MxF The Alliance

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MxF The Alliance


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Today 4:39 PM

Hostility is inevitable in any ecosystem, as is peace.

In ecosystems of a world of fantasy, many different species have varying degrees of hostility with each other. Most are rather violent and bloody histories of war, with one species at the throat of another for eons and vice versa. Other species are less hostile with others, their seperation based on peaceful indifference to other species in the world. While one species wouldn't dream of harming the other, they may be constantly wary of the other's nature or think themselves higher than than the other species. The Dragons across the mountains of Clux have this distinct relationship with jungle dwelling Nagas, fabled shape shifters who are able to retain a human form, that of a serpent or a mix of both at will. Peace is the general goal between both species, but Nagas have always thought the dragons to be thunderous lizards that live to pick a fight and burn anything they don't like. The Dragon prides believe the Nagas to only be tricksters that use their cunning to avoid what could be a noble fight, choosing methods they deem cowardly. Due to these beliefs, the species live near each other in uncivilized areas of land, but are separated by far more than elevation.

Character A is an example of the Dragon species; a strong young Dragoness with a much stronger spirit between ruby red wings. Ever since her days as a hatchling, a mere reptile with flaming breath with no idea of the potential dangers of the world beyond her pride, she was always a creature of a very feisty nature. A little too friendly for the likes for her peers, to be sure, but also eager to leap into a fight if need be--to prove her strength over others in some weird sense. This kind of fire grew up with her as she learned more skills: flying, breathing fire, shifting into a human form and the finer points of combat. While fiestiness and strength had given her a great deal of respect in her pride, A's curiosity draws her to wonder what life outside of the pride is like. She's given an opportunity in the worst way.

A deadly sorcerer reared his ugly head in the direction of her pride, using never before seen magic to do unthinkable things to her kind--trapping and harnessing the very essence of a dragon for his own Arcane uses. With all the other members of her pride absorbed into the wicked man's scepter, a heavily wounded Character A is forced to escape into the only place of hiding close enough to her home.The Gunrho forest, to be exact--supposedly one of the most dangerous forests in all of the planet itself, home to creatures that mortals feared all the time. But fear won't deter her from her newfound quest. Determined to find some way to save her pride, Character A ventures into the forest in her human form and runs into a seemingly unnecessary and unlikely ally--the Naga Character B--who's own kind was also attacked by the wicked sorcerer.

Despite their common hardships, standing each other long enough to find a way to stop the threat seems impossible…


Looking for a literate (2+ Paragraphs) who wouldn't mind playing the dragoness' role (though I'm also open to a male dragon/playing the dragons myself/ switching species). For any questions or sign of interest, just PM me!
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