MxM TF2 [Team Fortress 2] Speeding bullet anyone?

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MxM TF2 [Team Fortress 2] Speeding bullet anyone?


The Forest Witch
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Okay so I got sucked back into the fandom of TF2 and I want to do some speeding bullet [we can do other minor ships in the background! like Medic and Heavy or Spy and Engie!, or Engie and Solider! main focus will be Speeding bullet thought :] cuz it makes me happy]

Scout x Sniper
I would love to be scout, as I can write him super easy peasy, or we could double up just tell me before hand, it would be RED scout x RED sniper, never been a fan of like BLU x RED or whatever, even if there is like, the ~Drama~ I've never like gotten into it.

Head canons! I have a bunch so I'm just going to put them down below and if you make it through them then glad you did :]

Here are head canons about Sniper:
Sniper grew up with dogs! Lots of them and loves the animal in all breeds [but feels bad for pugs and other flat faced breeds]

Sniper is interested in UFOs and space, finds it really cool/relaxing because He used to star gaze as a kid on the family farm

Sniper has debated Flattening his canines because of how prominent they are he's accidentally bitten his lip and inside of his cheek more times then he likes to admit

Sniper chews his lips when idle, so if he's thinking about something you might see him chewing on his lips

Sniper loves history, specifically that of paleontology and could talk about It for hours [one of the few times he talks a lot]

Sniper most likely has some sort of anger issues, most defiantly trust issues

He likes to be alone [or at least that's what he tell himself, being bullied and an outsider can force you to think a lot of things!]

Head canons on Scout:
Scout is scared of most dogs because of when he was younger he got attacked several time by being chased down by them and can hold it together in front of people when a dog is in the general area but will actually freak if one gets any closer then 10 feet from him

Scouts middle name us Beau! it means beautiful/pretty/handsome in french

Scout knows some french, one of his older brothers learned it somewhere [wink wink] so he knows a fair amount of french [could hold a basic conversation but anything to complicated and his brain fries]

Scout is actually really a family person, he loves his older brothers! and his Ma! he tries to keep in contact as much as he can with them

As a kid he had this stuffed rabbit that his father had given to him named Miss Crémeux, Crémeux for short [Cremeux is cream/creamy in french] He still has the Rabbit but is wholesale terrified for anyone to find out he has it

Scout had like, vague memories about his Dad but he can never remember anything concrete [also Spy is his Dad- Dadspy is awesome I'll die on this hill]

Scout actually Scouts! When they are getting Ready to change place of fighting He normally Goes ahead And takes in inventory and anything Else that needs to be attend to [building Repairs, pests, so on]

Scout grew up with cats! Back home with his Ma, He actually Has 4, and yes they are all his, he wasn't Going To bring them to his job so he asked his Mom to take care of them and he would send money for any financial Needs of the cats

Scout doesn't really sneeze, when he does it sounds like a kitten, he's never sneezed in front of the other mercs and plans on it staying that way

Scout has practical Smarts, he's not amazing with book stuff but could listen to people Talk about it for hours, he understands It but could never remember How to do anything With math or formulas if promoted however he's got really Good spacial awareness and reasoning

Scout has undiagnosed ADHD and this shows through a lot of his actions and how he thinks and sometimes acts

Scout is an artist! he's actually really good and has sketchbooks at base with him

Glad you read through it all! if you have questions or want more information just send me a DM! we can get chatting about the rp rules and plot since there are a bunch of things that can actually happen.

That's it! have a good day or night :]
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