All Sylphrena's Mystical Musings

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All Sylphrena's Mystical Musings


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A Brief Intro

Hello, everyone! I've been tweaking my plots (and this thread) over, trying to get them perfect, but honestly, I want to get to writing. It's what I came here to do, after all. I'll try to keep it as brief and to the point as possible.

I've been writing for close to eight years, and I'd like to think I'm a pretty good writer. Mainly fantasy, though I am trying to branch out a bit more. There is always room for improvement, but I'm not new to this. I do spellcheck/grammar check my work before posting, and ask that you'd do the same. I'd never expect perfection, nor do I write perfection. There will be mistakes that do slip through. In case you couldn't tell, I do tend to be quite picky with who I accept as a partner. I've found that if I don't, I tend to lose interest in an otherwise interesting plot.

I love detail, it's why I've always loved role-playing for that reason. World-building, crafting a story, it's just more fun when you have two minds with the same end goal. Currently, I'm mostly interested in story-heavy plots, but smut will be present when the story leads to it. I do tend towards more submissive characters, but it's not all I can write, and I have been leaning away from it as of recent.

As for post-length, I do love detail. But not every post will be a long one – especially in dialogue-heavy scenes. I'm not going to set a number of paragraphs for this, as in the end, I'd prefer a short, quality post that fits the scene rather than a long, flowing post describing things just to make the post arbitrarily longer. With that said, if you have any concerns about my writing abilities, I am more than happy to provide a writing sample on request.

Limits & Preferences

I almost always write female characters, generally submissive ones. It does not mean they will all be shy wallflowers, and I certainly can write dominant ones as well. It's something I'm relatively new to and trying to improve on. As for what my partner plays, I do prefer if they take the dominant side, but in terms of gender, I don't mind. The only pairing I have little interest in writing is MxM – it's possible I could be enticed, but quite unlikely.

In terms of kinks, I have plenty. There are too many to list here, so I'll just say this. It depends on the plot, and the character I'm playing, but it's reasonable to say I'm down for most things. Even violence/gore is not something I'll shy from if it fits the plot. I think it goes without saying, but I do have limits.

These are the plots that are the most developed and reasonably thought out. That is not to say they are perfect though, and they can always use tweaking. If you see something you'd like, please PM me. If you like the base idea but would want something changed, I'm all ears! I may update this in the future.

Ever since she was a small child, Madeline had dreamed of being a witch. Hours spent wishing her broom could fly, that the stick she played with was not a simple twig, but a magic wand. Even when she had grown older, she had what might be described generously as an obsession with lighters. It might not be magic, but fire at the touch of a button was the closest she would get. But everyone believes silly things when they are young, no matter who they are. She had long outgrown such childlike fancies, all but forgotten them in the busy high school years, spending every hour of her time making her stand out from the others. The endless hours of study, the sleepless nights paid off in the end. Accepted into the college of her dreams, for psychology. Little did she know, the sleepless nights had just begun.

On a whim, she took 'A History of Witchcraft and Magic' as her single free elective that semester, remembering the fonder times of her childhood. Of course, what she didn't realize is that the final project would take so much time. The professor made certain to tell them that they should start on it before the week before it was due, but she had been swamped in classwork! So it was that on the last week, she found herself in a mad scramble for reference books. She tried the library, but almost all the books on such subjects were checked out, no doubt by fellow students in a mad scramble for the finish line. That was how she found herself stumbling into the dozenth used bookshop spread out across the campus, desperately searching the yellowed, dusty books of the shop to find anything that would work. She certainly found something in that shop – a book with no title, its pages yellowed with time. She flicked through it quickly, recognizing some of the symbols she had seen in class. With no other prospects in sight, she bought it, along with a handful of other history books.

She studied the strange book nearly as she returned home, on some strange whim. It appeared to be a genuine spellbook, from who knows when. The pages crackled with every turn, and the instructions were plain English, strangely enough. At random, she turned to a spell, deciding to give one a try. It seemed easy enough, nothing more than a simple fire spell. It worked, the simple incantation leading to a raging inferno in her apartment. The day she learned magic was real, the day her life changed forever.
This one is left open on purpose. I have a few different ideas for where this could go, depending on what my partner might like to play. In case it wasn't obvious, this is a modern fantasy, likely with some supernatural stuff too. Magic, ghosts, demons, all that fun stuff. Can be a romance, can not be.

The blood of witches is dying. Not to the blundering witch hunters, hanging more innocents than witches in their foolish crusade, no. The industrial revolution, the outpouring of pollutants into the natural world. Every year, the blood weakens, the power of the once-mighty witches and their control over nature's wrath ebbing out of the world.

Celestina Voss was the most powerful witch born in the last thirty years, daughter and sole heir of the Witch-Queen Aenwyn herself. Given the constant expansion, the endlessly growing human cities, quite possibly one of the last great witches that would ever be born. She was given every luxury one could offer, trained by the Queen herself. She would have been fine, had she stayed nestled in the lap of luxury. But she wanted to see the world, to visit the great human cities, to see the world before she was forced to settle down, and take over as Queen. But the great human cities bring with them many dangers, not all of them human. Celestina should have been more careful, more watchful. But she was naive, and it was that naivety that let the vampire slip a drop of their blood into her drink.

Had she been a normal human, that single drop would have broken her, turned her into a slobbering thrall right then and there. As it was, it gave the vampire influence over her. Enough that the charismatic creature convinced her to step outside, away from watching eyes, able to slap on those magic-dampening manacles in an instant, and take her away. Then, the torture began. The ultimate goal? To make the daughter of the Witch-Queen a tool, a blade to be used, nothing more. Bound by blood, unable to resist – no matter the target. Yet all hope is not lost. There is one who will stop at nothing to rescue Celestina, no matter whose clutches she resides in. But will she be able to hold out, or become but a blade to be used?
I'm looking for someone to write a vampire, in case it isn't clear. And not the sparkly kind – this is a rather dark plot. As for the lover/close friend/bodyguard (Haven't decided), I can write them, or you can. Either works.

In Veleris, the king on the throne was little more than a plaything of the church. This was known even by the poorest peasants that toiled in its harsh soil, for they were charged a hefty fee for the services of devotees of Aemis, God of Harvest, and Hunt. It hardly stopped there, for the merchant class was required to pay tithe to Oros, God of Trade and Justice. Even the noble class was not spared of it, the soft silk and exquisite dresses worn by nobility, and other items of pleasure were subject to the tax of Adestria, Goddess of Love.

Though the church, though its many aspects, had an iron grip on the kingdom of Veleris, its borders were an entirely different story. With the recent, rapid expansion, fueled by the legions of Ka'mir, Goddess of War, the many enemies the rapid, brutal conquest gathered united. What were once warring tribes, fraught with infighting, were now united against the common enemy. Already, the tribes have won one major victory and a handful of small skirmishes. Such a thing could not be tolerated. A legion, reinforced by the finest of the church's Channelers was tasked with crushing the tribes beneath their iron fist. As many as possible were to be taken captive, to be sold into slavery, to show the kingdom what became of those who dared oppose the church.
I'm fine playing either the member of the church or the member of the rebellion. There are other possibilities, especially if you have an interest in writing multiple characters. The general idea is characters introduced, the rebellion quashed, rebelling character gets sent back to the capital to fight in the church-run arena – and from there, the dark underbelly of the church starts to show through.


That's all there is currently. If something catches your eye, PM me. I don't bite!​
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