️ @microhexa (Asmodeus)
️ @Rissa 1996 (Bonnie)
️ @Elizabeth'sComposition (Vivia)
You waken in a darkened meadow, head aching, with no memory of how you got there or what might be rustling in the bush behind you...
In all these years, Asmodeus had never thought that he might wake up in a... meadow. Of all places. Even Hell itself would have been more likely for him to wake up in than... this place. That was where he came from, after all. His very being was forged in the fires of Hell, and-
Something was tickling his nose. He looked up at the sky- no, feathers. Soft, silky... and irritating. Was someone... napping on him? It seemed that he, the terrible Asmodeus, was in fact being used as a body pillow. How odd.
One would have believed him to be too old for this nonsense. Too powerful. Too prone to pulverizing anyone who even thought of carrying him off. Yet here he was with an angel napping on him like she did not have a care in the world. Or perhaps she was passed out. Not that he cared to find out. It was none of his concern.
Damn, she was adorable. He had to admit that to himself. She was simply lying across him as if they had both been discarded here in this meadow like a pile of sacks. He took a long moment to watch her delicate form rise and fall with his chest.
Now, how had he ended up here? His mind drew a blank regardless of how much he strained to recall anything that could have led up to this moment. Thousands of years' worth of knowledge was contained within his mind, and yet not a single sliver of it could help him understand how he might have wound up here. Wherever 'here' was.
Somehow, he doubted that the angel snoring away on top of him knew much more about their situation than he did. If anything, she knew less - considering that she was so blissfully unaware of whose chest she was lying across.
He let out a soft groan and rested his head back on the ground once more. Finally, he rolled the sleeping angel off himself and rose to his feet to assess his surroundings, even as the angel slept like a rock. A critical eye was drawn to the subtle trickle of drool on her chin. He could never comprehend how anyone could happily snooze through such a situation.
He gave the angel a sharp prod with the toe of his boot. "Get up," he gruffly told her. "Whoever you are, we're in the middle of absolutely nowhere."

You waken in a darkened meadow, head aching, with no memory of how you got there or what might be rustling in the bush behind you...
~ ~ ~
In all these years, Asmodeus had never thought that he might wake up in a... meadow. Of all places. Even Hell itself would have been more likely for him to wake up in than... this place. That was where he came from, after all. His very being was forged in the fires of Hell, and-
Something was tickling his nose. He looked up at the sky- no, feathers. Soft, silky... and irritating. Was someone... napping on him? It seemed that he, the terrible Asmodeus, was in fact being used as a body pillow. How odd.
One would have believed him to be too old for this nonsense. Too powerful. Too prone to pulverizing anyone who even thought of carrying him off. Yet here he was with an angel napping on him like she did not have a care in the world. Or perhaps she was passed out. Not that he cared to find out. It was none of his concern.
Damn, she was adorable. He had to admit that to himself. She was simply lying across him as if they had both been discarded here in this meadow like a pile of sacks. He took a long moment to watch her delicate form rise and fall with his chest.
Now, how had he ended up here? His mind drew a blank regardless of how much he strained to recall anything that could have led up to this moment. Thousands of years' worth of knowledge was contained within his mind, and yet not a single sliver of it could help him understand how he might have wound up here. Wherever 'here' was.
Somehow, he doubted that the angel snoring away on top of him knew much more about their situation than he did. If anything, she knew less - considering that she was so blissfully unaware of whose chest she was lying across.
He let out a soft groan and rested his head back on the ground once more. Finally, he rolled the sleeping angel off himself and rose to his feet to assess his surroundings, even as the angel slept like a rock. A critical eye was drawn to the subtle trickle of drool on her chin. He could never comprehend how anyone could happily snooze through such a situation.
He gave the angel a sharp prod with the toe of his boot. "Get up," he gruffly told her. "Whoever you are, we're in the middle of absolutely nowhere."
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