Either Needed The Boys Spin-Off

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Either Needed The Boys Spin-Off


Very Un-Ciri-ous
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Today 10:40 PM
alongside a bundle of sage
Alright, so I like many others have been watching The Boys. Excellent show, really puts to light what might happened if superheroes are turned into celebrities. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and all that. Turn people normal mortals can't stop into a marketable attraction, they're bound to become selfish at some point.

What I'm looking for is two, maybe three other people to jump into a similar world, not one ripped directly from the show, but structurally similar. A team of superheroes that have been turned into public figures, for better or worse, who battle for truth and justice...or a paycheck. It'll take some fleshing out but it would be a fun side distraction to write so if you're interested shoot me a DM and I'll look into potential applicant. Thanks everyone.
Lemme shoot this a quick bump, looking for one additional person at this time.
Lemme do just one more bump here, maybe one additional player would be good.
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