. But such a descriptor fails to convey how imposing they are. Nyx's eyes are a shade of green birthed from the exact moment lightening strikes the ocean. It is a shifting, radiant, almost divine kind of green and looking into them is akin to finding yourself drowning in northern lights. It is peace. It is tranquility. It is death made impossibly beautiful. Perhaps that is why those who gaze into her eyes cannot bear to blink or look away. Even in stone, their heart longs for the false sanctuary they've glimpsed into.

Her voice is a whisper, a melody, and threat all at once. It resonates with a harmonious blend of sinuous cadence and haunting grace. When imbued with magic, it is almost as compelling as a siren's song but even on it's own, it instills whoever hears her with fearful curiosity.

Angry. Nyx is angry. At the world, at society, at herself. Servitude was forced upon her time again and she can't figure out if that was what forged who she is or whether she was just born to resent. Either way, she is a firm believer of "violence may not be the answer, but it is a solution". That said, the hatred she bears is a cold, black hatred. She's not a hothead who fights anyone who insults her but rather, she is one that goes straight for the kill.

Given that anger is a secondary emotion, it's no wonder Nyx is emotionally immature. Sure she's felt sadness and happiness and the spectrum in between, but in the spur of the moment it's kill first, feel later. This has resulted in one too many people being added to her body count (the wrong kind of body count). Her inability to be vulnerable is also something that most therapists would deem extremely concerning but her long years of solitude has convinced her that everything is fine. Naturally, this makes her an introvert who has trouble talking to strangers unless it's to insult them.

That said, deep down, Nyx swears she was born to be happy-go-lucky. It's one of those situations where if life had treated her better, she'd probably be better. Sometimes, when she finds that sliver of peace in her travels, she feels like she is and could even be an entirely different person. Someone happier. Someone... content. But as it stands, she dares not let go of her resentment least let go of who she is entirely. Her moral compass is gray at best and her motivations are mostly self serving.

Likes: small bodies of water, night time, cool winds, darkness, sweet things, cuddles (though she will never admit it)
Dislikes: coffee, direct sunlight, bitter things, happy people (sometimes)

Brief Background:
It is not known how or when familiars are created. Perhaps one is born when another dies; a reincarnation of sorts. Or perhaps they are birthed from lingering magical energy combined with sheer will. All that's known for sure is that they roam the Abyss until they're summoned. The first time Nyx felt the pull, she was dragged through a portal by a girl. She didn't go by Nyx back then. She was young, and took the form of a bunny. Thus began a cycle of contracts: short term, long term, but never lifelong. Not until she was summoned by a certain scientist. Nyx can't remember the rational behind agreeing to modify their contract to a lifelong one. Maybe she was naive. Maybe she fell in love. Either way, both leads to stupidity - but even that would not have made her deserve the consequence of her decision. Familiar experimentation is a highly condemned and heavily sanctioned practice. And that was exactly what Nyx was subjected to for decades. The purpose of the experiment was to find a way to increase a familiar's magical potency which would in turn make the master witch exponentially more powerful. It was a long running experiment - one that would have taken lifetimes to truly complete. It took almost thirty years for authorities to discover the underground lab, and another 5 to shut it down. In her master's attempt to flee, she was shot, thus concluding their contract.

Upon her return to the Abyss, Nyx went rogue. She had known all she had to know about the nature of mankind and that was enough to drive her deep into the depths of the Abyss. After all, the monsters here were nothing compared to the monsters in the other realm.

Nyx is adept at fighting and can wield any weapon at an intermediate level. She specializes in mid-range weapons such as spears, chains, and whips. Her preferred weapon is a poison-tipped whip.

1. Shapeshifting
Nyx is able to shift between her human form and snake form at will. At her most human, her arms and legs will still be adorned in scales but they will have a more humane quality to them (they're softer and more skin-like as compared to her snake form). At her most snake she's... a snake. Like full on Big Basilisk, You Will Die. That said, she is able to adjust her size with her smallest spanning a mere 50 centimeters. Does this mean she can be a cute cuddly snake? Yes, absolutely but she is not able to perform Ant-Man's level of size shifting. Her shifts are rather slow and pretty much useless in battle as it will leave her vulnerable for at least a few seconds.

She also has the ability to partially shift between her snake form and human form. For instance, she could cover her entire body with the hardened scales of her snake form, or leave her upper half human whilst her lower half ends in a snake's tail. Though that last bit really has no practical uses unless it's some obscure kink or something.

2. Being a Snake
Think of the most potent venom you've ever heard of - then double it. This "little" snickety snake is the exact kind of deadly that makes venomologists froth at the mouth. Nyx's venom is pitch black in color and viscous. As a snake, she usually injects her venom through her fangs, but as a human, she carries around a venom tipped whip which does the job equally well. Then again, if she bites something as a snake, the poor thing would have a hole through it's body spanning an entire foot in diameter so really, is the venom even necessary at that point? Anyway, the effects of her venom is the stereotypical instant agony followed by paralysis followed by death. If a being is immune to venom, it would have no effect. If a being is resistant to venom then good news! They're not dying by the half-hour mark! Then again, the big thing about venom is that it needs to be injected into the bloodstream so unless Nyx manages to break skin, it's useless. Tough luck if she's fighting spirits huh.

As a mythical beast, Nyx also has hardened scales which help protect her from lower level magic blasts and non magically enhanced weapons.

3. Stone Stare
Is this ability particularly surprising? No. Not at all. Is it one of those abilities where the protagonist goes: "of course this evil monster can turn people into stone, what else could go wrong?" Absolutely. Nyx can imbue her gaze with magical energy thus paralyzing, knocking unconscious, or even killing those who make eye contact with her. The effect of her stare would vary depending on how much magical potency her opponent has. If they're much stronger than her, they're likely able to resist her curse of stone. If they're much weaker, then, good luck buddy. At least dying by her stare is a better way to go than her venom. If those turned to stone were alive, they'd say their final moments were one of peace and tranquility.

On the flip side, her gaze can be used to make others feel at peace without harming them. This requires a very precise and low amount of magical energy so it'll only be effective if the other party consents to it.

Side note: she can't turn things that don't have a physical body into stone. So, in other words, if she gets haunted by a spirit, she's just a goner.

4. Parseltongue
Snakes! Whether we're speaking metaphorically or literally, it takes one to know one. Nyx can speak to snakes and has a higher aptitude for detecting and telling lies. It's not as strong as a siren's song and she won't be able to convince you to walk off a cliff but if she were to say "I am a four hundred foot tall platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings," you'd do a double take. (And yes, I did just reference Avatar the Legend of Aang).

1. Big Reflective Surfaces
If she casts her stone stare on a reflective surface, it would backfire on her and she would be hit. Although she is less affected by her own magic than others, ergo she would not turn to stone, she would still be paralyzed for a few hours. That said, the reflective surface needs to be big enough. Think full body shields.

2. Paranormal Creatures
Yes this big bad snake is scared of ghosts. I'm talking really really scared. In her defense, she's practically useless against them in a fight and has no way to defend herself so turning into a tiny snake and running away would be her best bet... right?
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Name: Zarek Arandur Vulred
Age: 124
Gender: Male
Race: Drow
Sexuality: Gay
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Height: 1.84m

Appearance description:
Donned in a simple black singlet, hooded scarf and loose grey pants, Zarek embodies the enigmatic allure of his kind. His complexion is dark and his muscles toned, as if crafted by the shadows themselves. When paired with the angular structure of jaw, high cheekbones, and bow-shaped lips, there is no doubt that he is one of the elven drows. However, unlike his kind, his hair is pure white and falls past his shoulders like a river of starlight.

Zarek stands tall and proud, his movements swift as the winds and sharp as blades. That said, he's unable to stand still. When idling, he finds himself fidgeting either with the loose edges of his scarf or the multiple rings on his fingers. His irises are hues of the darkest abyss. In the sun, they seem to absorb all light, as if they hold the essence of night itself.

Zarek is a flirt by nature. He enjoys pushing people's buttons and seeing just how much he can get away with before being burned. However, he still remains respectful of others (or tries to at least) and will stand up against someone if they were to say something against his morals. He is a man firm in his decisions. Unfortunately, he is also stubborn as all heck and everyone knows that makes for an infuriating combination.

Zarek is also temperamental to say the least. Though he doesn't hold grudges, he can be quick to anger. Good thing his anger doesn't last since confrontation is basically his middle name. Some might think that all his antics and quips are a facade to hide some deep, dark persona. Ever heard of the phrase "there are two wolves inside of me"? Well, this isn't one of those cases. That said, Zarek is insecure that he isn't a likable person. Sure, he acts like he was born bursting with confidence, but the way he is - some may say the annoyance he is, can be an acquired taste. And if someone doesn't like everything he's put out, he doesn't have the excuse that he's "hiding his true self" because really, he's an open book.

Oddly enough, Zarek's actually an introvert. He takes a keen liking to reading, poetry, and history. He also spends his free time singing with and to the birds. Does this mean he's a big romantic nerd? Absolutely. Will he ever admit it? He'd rather drink poison.

Born into House Vulred, one of the most influential and ruthless Drow houses, Zarek was groomed from a young age to embrace the cutthroat politics, cruelty, and subterfuge that defined his society. He displayed a remarkable aptitude for the shadow arts and assassination techniques, earning him a place of favour within the house.

However, as Zarek delved deeper into the shadows of Drow society, he began to question the merciless principles that governed his people. The relentless power struggles, betrayals, and cruelty became increasingly unbearable to him. In a moment of profound clarity, he decided to escape the suffocating grasp of his house and the Underground itself.

A set of dual short swords are sheathed at the small of his back. They are crafted from the finest steel and it's blades are dark as obsidian.

1. Dark vision
Having been born and raised in the Underground, Zarek's eyes are attuned to darkness. The night is his domain amd the shadows are his abode.

2. Shadow Manipulation
Zarek is able to cloak himself in shadows such that he becomes almost invisible to the naked eye. This is most effective in low lighting. He is also able to step between shadows. The range of his shadow step is limited to how far he can see. Lastly, he is able to fire shadow blasts which feel a lot like blasts of fire but with more impact.

1. Light sensitivity
Zarek takes thrice as long to adjust to bright lights compared to the average human. He's also not able to see very well during bright daylight. For instance, early morning light to humans would feel like the merciless afternoon sunlight to Zarek. If you think he's frowning and angry all the time.... welll that's just him squinting.
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Image Credit: this link
Name: Nyx
Age: 97
Gender: Female
Race: Giant White Snake
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: 1.75m (5'7) in human form, 7.5 meters in snake form
Social status: Rogue
Tattoos/noteworthy mentions: Shifting snake tattoo stemming from the base of her neck down to her tailbone, canine teeth are slightly sharper and longer, resembling fangs

Appearance description:
As a human, iridescent scales adorn the length of Nyx's arms and legs, fading into a faint porcelain complexion on her face, torso, and back. Her movements are poetry in motion. Combine that with the slightly luminous properties of her scales and skin, and she is walking starlight. Cascading tresses of onyx hair frames her face and flows down her back in a loose braid whilst her virescent earrings emit a faint glow that makes her features appear sharper. She is usually swathed in black garments with loose sleeves but a tight waistline. Multiple leather belts help secure the outercoat to her person - but truth told, it's more for aesthetic purposes. She wears white inner garments tinged with bits of green near the v-neck lining, giving her a more eastern appearance. Her legs on the other hand are sheathed in black leather tights, showing off her lean muscle and leaving a lot less than she'd like to the imagination.

As a snake, her scales glisten like purest alabaster. She spans a hefty 15 meters in length with an aura equally formidable. Though her fangs and appearance are gargantuan in nature, her sinuous motion carries the grace of tides itself.

Now, let's get to her eyes because that is arguably the most pretty feature of a snake. To put it simply they're green. But such a descriptor fails to convey how imposing they are. Nyx's eyes are a shade of green birthed from the exact moment lightening strikes the ocean. It is a shifting, radiant, almost divine kind of green and looking into them is akin to finding yourself drowning in northern lights. It is peace. It is tranquility. It is death made impossibly beautiful. Perhaps that is why those who gaze into her eyes cannot bear to blink or look away. Even in stone, their heart longs for the false sanctuary they've glimpsed into.

Her voice is a whisper, a melody, and threat all at once. It resonates with a harmonious blend of sinuous cadence and haunting grace. When imbued with magic, it is almost as compelling as a siren's song but even on it's own, it instills whoever hears her with fearful curiosity.

Angry. Nyx is angry. At the world, at society, at herself. She can't figure out if her experiences were what forged who she is or whether she was just born to resent. Either way, she is a firm believer of "violence may not be the answer, but it is a solution". That said, the hatred she bears is a cold, black hatred. She's not a hothead who fights anyone who insults her but rather, she is one that goes straight for the kill.

Given that anger is a secondary emotion, it's no wonder Nyx is emotionally immature. Sure she's felt sadness and happiness and the spectrum in between, but in the spur of the moment it's kill first, feel later. This has resulted in one too many people being added to her body count (the wrong kind of body count). Her inability to be vulnerable is also something that most therapists would deem extremely concerning but her years of solitude has convinced her that everything is fine. Naturally, this makes her an introvert who has trouble talking to strangers unless it's to insult them.

That said, deep down, Nyx swears she was born to be happy-go-lucky. It's one of those situations where if life had treated her better, she'd probably be better. Sometimes, when she finds that sliver of peace in her travels, she feels like she is and could even be an entirely different person. Someone happier. Someone... content. But as it stands, she dares not let go of her resentment least let go of who she is entirely. Her moral compass is gray at best and her motivations are mostly self serving.

Likes: small bodies of water, night time, cool winds, darkness, sweet things, cuddles (though she will never admit it)
Dislikes: coffee, direct sunlight, bitter things, happy people (sometimes)

Brief Background:
It is not known how or when creatures are summoned from the void. Perhaps one is born when another dies; a reincarnation of sorts. Or perhaps they are birthed from lingering magical energy combined with sheer will. All that is known is those creatures from legends and myths are real - and likely the consequence of mankind's tempering with magic. Nyx was summoned by an old woman as a D'Albertis python. She had little memories of her earlier days apart from being hungry or thirsty, both of which were well taken care of by the woman. She had enough of a conscious to know her owner summoned her for company in her final years and enough heart to love her summoner in return. So while the passing of her owner was of no surprise, she had no idea the horrors that she'd face next.

A scientist took her to a place with white walls and white coats. Magical creature experimentation is a highly condemned and heavily sanctioned practice. And that was exactly what Nyx was subjected to for decades. The purpose of the experiment was to find a way to increase a summoned animal's magical potency such that they can be turned into weapons. It was a long running experiment - one that started decades ago and would take decades longer to complete. Through her years in the lab, she'd grown from a mere 1.5m python to a giant snake spanning a maximum of 7.5 meters. She was also the first summoned creature to gain a human form along with abilities after her magical capacity was forcefully increased exponentially. (AKA she was the first to not die, good for her!)

Nyx is adept at using a poison-tipped whip but is more comfortable fighting in her original snake form.

1. Shapeshifting
Nyx is able to shift between her human form and snake form at will. At her most human, her arms and legs will still be adorned in scales but they will have a more humane quality to them (they're softer and more skin-like as compared to her snake form). At her most snake she's... a snake. Like full on Big Snake, You Will Die. That said, she is able to adjust her size with her smallest spanning a mere 30 centimeters. Does this mean she can be a cute cuddly snake? Yes, absolutely but she is not able to perform Ant-Man's level of size shifting. Her shifts are much slower in comparison and will require a few seconds to complete.

She also has the ability to partially shift between her snake form and human form. For instance, she could cover her entire body with the hardened scales of her snake form, or leave her upper half human whilst her lower half ends in a snake's tail. Though that last bit really has no practical uses unless it's some obscure kink or something.

2. Being a Snake
Think of the most potent venom you've ever heard of - then double it. This "little" snickety snake is the exact kind of deadly that makes venomologists froth at the mouth. Nyx's venom is pitch black in color and viscous. As a snake, she usually injects her venom through her fangs, but as a human, she carries around a venom tipped whip which does the job equally well. The effects of her venom start with hallucinations and disoientation followed by agony, paralysis and death. If a being is immune to venom, it would have no effect. If a being is resistant to venom then good news! They're not dying by the half-hour mark! Then again, the big thing about venom is that it needs to be injected into the bloodstream so unless Nyx manages to break skin, it's useless. Tough luck if she's fighting spirits huh.

As a magical beast, Nyx also has hardened scales which help protect her from lower level magic blasts and non magically enhanced weapons.

3. Paralyzing Stare
Is this ability particularly surprising? No. Not at all. Is it one of those abilities where the protagonist goes: "of course this evil monster has magic, what else could go wrong?" Absolutely. Nyx can imbue her gaze with magical energy thus paralyzing, slowing, or knocking unconscious those who make eye contact long enough with her. The effect of her stare would vary depending on how much magical potency her opponent has. If they're much stronger than her, they're likely able to resist her gaze. If they're much weaker, then, good luck buddy. (If we're talking specifics: ants, critters and other small animals would be paralyzed in an instant whilst humans would only be slowed down. If they decide to stare lovingly into her eyes though, its a snooze fest for them).

On the flip side, her gaze can be used to make others feel at peace without harming them. This requires a very precise and low amount of magical energy so it'll only be effective if the other party consents to it.

Side note: she can't paralyze things that don't have a physical body. So, in other words, if she gets haunted by a spirit, she's just a goner.

4. Parseltongue
Snakes! Whether we're speaking metaphorically or literally, it takes one to know one. Nyx can speak to snakes and has a higher aptitude for detecting and telling lies. It's not as strong as a siren's song and she won't be able to convince you to walk off a cliff but if she were to say "I am a four hundred foot tall platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings," you'd do a double take. (And yes, I did just reference Avatar the Legend of Aang).

1. Big Reflective Surfaces
If she casts her stone stare on a reflective surface, it would backfire on her and she would be hit. Although she is less affected by her own magic than others, ergo she would not be completely paralyzed, it would make her motions sluggish and render her unable to use magic. That said, the reflective surface needs to be big enough. Think full body shields.

2. Paranormal Creatures
Yes this big bad snake is scared of ghosts. I'm talking really really scared. In her defense, she's practically useless against them in a fight and has no way to defend herself so turning into a tiny snake and running away would be her best bet... right?
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Name: Vayne Kavor
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Kingdom: Dark
Element: Dark
Sexuality: Gay
Alignment: True neutral
Height: 1.82m

Appearance description:
Tall, lean, and composed, Vayne is a man who carries himself with the elegance and grace of a deity. He is often seen donned in the Grand Mage's robe ironed to the point where not a single crease of fold taints his image. Beneath it, his skin is marred by thousands of wispy markings collected from his years of practising the dark arts. When not channelling magic, these markings shift slightly like the brewing of clouds before a storm but when he is, the markings move to form ancient words in consonance with the arcane spell. Vayne is a regal man and decorates himself accordingly; on his right ear hangs a priceless gold earring and on his neck and left wrist, a necklace and bracelet from a matching set. His chest bears a faint scar from when he was still learning sword fighting but it is barely visible above the black wisps clouding his skin. The only other notable marking is a tiny mole beneath his left eye, leaving his face otherwise unblemished.

Vayne walks with swift, purposeful strides and when he fights, everything about him, from posture to strikes, is calculated. His tone is often placid, carrying with it as much emotion as still water. His gaze is also stone cold and people have reported that it is like staring into a dead man's eyes.

Vayne is an elegant, polished little box sealed shut with ten locks. In it lies an ocean of cold wrath, stubbornness, and an icy sarcasm to tie the two together. Perhaps adding an 11th lock would be in the best interests of the Dark Kingdom's Mage Association. That said, thousands of complaints aside, Grand Mage Vayne has no intention of changing. He's good at his job and knows it. Fortunately, that comes with a devotion so unwavering it's more than religious, it's fanatical. Unfortunately, that also comes with an audacity so brazen he dares anyone to replace him. None can. Since he attained his position, it has become commonplace to see mages and knights sprint out of his office in tears. I'm talking full grown 6-foot-buff-men reduced to a sobbing mess in minutes. (His PR team has begun working triple shifts to keep him in the aristocracy's good graces... His PR team is Dave. Poor Dave.)

Alas, as talented and skilled as this man is in the art of dark magic, he substantially lacks emotional intelligence. In his defence, he never had to bother with reading people when reading a single spell could easily decimate said people. While this leaves a brutal reputation in its wake, it also explains the unending internal conflict he faces. Vayne is the living embodiment of "I've never processed thing in my entire life!" and it shows; while the general public remains charmed by him, he keeps even his innermost circle at an arm's length. He views mosrt people as a means to get what he wants and nothing more. It is then no surprise that he dons numerous facades (much like the dark kingdom's reigning queen) to match the occasion, leaving his true personality a mystery to most.

Speaking of his true personality, he's straightforward, decisive, and sarcastic. Occasionally he enjoys watching people squirm beneath his gaze or beneath him. As you guessed it, he is unlikeable to most that really get to know him but Vayne has no issue with that. He firmly believes you don't need to be likeable to everyone to get what you want. You just need a select few to need you; depend on you. And he became just that.

Ironically, if Vayne cares about something, he cares about it deeply. It is the kind of love people would dedicate lifetimes to and the kind poets wax lyrical about. As such, he can be protective... can being the key word here. Vayne's problem lies in recognizing he cares about something deeply enough to prioritize protecting it.

Likes: coffee, reading, coming up with new torture methods, cream cake, stargazing, sunrise/sunset, the specific feeling you get at 11pm when you realize you've done all you needed to do today and there are no more expectations of you except existing, milk

Dislikes: screaming babies, crying babies, actually he just dislikes all babies, and children under the age of 12, carrots (this man will NOT touch a dish that has been tainted with a carrot), the colour yellow (orange is on thin ice), ice skating, tiny crusty old dogs

Numerous throwing knives are sheathed beneath his robe as a last-resort measure whilst a rapier is strapped to his waist. He may be a mage but he sure as hell can hold his own in a fight.

No one knows what Vayne's familiar is. In fact, they've pretty much assumed he has none. Those killed by his hand would say otherwise though, for the moment they drew their last breath, they'd swear there was a rabbit shrouded in shadows appearing in the corner of their vision.
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Name: Amaryllis Somerset
Age: 135
Gender: Female
Race: Fae
Kingdom: Vesperia
Element: Energy
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Height: 1.75m

"The burden of the crown is mine alone to bear."

Appearance Description
With iridescent irises and a honeyed complexion, most would abandon all caution about the fae once they lay eyes on her. Often donned in royal robe, Amaryllis carries herself with the grace and elegance of a goddess. She walks with languid but purposeful strides and when she speaks, her voice simultaneously that of a symphony and a foreboding echo. Iridescent locks spill past her shoulders and down her waist in a silken cascade, perfectly complementing the gems adorning her head.

Amaryllis's wings are spun from moonlight and stardust, reflecting every hue in the Vesperian sky. Folded down behind her back, they'd trail the ground she walks on and when stretched to its full wingspan, her presence imposes a storm. As she takes to the sky, her iridescent wings blend seamlessly with the canopy above and the flora below, as if nature itself bows in reverence to her.

Her eyes are a kaleidoscope of colors blended seamlessly into coruscant pools. In them, the harshness of winter presents itself in an opaline swirl, ice-cold as every cutting word that spills from her lips. In them, the rebirth of spring brings with it virescent and azure hues, deceptively gentle as her sweetest lies. In them, autumn reveals itself in a muted blend of amber and crimson, reserved as the perfection she was raised to be. In them, summer burns with golden fury, radiating the endless wrath of a life wronged.

Just like all other fae, a subtle glow radiates from Amaryllis and it is a lot more noticeable at night.

With cold words and a colder demeanor, Amaryllis is a blade that cannot be sheathed. Unlike her predecessors who wielded allure as a weapon, Amaryllis is a pure threat. Having been born and raised in the royal court, she is able to read people at a glance. Fear, she realized, is extremely in finding and exploiting a person's weakness. She knows her kingdom's strengths like her own and uses them to gain the upper hand in negotiations. Her strategic mind and ruthless efficiency make her a formidable ruler, one who inspires both respect and trepidation among her subjects.

She is a strong follower of the consequentialist school of thought. After all, her first order as queen was to cannibalize criminals to ensure the survival of her people. For Amaryllis, the ends always justify the means. Her decisions, no matter how brutal, are driven by a relentless commitment to the prosperity and security of her realm. It is unclear whether her dedication is born out of love or a sense of duty. But either way, her unwavering commitment is evident and she would sooner perish than let Vesperia fall.

She has trouble navigating emotions of love, care, and the likes; often viewing hurt as a measure of how much she valued something. As a result, she loses relationships before realizing she should have saved them. But what's one more regret atop the ever-increasing pile? That said, deep down, Amaryllis often wonders who she would be without the crown. Would she be someone kinder? Softer? Someone untouched by the cruelness of this world? Or would she become the same monster she was born to be.

Likes: sunsets, night time, the taste of water, shiny things, honey, fruits (except banana), philosophy, weird what-if questions (she's the girlfriend that would ask you "will you love me if I was a frying pan?")

Dislikes: banana, pepper, slimy things, hard liquor, babies, crying babies, weak personalities

Amaryllis is an unparalleled expert in the art of wielding a cutlass. She relies on flawless technique rather than strength and has honed her skills through years of rigorous training.

1. Energy Manipulation: General
Amaryllis is able to convert various forms of energy into light. It could range from a small light or one bright enough to light a grand hall. Additionally, she can bend the universe's energy to align with wounds to either heal them or significantly speed up the healing process. She cannot heal fatal wounds or regrow limbs. She also cannot bring people back from the dead.

2. Energy Manipulation: Lightning
Lightning manipulation is an art passed down in the royal family. It is the most destructive form of energy manipulation and involves precise separation between the surrounding yin-yang energy to form electricity. Note that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed from one form to another. Therefore, the creation of lighting is just a conversion of surrounding energies into a raw, destructive form.

3. Vigour Absorption
The spirit Deus fragment enables Amaryllis to absorb a person's vigour, fully draining their life force in seconds to power her own magic. This has a few benefits, mainly replenishing her mana and temporarily growing her mana pool significantly. It also strengthens her own life force, potentially making her immortal as long as she continues to consume other's vigour. On the flip side, if she doesn't frequently consume someone else's life force, the Deus would consume her own.
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Name: Esmeralda Levine
Age: 195
Gender: Female
Race: Fae
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Height: 1.77m

Appearance Description
Esmeralda exudes an aura of lethal elegance, perfectly encapsulating the deadly efficiency and cutting words. With a tanned complexion and sharp features, she embodies the enigmatic allure of an assassin. Often swathed in tight clothing, Esmeralda wields charm like a weapon; she is a poisoned chalice in its finest craft. Her steps are silent, enabling her to move with otherworldly grace to the point where her presence is barely a whisper in the background.

Onyx tresses flow down to her upper back and are held in place by a golden hairband on her head. Speaking of jewellery, Esmeralda is adorned in it. From the elaborate earring which dips to her neckline to the band on her shoulder to the bracelets around her wrists. It's a mystery how she keeps these accessories silent whilst she moves. But you can bet your life savings it clinks like no one's business when she fights.

Esmeralda's eyes are hues of a sunset dyed sepia. Aurulent pools in her irises, fragmented only by streaks of fiery amber, an everlasting blaze that burns straight to her soul. Her eyes tell stories her lips would not. They promise solace, paradise, and serenity if one dares to walk into the flames. And when she speaks, her voice strings together those broken promises and turns them into dreams.

Esmeralda operates in the shadows and is an enigma even to those closest to her. She has the sarcasm to match her deadly exterior and anyone unfortunate enough to meet her would learn that her tongue is sharper than any blade. To make matters worse, her humour is dark and dry, often catching people off guard with its biting edge. Unsurprisingly, Esmeralda also takes amusement in the discomfort of others as they try to decipher her true intentions. She rarely extends sympathy and is used to keeping everyone at an arm's length. That said, her emotional detachment is a trained skill; one that was enforced on her due to her years of serving an underground assassin organization.

Esmeralda is also a perfectionist at heart. This, combined with her ruthless and decisive nature makes for one scarily competent killer. That said, if you were to sit her down and ask her to list the things that truly mean something to her, she would have no answer. She was a person forged into a weapon and she has no idea where the external influence ends and her own beliefs begin.

Likes: dessert, tropical climate, sunrise, milk, beaches, controversial opinions, gossip, blackmail material

Dislikes: winter, black coffee, crying babies, crying people in general actually, overly happy/optimistic people, small talk

  • Multiple throwing knives and blades concealed on her person.
  • Adept at hand to hand combat and most weapons. That said, her weapon of choice is a spear.

1. Gravity Manipulation
Esmeralda is able to manipulate the direction and flow of gravity. This means that her strikes pack more of a punch, she's able to carry inhumanely heavy objects while still maintaining a high level of dexterity and she can fly without technically having wings. She can also manipulate the gravity around her to make objects fly or be crushed to the ground.

2. Illusions
Esmeralda is able to create large scale illusions. She can do so by either manipulating the way an object looks by bending the light around it or tapping into the senses of a person by manipulating the perception of their soul.

The first method consumes a lot less energy but would restrict her illusions to sight and sound. This means that she can conjure what appears to be a storm with lightning and thunder but the raindrops would not be able to touch people. Through such means, she can also make herself invisible or even change her entire appearance.

The second method would allow her to manipulate all five senses of a person. This means she can conjure much stronger illusions like pain. She can also make them relive memories by changing the entire scene around them. However, she's only able to fully control the senses of a few people at a time. She can also opt to do a hybrid of both where she controls the sight, sound, and touch, of a handful of people. This would lower the scale of her illusions but would also make it seem more realistic.
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