MxF Take a gander if you will!

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MxF Take a gander if you will!


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Today 5:37 PM
Hello Friends!

Welcome to my official recruitment thread. I really don't do these very often but here we go!

I would really like to find a few long term partners to create some great stories with! So read on and see if this intrigues you. If you want to know more about me, scroll all the way down C:

>Allow me to throw some plot ideas at you to see if any of them stick. These are rough ideas, nothing set in stone as I'd like to develop these stories with my partner.<

I have done this idea in the past and it really took off for a while! Until my partner fell off the face of the earth and the RP died :( very sad times.... I would love to try this again and see if it can take off again.

It is a basic premise of a plane crash happening over some remote uncharted island, many die, only few survive. The ones who survive have to fight to stay alive and find a way to leave the island. The island however is not what it seems. This is up for discussion with my partner on what that may be.

If this is giving you some serious LOST vibes, you'd be correct ;P I did base it off of that show back when I first did this RP.

I've really been in the mood to do some survival based RPs. The plane crash is one and this one would be one too but in a different setting.

The planet has been taken over either by robots or some alien force, the exact entity can definitely be discussed! Human life is scarce, and the ones that still remain fully human must find ways to adapt and survive.

Some Sci-fi elements will definitely be present but it will not be heavy as I am not good at Sci-fi heavy RPs. However this theme has been playing itself over and over in my head so I would love to try it with someone!

Truth be told I am into a lot of things and am part of many fandoms, so I am always open to basing an RP off of something else. Here are a few things I'm into:
  • Supernatural (TV show)
  • Game of Thrones
  • Lord of The Rings/The Hobbit
  • Harry Potter
  • Hunger Games
  • Grimm (TV show)
  • Vampire Diaries
  • Some anime, but currently it would have to be Soul Eater

None of that suit your fancy?? Fear not, because I am always open to hearing your ideas! So send them my way!

General Genres I like:
  • Romance
  • Medieval Era
  • Futuristic/Utopia Setting
  • Supernatural ( vampires, werewolves, etc.)
  • Mystery/Thriller/Slice of Life
  • Superheroes (Hello Marvel fans ;D)
  • Fantasy (I love a good fantasy RP any day!)

A Bit About Me:
- I've been doing the RP scene for quite some time now, several years for sure.
- I consider myself to be a semi-literate roleplayer.
- I usually stick with MxF pairings.
- Mature content and sex is fine with me, I'm pretty open minded. However, I tend to stray away from smut heavy RPs so if that's what you're looking for, I may not be your girl. I love incorporating romance into my RPs and if sex happens that is perfectly fine. I just don't like to make sex the primary premise of the RP, I like there to be an actual story there as well.
- I can play either gender and can take on multiple characters if the RP calls for it.
- I am not as active these days as I'd like to be but I try to get on at least once a day and get a post out. If not that then I'll be on every other day or so and mostly on weekends. So bear with me there!
- I'm very friendly and love to talk to people so don't be hesitant to reach out for anything

What I'm looking for in a partner:
- As stated above, I'd like a long term partner, someone who would like to talk out ideas with me and contribute equally to the overall story. I love planning out plots/characters/ideas with my partner, to me the planning is almost as fun as the RP itself. So bring your beautiful creative brains over here and lets do this thing!
- Please no one liners. Writer's block happens, I get it, happens to me too, but I'd rather you let me know and not post for a few days until you get your groove back than post something I can't really work with.
- With that being said I'm a very wordy person so my posts are usually fairly long, especially my intro posts. If you can give me at least a paragraph that would be swell! Because then I will have something to work with and I promise to do the same for you. Equal contribution right??
- Please communicate with me! This is quite important to me. I understand interests can fade so if you're over what we're doing, just let me know. No feelings will be hurt.
- I'll admit I am bilingual so my grammar can slip sometimes. Please don't judge me too harshly!

Send me a PM if Interested :)
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