The Charm Bracelet

Currently reading:
The Charm Bracelet


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Today 7:43 AM
This is something I wrote based on a writing prompt. Please Enjoy

The Charm Bracelet.

Cynthia didn't enjoy her job. If she did she would be a psychopath, and that wasn't what she was. She was a girl who loved her family and had to do anything to protect them. That's where she was. She knew better than to make a fuss. That's why she was outside of the abandoned building. She was better than this to be slumming it around somewhere where drug addicts got down for five bucks with some lonely old man. She didn't want to think about the disgusting thing she was stepping on and in. She just wanted her target.

He walked outside licking his chops and counting his money. He was a horrible man. He was a killer, a predator of women, and most of all he was greasy and she wasn't one for greasy men. She walked up behind him her needle in hand and slid it right in the back of his neck and pushed the serum inside of his blood stream before he got the chance to even put up a fight. Cynthia knew that this wasn't the best honorable way to kill someone, but it had to be done this way. It was the way it was requested. The girl who got up the courage to pay for her family's business enough money for him to die. She wanted to make her whole request brought to life. She watched him scramble to the ground gasping for air, praying for someone who didn't exist to save him. She put her combat boot on the back of his neck and he scrambled. Gasping and begging for his life his lungs filled with blood and he drown scared and alone.

She left him there on the street, only she took his clothes and threw them, her combat boots, the needle, and the gloves she wore in the hobo fire a mile down. He was naked with the mark of terror on his face and he couldn't blame anyone.. He did this, and she felt nothing. She was fine with not feeling. She didn't care an ounce about his pain or suffering. He didn't want the girls he beat and spat on and hurt to have the peace when they were alone so why should he have peace when he was dead? Afterward she went to her Hacker friends home and printed off the bill of death and a photo. They then bleached the hardware and got him new computers.

Cynthia arrived at her fathers home and the girls sat in the sitting room around the fire with her father. "Hello father."
He looked at her. Her olive skin and black hair untouched, her outfit the same she left out in jeans, red bottom heels, and a white t-shirt. "You look like you've not done what you were meant to do."
"I did." She handed him the Manila envelope. "You ladies won't ever have to be worried about that monster again."
The young ladies rushed up to her and hugged her tightly "You don't understand what you've done for us thank you so much."
Cynthia smiled "Just doing my job now please go live your lives because you deserve it!" The girls smiled and ran out afterward. She felt pride about freeing those poor sex slaves who were trafficked by no choice as their own. She wanted to make sure they were happy and she wanted to make sure they were protected. She waved at them as they walked away.
"I'm proud of you Cynni."
"I'm thankful for you father."
"You did a superb job making their dreams come true." He handed her a velvet blue case and looked at her. "I can't tell you how proud it makes me to give you this charm."
It was the gift for the job she had done. He opened up the blue velvet case to give her the Viking symbol for the tree of life. "You're the mother of freedom in this family."
Cynthia laughed. "Thank you father, but I am no savior."
"You're the good in this family and I am sorry I corrupted you."
"Father don't-"
He raised a hand "No no since you were sixteen you've been collecting these charms. Life after life charm after charm. thirty in total."
"Yes I have three."
"I want you to be my right hand."
"Father are you serious?!"
"As my heart can bare."
" I'll think about it."
"Tell me tomorrow."
"Of course."

Cynthia went home and opened the door to her loft. Paintings and incents glazed the world over from the bloody one she left outside. She looked around and waited for her cat to greet her. Only there was a red envelope at her feet. She opened it and read it there was a charm at the bottom that said R.I.P. Cynthia's heart thudded deeply. She read the note.

I know what you do. And If you want this to go away. I suggest you meet me in the park at midnight. We have a score to settle.
Would love to read more!
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