MxF The Beginnings of a Dark Romance

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MxF The Beginnings of a Dark Romance


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Are you looking for a romantic (or pure smut) RP based in a fantasy setting? If you are, I'd be happy to build a story with you.

I only play OCs and only do fantasy plots.
Settings include: Medieval (Witcher, LotR, etc.), ancient Greece/Roman empire, and desert/Middle Eastern settings. I'm sorry to my "space people," but I'm not into sci-fi and I don't enjoy steampunk settings either.

So what sort of men are MCs?
Breathtakingly handsome doms. Stoic assholes that like to be in control. Obsessive, jealous, walking talking red-flags who eventually open up to their "mates" and become romantic puddles of mush. Their hearts are in there somewhere, but it only beats for YC.
Or they stay assholes! That will be for you to decide.

I play whatever. Elves, Naga, Fae, Vampires, Werewolves, Demons. I don't do anything considered "beastiality." The more monstrous "creatures" have the ability to shape shift into humanoid forms. I won't play centaurs/minotaurs.

What sort of woman are MCs drawn to?
It really doesn't matter. Elf, Naga, human - that is up to you. Super feminine princess? Strong huntress warrior? Do. Not. Matter.
But... if YC doesn't like being controlled in the bedroom, then MC is not the one for you.

Smut/Plot Level: I will do 50% to 100% smut. You need to tell me what you want. If it's not pure smut, I'd like to build a world together. I'm going to play multiple side characters that I couldn't care less if you control because they're just pawns to build the world. Choosing to play any characters apart from your own will be your preference, I want you to have fun. If you prefer "fade to black," or less than 50% smut then I'm afraid I'm not the one for you.

Literacy Level and Length: A couple paragraphs or more, as necessary. Let's both use spell check and do our best efforts to be coherent. I'm not going to correct you and I'm definitely not going to be a dick about spelling, I'm just looking for some effort. I also only do third person.

Typically, I'll post a few paragraphs, or longer as needed. While I work a FT job, I try to do at least one post a day, more if I get to work from home. Less than that, I'll do my best to let you know.

"Sure Thing" Kinks: Anal, deflowering, oral (receiving and especially giving - MC wants YC dreaming about his mouth lol), nipple play, dirty talk, public sex, rough/hate sex, dub con, marking, choking, biting, spanking, tying YC up, size difference, edging, squirting (especially if YC doesn't understand what's happening the first time she does it ;] ), breeding/mating, creampie(s) (some inflation), large cocks, DP (if you want them to have two cocks or if you want a threesome with another dominant male), and non con if you want that - we can definitely discuss it beforehand. I don't have any triggers, so this is pretty vast.

"No Thanks" Kinks: Hard BDSM (whips leading to excess blood, hooks, knife play), "bathroom" play or watersports, underage.

If you want YC to become pregnant, that's cool. Just please tell me how involved you want their children in the storyline.

Tropes I'm a Fan Of: Enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, fated mates, sold to the "enemy," love triangles, touch him/her and you die, omegaverse. All that played out shit you're probably sick of.

Plot Ideas (left a bit vague so we can build together - I will also do MxM):

1) Good ol' Sold to the Enemy - MC is the warmongering King of the (preferred creature lands) and has eyes on YC's kingdom next in his massive takeover. YC is not only rumored to be a great beauty, but is also a possessor of rare magic (or something rare you'd like them to have - doesn't matter). To keep their lands safe, YC is offered as tribute. Either can be a wife or slave. Bonus points for public sex, as MC will not hesitate to show the world that YC belongs to him.

2) Love Triangle - Magic is a powerful and rare resource in these lands. The type of magic you wield signals your place in society. MC is the first son of a royal family, except he's vastly hated and villainized. Why? Because his main power is necromancy. The most vile of all. His younger brother is greatly beloved - a kind, wonderful man who's destined to rule. He's betrothed to a perfect princess of a woman. Said woman dies in an accident and MC is begged to bring her back.
YC is from the foreign lands at war with MC's. She dies (maybe in battle?) at the same time MC attempts to revive his brother's brother. By accident, he brings YC back instead of her. Realizing whose body she's in, YC takes advantage of the situation. Revenge for her people and her family! Throughout this, MC realizes soon this is not the same girl and he finds himself falling for YC.
In fact... both brothers have now fallen for YC. Love triangle galore!

3) YC is a powerful witch who summons a demon (MC) to fulfill a goal (Revenge, become Queen somewhere? That's up to you!). Except instead of some lowly demon, she summons a lord of the underworld. (King of the incubus, demon Prince, whatever you prefer if you have a preference). He's the type to control, not be controlled, but he's tied to her and her magic. He'll take any chance he gets, however, to remind her he's used to getting what he wants. - Loosely based on Kingdom of the Wicked.

4) Slow-Burn Enemies to Lovers - MC and YC are betrothed, both forced to marry by their families. YCs family is broke, while MCs powerful/wealthy family tires of his frivolous lifestyle. You both absolutely can't stand each other for whatever reason. YC hopes to make MC's family call off the marriage. Jealousy, pranks, tricks, humiliation ensues on both ends. Eventually, that hate turns to burning love.
Even though the love part is slow-burn, the smut will be worked in somehow lol. Either they get drunk, or are sex-starved, we can discuss.

5) Werewolves, Because Why Not? - MC is the runt (although he is NOT small lol) of the litter. His father, the Alpha King of the wolves (lykae/lycans), has assigned him the weakest of the packs. His three older Alpha brothers are aiming to be King, and with powerful packs of their own, they're going to be hard to beat! For some added help, MC seems out YC; a beautiful witch (or sorceress, whatever) that can help him become more powerful in his quest to become King and prove that he is no "runt." In the process, he ends up falling for her.
Bonus points if you're interested in turning this into a threesome, MxFxF. I can play both the male MC and his initial mate. If you want that sweet, sweet drama, she can be a bit of a "mean girl" at first. Eventually, she'll be all over YC too. This would be a real, cohesive relationship between the three of them. Or not! You decide!

I'll update if more come to mind. I'm a super friendly extrovert, feel free to PM me with other questions or requests. Even if I haven't listed something, but you think I would be great for your own idea, just let me know!

I don't own any of the attached art. I don't care who/what you use for your face claims, I don't care if you have one either or if you have a character sheet. That's your business, whatever floats your boat.

Have a great day!



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