Adventurer Tchornh Gn'Kell

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Adventurer Tchornh Gn'Kell


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Tchornh Gn'Kell

Obloquy, 'A Great Contempt'






Disgraced Trader, Thief

Rogue, Ne'er-Do-Well
more information +
the self
Obloguy, who prefers his 'virtue name' over his birth name for what may be obvious reasons, believes that villains are not born, but rather created by society. He holds a sardonic, jaded paradigm, and believes that few rules are worth following if they are not of his own making. Despite this, he can frequently come off as rather charming when he wishes, especially if there is a new and useful contact to be made.

Chaotic Neutral
cinnamon, brandy, black pepper, eggs, gloating, revenge, profanity, pranks, fire, rubies, silk, leather, knife fights
carrots, dry wine, coconut, sand, mornings, apologizing, authoritarians, following someone else's rules
Early retirement to a hedonistic lifestyle
confinement/prison, the ocean, becoming lost in the wilderness, the infernal realms
the body
5' 10"
black, messy
orange, faintly luminous
pale, hint of blue
mid twenties
Clear, quiet, calm

Dark colors, or black when burgling. He prefers the feel of silk on his skin but its opulence can be elusive.

Several tattoos and body piercings under his clothes, mostly on his chest.

A few scars on his arms and the tops of his hands. His tiefling ancestry has given him naturally large horns curved like that of a ram, and a dun-colored, narrow, more or less prehensile tail which he normally keeps tucked into his left pants leg.
the power
When his father was alive, Obloquy learned the dubiously honest art of negotiating prices with merchants - a skill that his father showed could easily translate into negotiating anything, with anyone. Dishonesty came on the heels of Obloquy learning to negotiate, although his father attempted to curtail that tendency in his son. Obloquy became so fascinated with the potential that lay in negotiation in his teenage years that he regularly crossed the bridge into attempting to manipulate people. One such man happened to be an accomplished and relatively honest locksmith in Khare, and it was through him that Obloquy acquired and learned how to use lockpicks. Sneaking in and out of his house at night to find revelry and companionship with individuals of negotiable virtue helped him hone a stealthy approach to coming and going. His more magical abilities are derived from his infernal ancestry, although he has yet to plumb the depths of his potential.

negotiating, lying, burglary, making and keeping useful contacts

As a result of his specific lineage, Obloquy can semi-permanently alter certain of his features such as the color of his eyes, the size of his horns and tail, and to a very limited degree the arrangement of his facial features. Such alteration may possibly be enough to cause hesitation in someone who was not reasonably acquainted with him, but for the most part he uses this power to shrink his horns to a more nearly practical size - down to just a few inches long. This effort typically consumes his capacity for altering his appearance, although it requires very little concentration and can usually be maintained even while he sleeps.

His infernal lineage has also made him capable of conjuring small amounts of fire in his hand. The magic in the fire is only capable of sustaining the blaze for a short time once it leaves his body, but this is generally sufficient for him to throw it onto something flammable. Overuse of his abilities tends to cause headaches and fatigue, and could eventually more serious problems such as aneurysms.

black leather jacket with baldrics, a set of four curved Kharenian daggers in ascending sizes, lockpicking tools, an incriminating personal journal written in Infernal (Gehenna dialect - not that wretched stuff denizens of The Abyss use, nor the rigid script typical to The Hells), liquor cabinet with brandy and other distilled drinks, small shrine to a demonic god, burgundy silk Kharenian shirt
the story
Born in Khare to a pair of reasonably loving tiefling parents, Obloquy spent most of his childhood attempting to follow in his father's footsteps. Although his mother gave him a name which, translated to the common tongue, means "A Great Contempt," she did so during a drunken fit of rage at her mother-in-law and not out of contempt for her own son. The name, however, stuck among the members of his family, and in time Obloquy himself acquiesced to it.

His father made decent money, trading goods between Khare and Tethis. He was a fairly honest trader, and a man of higher morals than many who studiously observed trading laws and regulations. When his prosperity began to threaten that of another, less competent, less morally stringent trader, he found his wagon mysteriously sabotaged, and the goods that were once therein mysteriously missing. The authorities were curiously unable to help, although Obloquy never understood the specific reasons why.

His father worked hard to recover his losses over the next few years, but came down with a disease during one of his trading runs from Tethis on the way to Khare. He was delayed by unpredictable weather, and by the time he arrived in Khare the disease had advanced to the point that his body was no longer strong enough to recover, even with medicine. Obloquy was devastated, and took his father's demise as a hard life lesson; this is the fate that awaits an honest person - the authorities turn a blind eye to your security, your business associates forget what favors you have done for them, and your society leaves you to sink, or swim. He decided he would save a few of his father's more nearly useful precepts, (such as 'subtlety before violence') but that honest, honorable conduct is largely for fools.

His mother took to opium and strange religions after her husband's death, and although Obloquy was keen on neither, he chose to continue to revere the demon god to which his parents prayed - if only for fear of the fact that this demon would become angry with him, and he would suffer its wrath.

He wears his silk shirt whenever it seems appropriate, but his leather jacket is typically worn for burglaries. Obloquy carries a finger-sized chip from his father's right horn in his lockpicking kit.
Character Approved.​
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