MxF The Alphas Assistant

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MxF The Alphas Assistant

Lynx Hatter

Emperor of Romance
Local time
Today 9:26 PM
In this rp, you rp a female alpha having trouble with controlling the males in her pack. Then she meets a stranger trespassing on her territory..


1. I'll reply every day and I expect the same from you. I'll loose interest if the rp does not move forward.
2. I like to write 3 large paragraphs, if not more; but I will generally match what you give me. NO ONE LINERS.
3. I write only in past tense 3rd person, I expect the same from you.
4. Always up for OOC chat, just not good at starting it.
5. I am always up for hearing rp ideas. If you have an ide . Dont be worried about saying something!
6. I am dyslexic. So sometimes spelling will be weird. I usually catch it, but it is a thing.
7. I am not a fan of pointless filler. If I write 7 paragraphs and you just can't come up with anything and can only write 7 sentences? I get it, it happens. But I do not want the color of the cracks in the old flags separating lawns mentioned in every paragraph. It's pointless filler. Can't work with that.

This is an rp I have done versions of this rp but I recently had this particular one dropped and I really liked it so I want to start it up again.

YC is a female werewolf. Alpha of her pack with NO male counterpart. So the males of her pack, are pushy to say the least.

They ignore and disobey her and they harass her and the other females. How your female handles this up to you. She can try to be reasonable or she can be all out and aggressive. Constantly picking fights with the males or just growling and chasing them around.

But she does not mount them to put them in their place. She has never tried it because she know how it feels.

Then she meets him. A massive male were tiger who stumbled into her territory. His memory is nonexistent but he has his instinct and hit muscle memory. He was a alpha of a group of tigers... but he is suprising submissive toward the alpha female.. she believes he is docile and gentle.. until one of her male wolf's makes the mistake of testing him.

Maybe she could use this to her advantage.

Featured Character

Dylan Jasons

25 Years old

Strait Male

Very VERY protective. He's a dominant alpha male and submits to no one, Except his love. He is a natural born leader but hates leading. He would rather fallow, he will stand by his mates side till the end and will defend their word and character to his last breath. He is kind and generous, protecting his clan and anyone he cares about. While he's very dominant to everyone, he is extremely submissive to his love and mate.

10 foot long golden tiger tail and elf like ears on the side of his head, except with fur and appearance of cat ears, just in the side of his head. He has a golden tiger stripe pattern all over his body that matches his tail and ears. He had k-9 teeth, claws and big cat eyes. Stands at a shocking 7'4. Beast form is 8'8.



To maintain order and peace

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