Character(s) The Complete List of Pre-Made Characters

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Character(s) The Complete List of Pre-Made Characters

Strawberry Scream

I bite
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 6:41 AM


The Covenhead (M)

The Faerie (M - WIP)

The Siren (M - WIP)

The Addicted Artist (M - WIP)









Stats: Out of 20/each, 120 total
Total Power Score:





General Appearance:

General Personality:
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Names: Akasha, Emrys, Endrys, Serafin

Age: 23 - 26

Height: 6'3"

Build: Willowy, tall, and narrow with lean, packed muscles.

Class: Ranger

Subclass: Paladin
Matron Goddess: Azaziel, Goddess of Sky, Storms, and Chaos.

Stats: Out of 20/each, 120 total
Strength: 16/20
Dexterity: 18/20
Constitution: 16/20
Intelligence: 17/20
Wisdom: 17/20
Charisma: 13/20
Total Power Score: 97/120

Mother: Deceased
Father: Deceased

  • The High Priestess (little sister)

Power/Calling Details:
  • Matron: Azaziel, Goddess of Sky, Storms, and Chaos.
  • Titles: Hand of the Goddess of the Skies, Hand of Chaos, High Priest.
  • Powers: Electrokinesis, summoning and commanding weather changes, flight, and communing with birds of prey.
  • Duties: Preventing natural weather from harming the coven's home, summoning rain during droughts, flying to scope the border when it is triggered, and electrocuting those who try to harm the Coven.
  • Token: A small transparent glass sphere, about the size of his palm, with a fluctuating bolt of yellow electricity inside.

Markes: (Markes are tattoo-like markings on the skin that witches get as they come of age.) His markes are black lightning patterns starting on his fingers, traveling up his hands and arms, crossing his shoulders and inching slightly up his neck. They also cross over his chest and down his sides.

Clothes: When The Covenhead is in coven land, he wears casual black clothing that moves and breathes, allowing him the ability to work without much restriction. When he is outside Trinity Coven's protected territory, he wears far more formal - and protective - clothing. All sharp lines, his formal attire consists of both well-tailored clothing and thin leather armor similar to Azaziel's. It's studded with steel along the seams and is strategically placed to look fashionable while still being protective. The leather is treated by a fellow covenmate who can enchant leather to become impenetrable, creating armor any Knight would be envious of.

Jewelry: The Covenhead wears several pieces of jewelry regularly. Around his neck is a reminder of his past life, a leather cord with the smallest fang of the most dangerous of desert predators, a basilisk, as a pendant. The fang is stark white after being bleached in the sun over time. It is about two inches long and carved with desert nomadic symbols of honor. He also wears several black rings on his fingers, three bracelets made of woven cord dyed black on his left hand, and another thin bracelet made of black metal and shatter-proof glass on his right. That bracelet cannot come off without him specifically speaking the enchantment word, which then transforms it into a carbon copy of Azaziel's staff, complete with the glass topper that crackles with electricity when he so desires.

General Appearance: With an unnaturally even, snowy-pale skin tone and hair just as pale, The Covenhead is a ghost in a living body. Between his black markes and phantom-like skin and hair, the only color on him is his eyes, which are glaringly yellow like charged lightning striking the earth. They are reptilian in nature with no sclera, the iris taking up the whole eye with a fine-slit pupil in the center. On his back are strong, metallic white feathered wings, capable of taking him to the sky and soaring for long distances. To accentuate his Arcanian appearance, he has two short, silver fangs in place of his canine teeth, which glint when he speaks or smiles.

General Personality: Being fiercely loyal, violently protective, unyieldingly stubborn, and devastatingly soft for those one loves is a dangerous combination. The Covenhead will go to the ends of the world to protect those he loves, and he has ended several lives he deemed to be threats to his people. Those lives were always taken when they were actively trying to hurt or invade their land, especially if they knew about the barrier and tried sabotaging them in other ways, such as setting the forest on fire. His patience is nonexistent for those he deems unworthy, and he will not hesitate to slaughter those who would kill his loved ones.

While his rage is legendary, if not mysterious to the Outside people, The Covenhead is a stoic individual who prefers to have control over situations he is in when it comes to non-leadership matters. As a leader, he is very generous and giving to his people: he listens well and takes their advice and concerns seriously. However, when it comes to personal relationships or dealing with Outside forces, he desires control anywhere between soft control and complete domination, depending on the situation and people in it. His serious, occasionally dryly sarcastic, strangely calm façade does not tend to break around those he doesn't trust, and he refuses to ever let that happen.

But when it comes to people he loves, The Covenhead would do anything for them. If they asked him to jump, he'd ask how high, and if they asked him for help, he'd be there in half a second. He's soft with his adopted daughter and his sister, now fellow Covenhead despite her young age, loves them deeply, and would give them the world if they asked for it. He's still relatively straight-faced and calm, but he's also heart-achingly tender with them and anyone else who he deeply cares for - especially the young children of the coven. It is not rare to see him being pulled into playing with them, and it is rare to see him deny them their wants.
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Names: Enver, Avalon, Aysa, Shai

Age: 121-126 (young adult)

Average faerie lifespan: 500 years
Newborn: birth - 5
Child: 5 - 60
Adolescent: 60 - 100
Adult: 100 - 375
Elder: 375 - 500+

Height: 5'5 - 5'9

Build: Slight, slender, narrow.

Class: Druid

Subclass: Cleric
Matron Goddess: Khaila, Goddess of the Moon and Healing, Mother Moon

Stats: Out of 20/each, 120 total
Strength: 8/20
Dexterity: 14/20
Constitution: 12/20
Intelligence: 16/20
Wisdom: 19/20
Charisma: 16/20
Total Power Score: 85/120

Father: Mattian (367)
Mother: Deceased

  1. Nil (234, Male)
  2. Axel (217, Male)
  3. Zander (196, Male)
  4. Sallo (189, Male)
  5. Aleisia (182, Female)
  6. Thalae (173, Female)
  7. Elixan (173, Male)
  8. Sterran (168, Female)

Matron: Khaila, Goddess of the Moon and Healing, "Mother Moon"
Powers: Healing ("The Green Gift"), phytokinesis, communing with animals, flight



General Appearance:

General Personality:
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Names: Varies. Discussion with partner required.

Age: 50 - 120

Average siren lifespan: 250 years
Newborn: birth - 2.5
Child: 2.5 - 30
Adolescent: 30 - 50
Adult: 50 - 175
Elder: 175 - 250+

Height: 5'5 - 5'9

Build: Long, willowy, and narrow.

Class: Druid

Subclass: Bard

Stats: Out of 20/each, 120 total
Strength: 8/20
Dexterity: 14/20
Constitution: 14/20
Intelligence: 15/20
Wisdom: 16/20
Charisma: 19/20
Total Power Score: 86/120

Parents: Entire pod
Siblings: Most of his generation




General Appearance:

General Personality:
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Names: Avalon, Morgana, Morgan, Jackal

Age: 16 - 25

Height: 5'5 - 5'10

Build: Long, willowy, lean.

Class: Warlock

Subclass: Wizard
Pact Being: Xezial, God of the Dead

Stats: Out of 20/each, 120 total
Strength: 7/20
Dexterity: 15/20
Constitution: 17/20
Intelligence: 17/20
Wisdom: 14/20
Charisma: 18/20
Total Power Score: 88/120

Father: Deceased
Mother: Deceased

  • The Covenhead (older brother)

Power/Calling Details:
Patron: Xezial, God of the Dead.
Powers: Necromancy, communing with the dead, communing with rats, vultures, bats, ravens, and crows.

Markes: (Markes are tattoo-like markings on the skin that witches get as they come of age.) The Hight Priestess' markes are smooth white welts instead of inked colors, which stand out just barely against her skin and are most easily seen when they cast tiny shadows outlining their shapes. They are spread up her arms and across her shoulders, dipping down to frame her collarbones and curling around her sides, stomach, and back. They also travel down her legs. There is a smaller marke on the side of her face, flowering out from the corner of her eye and swirling up into her temple and down her cheekbone. These markeings are mimicries of the pattern Xezial has on his clothing.

Clothes: She wears clothing that honors her deity, as many others in the coven do. Her main color is dark, drying-blood red, and she generally wears clothing that offers more coverage during bright days due to her sensitivity to the sunlight. However, on darker days, she wears flowing clothes that show off her markes, such as long sleeves with slits that fall open or slits that travel up her long skirt. Her shoulders are usually bare on these days, showing off the smooth, curling welts on her shoulders and upper chest and collarbones, or she wears backless clothing to show her back markes. When she leaves Kuethadore, which is very rare, she wears clothes that show more of her unique markes. Occasionally, she dons a corset or more formal attire. There is no armor, but she has an enchanted amulet that slowly down weapons around her, giving her more time to dodge and summon her own weapon.

Jewelry: Decorated heavily, The High Priestess wears plentiful jewelry. There is a thin iridescent metal chain choker around her neck that holds a small basilisk fang the same size as her brother's, although hers lacks the markings of a warrior's kill. There are also two other necklaces she wears, both made of iridescent metal: the shorter one falls just a few inches past her collarbones and is a dark red ruby shaped into a faceted teardrop, about half an inch long, and the longer one falls a few inches past that carries an enchanted, large pearl amulet carved with runes to slow weapons that intend to harm her. Around her left wrist is a ruby bracelet that matches her second necklace, and on her right wrist is the iron and pearl charm bracelet Xezial gifted her during her Calling. This bracelet, like Akasha's, has a summoning word that transforms it into a weapon - an iron scythe that is a mimicry of Xezial's, although with fewer pearls and no crystal cluster. There are also a few solid dark ruby bands around some of her fingers.

General Appearance: The High Priestess is pale, but her skin is not quite icy white like her older brother's. Her hair is the same shade as his, icy white, and her hair is like soft spider silk that falls nearly to the small of her back. She takes great care in her appearance, is rarely seen with untidy hair, and is always careful to show herself as presentable. Her eyes are beetle-black with no pupil or sclera and usually framed with kohl. If one pays attention, her long stiletto nails are not colored naturally. Rather, they grow in as polished black metal, sharp and strong, which she can use to slice open skin when she applies enough pressure. When she speaks or smiles, one can see that her front two teeth are flat and human, but every other tooth is sharpened dangerously, and her canines are slightly elongated fangs.

General Personality: The High Priestess is a powerful force to be reckoned with. Stubborn and easily provoked, she has limited patience and does not appreciate waiting for long periods of time. When her brother takes to the sky to defend their land's border against invaders, even if their barrier turns them away, she is anxious and antsy until he comes home and reports them either missing or dead.

While she is painfully loyal and loves very, very deeply, that depth is also reached by hatred. More than anything, she hates those outside her Coven, sometimes expressing that she wishes they lived in a faraway land where no one knew they existed with great scorn. Her grudges are legendary, as she never lets go of them unless given a good reason or a decent apology. However, once her grudge is settled, she lets go of any bitterness left behind, presenting the person or people with a clean slate between them.

When the High Priestess is absolutely enraged, it is presented almost explosively, unlike her brother's icy-cold, disturbingly calm anger. Rarely has she ever been provoked to that point, and she has yet to have her first kill, but there is much doubt in everyone's mind that she would feel guilt or remorse over killing someone who threatens her or her people.
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