(New Plots)
Hello, You may call me what you wish to call me Dark or Disney, Mama Dark. I am Female So , I do prefer female roles. I am pretty easy person, I go with the flow pretty often if I say that's cool or sure then yeah I mean hell let's go with it, I can get over excited sometimes or just be like sure man.
I have been rping for 20 years. I am definitely not new to rping been on this sight since 2018,I was gone for a while. I just kinda took a break for a bit I am now just returning. I do any where from 3 paragraphs to a Novel. I normally try to match my partner. I, however do not like or tolerate 1 liners or short posts. I can not reply and it bugs me. Also I am on my phone so mistakes will be made, my auto correct and I are in a war. Tis a loosing one for sure.
I have a Boyfriend, A 3 year old toddler, and 4 dogs, so I get busy with them alot. I do not reply every day sometimes can, once a day maybe to once every few days or weeks. I CAN NOT ALWAYS GUARANTEE A POST. I will do the best I can though, If you ever wonder where I am, discord me or pm me, I try to keep it and you my partner up to date often, and or message me in 3 days if I have not replied may not have gotten a notification.
I have a few pet peeves.
Do not pm me or start a rp with me and leave me hanging. I will stop following it and just drop because I think you have dropped.
Do not be short with me. I get it we all have lives and time can be frustrating.
Do Not please just don't assume I play male for you ask me. This is a biggest pet peeve. -
My Rules
Moving on from the introduction of my self...
Okay so I get ideas daily but also have ideas that don't take off in group roleplay.
So I do have a few rules when it comes to role playing with me. Please bring ideas to the table. Looking for a more Dom Male . Can do Dom for fxf. Will double as in make two different threads or double characters. I can play Males. I do not want to always play male. MxM and Trans are a iffy subject for me just because I have never done them you can try and convince me. Ask me if I want to do Fxf or mxm I am not always open for those, but always open for MxF. Prefer female so ask if I will play male I hate people assuming.
All characters 18+ (uh duh it's an adult site we don't go lower. Don't ask I won't do anything below 18+)
Forum rules
No GMing
No anime-Can be convinced on photos
No one liners ( this is huge, 2 paragraph minimum.)
Third person only
Real Photos only please
You may have to start the thread do to my schedule if I ask please don't whine. I will just drop the rp and you.
Bring ideas to the table don't just rely on me. -
All listed below a big fat Yes:
Gore (not during sex scenes)
( 60/ 40 story/Smut)
I want someone who will reply and not drop the rp. So if your just going to drop please don't pm me I am not Ghost friendly, just tell me you don't want to do it anymore I will get it.
M and F. I play males But prefer Female. If asked nicely I will play the male . Or I can double characters, one male one female. I do MxF FxM FxF and MxM Mostly FxM looking for male or female that can play a male.
Do's and don'ts
Come up with a plot or help me
Do pm me and talk
Okay so after all that I will give you a gist of Genres I like.
Slice of Life
Historical eras ( medieval and Salem witch trials etc.)
Mix of each
Fandom OC's only
No anime -
Top pairings that interest me
Supernatural/Fantasy/ Medieval
Werewolf x human or both wolfs
Fae x human or both fae
Vampire x human or both Vampires
Siren x --------
Fallen Angel x Human
Knight in shinning armor x wanted Thief/ lost princess
Pirate x daughter of a ex pirate captain
Pirate/Sea Goddess
Slice of Life (can be made Supernatural)
College student × exchange student
Roommates x Roommates
Sister x Brothers Best friend
Bad Boy x New Girl (can be realistic or not college age obviously )
Female Crime Boss/Undercover Agent
Crime Boss/Lawyer
Crime Boss/Police
Outlaw Biker/Police Officer
Biker/Rival bikers daughter
Police Chiefs Daughter/Male Gang Member
Police Chiefs Daughter/ Male Gang Leader
Rancher's Daughter /Ranch Hand
Rancher's Daughter/ Ranch Foreman
Horror and Futuristic
Zombie Apocalypse
Something Futuristic (have a Plot)
Time traveler x Back in time Character ( no doctor who or any time travel shows or movies)
Futuristic Apocalypse -
Supernatural/Fantasy/ Medieval
Werewolf x human or both
Fae x human or both
Vampire x human or both
Siren x --------
Fallen Angel x Human
Supernatural Hunter/Partner
Supernatural Hunter/Client
Anything else you can think of
Assassin x Assassin
Knight in shinning armor x wanted Thief/ lost princess
Bounty hunter x Bounty
Witch and her Familiar
Salem witch x witch Hunter
Carvan Gypsy x Detective or Hunter
Gypsy x Gypsy other clan
Witch Gypsy/Knight
Witch Gypsy/Prince
Werewolf King/Baroness(Victorian Era)
Werewolf King/ Vampire Queen(Victorian Era)
Executioner/Evil Queen
Ice Queen/Fire King
Ice Queen/Ice Warrior
Dragon King/Human Queen
Dragon Queen/Dragon Slayer
Dragon Queen/Dragon Guard
Morgan Le Fey/ Arthur Or something like this
Enchantress/ King or human
Royalty x Non-Royalty
Arranged Marriage have a plot
Assassin x Target
Princess x Prisoner
Skeleton King/Mistress
Skeleton King/Evil Queen
Mage Knight/Queen
Mage Knight/Princess
Demon Queen/Human Hero Bodyguard
Demon King's Daughter/Human Hero Bodyguard
Demon King/Female Human Bodyguard
Spider Queen/Knight
Scorpio Queen/ Knight or human or Spider king
Dark Elf Queen/Human Knight
Dark Elf king / human female
Alchemist/Countess Daughter
Male Gladiator/Female slave ( kinda like Spartacus)
Pirate x daughter of a ex pirate captain
Goblin king x Dark Fae ( goblin king from the tenth kingdom if possible if not all good)
Dark Fae x Human knight
Greek Warrior/Greek Goddess
Egyptian Priestess/God
High Priest/Pharaoh's Daughter
Female Demon/Priest (more like Van Helsing priest)
Female Demon/Demon Hunter
Pirate/Sea Goddess
Test Subject x Test Subject
Cirque Performer x Cirque Performer have a plot kinda
Zombie or nuclear Apocalypse
Elf Princess /Elf Prince
Elf Princess /Elf Knight
Elf Princess / Elf Ranger
Elf Princess /Human Prince
Elf Princess /Human Knight
Elf Princess / Human Ranger
Female Werewolf Pack Leader /Male Werewolf Pack Leader
Female Vampire Clan Leader /Male Werewolf Pack Leader
Female Werewolf with Child /Male Werewolf Pack Leader
Female Vampire with Child/ Male Vampire Clan Leader
Slice of Life (can be made Supernatural)
Dancer x Dance partner
Lead Dancer x New Dancer
Dance school
Dramatic arts school
Lead Rolex Lead role
Soldier/ soldiers wife a return home from tour
Detective x Victim
Serial killer x Helper
College student × exchange student
Roommates x Roommates
Sister x Brothers Best friend
Naval seal x Naval Seal
Ghost team Leader x Ghost Team First Mate
Bad Boy x New Girl (can be realistic or not college age obviously )
Country Singer/Pop Singer
Stranded Crash Survivors
Young couple trying to make it on their own
Club Owner/Dancer
FBI Agent/Protect Witness
Singer/Band Manager
Band Member/Band Member
Lingerie Model/Photographer
Adult Film Star/Producer
Female Crime Boss/Undercover Agent
Casino Owner/Cocktail Waitress
Movie Star/Bodyguard
Movie Star/Director
Car Mechanic/Rich Woman
Crime Boss/Lawyer
Crime Boss/Police
Police Officer/Police Officer
prisoners kinda plot
Outlaw Biker/Police Officer
Female Gang Leader/Male Runaway
Biker/Rival bikers daughter
Country Girl/Country Boy
Country Girl /City Boy
City Girl /Country Boy
Normal Girl /Gang Member
Dancer /Normal Guy
Dancer /Jock of Any Sport
Dancer /star Player of Any Sport
Police Chiefs Daughter/Male Gang Member
Police Chiefs Daughter/ Male Gang Leader
Rancher's Daughter /Ranch Hand
Rancher's Daughter/ Ranch Foreman
Street Family
Horror and Futuristic
Anything Horror- mostly serial killers or ghosts
Zombie Apocalypse
Demon Hunter/Doll
Angel/Devil's Mistress
Devil/ Devil's Mistress
Female Angel/Devil's Son
Something Futuristic
Time traveler x Back in time Character ( no doctor who or any time travel shows or movies)
Futuristic Apocalypse
Western -
All Original Characters,Can be convinced to do Cannon characters maybe not always up to do Fandoms
Tuck Everlasting
Jesse x OC
MorganVille Vampires
Shane x OC
Phantom tollbooth
The Prophecy of the Stones
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Phobeus x OC
Beauty and the beast
once upon a time
Hunter x OC
Killian x OC
The road to Eldorado
Anastasia ( Plot kinda)
Dimitri x OC
Alice in Wonderland ( Kinda plot to this )
Prince Caspian x OC
Tv shows
True Blood:
Eric x OC
Warlow x OC
OC x Willa
Jason StackHouse x OC
OC X Jessica Hamby
Skins U.K. version
Law and Order Svu
Stabler x OC
Samuel x OC
Jamie x OC
Arthur x OC
Merlin x OC
OC x Morgan Le Fay
The 100
Bellamy x OC
The Following
Harper's Island
Jimmy Mance x OC
Penguin x OC
Gordon x OC
Sons of anarchy
Jax x OC
Game Of Thrones
Jamie Lannister x OC
Jaqen H'ghar x OC
John Snow x OC
Khal Drogo x OC
The Tenth Kingdom
Step Up
Van Helsing:
Van Helsing × OC
Lord of the Rings or Hobbits:
Aragorn x OC
Thorin x OC
Kili x OC
Fili x OC
Legolas x OC
Boromir x OC
Faramir x OC
Eomer x OC
James x OC
Riley x OC
Jasper x OC
Garrett x OC
Alistar x OC
Les Miserables
Wicked Witch x OC
Phantom of the opera
Roger x OC
Sweeney Todd
Sweeny x OC
Into the Woods
Last Tsar has a modern day Anastasia plot to it.
(Fantasy/ futuristic)**
You all know the story of Anastasia. Well this is a different time and place. All the tsar are gone and dead. The palace hasn't been used in years. All was quite. Though rumors in st. Petersburg have been spreading about that there is one tsar that still lives. Where was she, what she look like? Everyone was looking for her including a dark man named Rafe. He had sold his sole to the devil in exchange the tsar were killed and disbanded. This last Tsar had no family left she was an orphan, but if she was alive she had the rightful claim to the palace and the imperial Russian army.
(Fantasy/modern day/future)
So I have a Vladimir rp kinda mix of Dracula untold and something I made up I would play his wife but we start before they met how they came together.
Please pm me for more details. This is just a plot over view it will be a long term rp please like medieval vampires, longer posts.
Well this one seems to be cursed every time I try to do it my partner leaves
(historical / advanced )**
I really really want to do a story where the king of Scotland's decree for a Laird to Marry a low lander woman. She isn't what he excepted though when he goes to pick her up. She is witty fiery smart and knows medicine how to ride and shoot a bow and arrow un like most low lander woman so it is action andromance filled she falls for him later on but at first she dislikes him and his men. She tries to run but he catches her.
A Mysterious Mist
Siren x Human
MxF Or double I play a male and female and so do you but one will die.
A small town in Rhode Island was a quite sea town. Not many people lived their, and during the summer it got a alot of tourists. A family always came every summer. The father and mother and their two sons the older brother was named Caleb and his younger brother (Your character). They came and played with the local girl('s). They were beautiful and fun to be around. Now that they were all in their mid to late 20's. However now their are murders going on in the town. Men and some woman are winding up on the beach dead with smiles on their faces but when Caleb and one of the girls washes a shore dead its up to the other two to try and figure out what happened and what was going on. The police were not doing much and yet the girl was also acting strange like she had a secret. However if this secret is uncovered the whole town could be in danger? What will happen when the town goes quite and a Mist settles in? Will they be able to stop the creatures or should the town be renamed Deadwood?
What Happens Now?********
(New King x peasant girl/disguised noble)
MxF Advanced I will only play the Female in this role. Male I'll need to be able to pay multiple male roles
The Crowned Prince has finally taken his fathers throne. His father is ill with madness. He has been for a while and only people who see him are the royal family, servants and physicians. Now the Crowned Prince is not Betrothed, he had been to a beautiful young woman till she was kicked out of the court many many years ago for her father being a traitor to the crown. However a twist of fate happens and she finds herself back in court in front of the man she was Betrothed to, his Captain for the guard. older man recognizes her and has to tell the king. Is she their for revenge, or was it really a accident. What if they do bring her back and the thosestill loyal to her family name rise up to avenge the man hung for his treacherous crimes.
Based on this What happens now? (Jalapeno x Wicked Witch) may continue it or restart it
My Heart is Broken ( Detectives Daughter x Mob bosses son)********** recently got closed down
Watch "Evanescence - My Heart Is Broken" on YouTube
(This 1x1 is based off this song. The reason it says Dark Themed is because this will be about a break up and what happens to the broken hearted when they are left on there own. Also I want a M for this rp or someone who can play a male)
YC and mine have been dating and are engaged to be married. He a Mob bosses son and she a Detectives daughter, however there was no rules in the world who you fell in love with. However tensions have been since the engagement and now MC has been threatened to be killed if she marries YC. However she refused to let things like that deter her. YC though wishes to protect her. So we start with him and her in the rain arguing. She is trying to stop him from breaking up with her and he is trying to convince her it's for the best.
My Character
Name: Rowan O'Callaghan or Selene Night or Zarina O'Callaghan
Ethnicity: Irish
Birth place and Living: Born Belfast Ireland, now lives in Boston, Massachusetts
Age: 26
Role: Detectives Daughter
Personality: Hard headed, stubborn, sarcastic, smart, witty, charming, fun, funny, good humored, and a bit of a temper
Appearance: ask for
I want someone who can write a good amount of paragraphs and move the story along instead of just replying to my post.
Also please come up with ideas and plot as well. I don't mind worst I can do is say no same goes for me with you.
Communicate with me, I don't bite... Hard.
Slow posts Sorry I do have a life and I am sure you do as well I want at least once a week, if we can do more or have to push to two that's cool I don't care. Just let me know.
Grammar as long as I can understand you were good. I am on my phone so it has a lot of auto correct errors.
PM me with a witty title or drop a post here with a witty title.
This is now open again sadly my partner has left and I was really really enjoing it. :(
The Royal Romance ( Low born x Prince of Cormwall)********
Prince and Commoner. I slightly stole this idea from Choices Royal Romance I loved it. It is a modern Royals with Romance. I will play The female in this. It will a slight love triangle. we will play other charaters male and female as well,but I want to Play the main Female and you play the main male the Prince. There will be a less pg version and more to it
The Prince Of Cormwall is visiting New York for a week. YC has run into MC, a few times and half way through the week they hang out together. After YC leaves to go home telling her YC is a prince and YC needs to marry someone. As MC day is about to start one of YC friends invites her to go to Cormwall and win the events to become Queen and spend more time with YC. Whom has already fallen for mine,but must remain diplomatic till the end. There will be Romance, love, Secrets, Scandals and more this is just a synopsis.
I do want real FCs only sorry what I prefer
☆ I do have a life so my replies are slow ,but you will get good long posts.
☆please don't Hit me up and drop
☆Third person is a must
☆ real images only
☆Be flexible if I ask you to start please start the Rp
☆please be able to write 4+ paragraphs (5-7 sentences)
☆I will try to keep you updated on what's going on in my life. Please try to do the same
☆Grammar, make it understandable. I am on my phone so auto correct and I are not friends.
☆ No Text Talk or speak
☆able to play multiple Characters
Outlaw Justice ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Head Biker x Rival Bikers Daughter
(I got the idea from chapters, but kinda wanted to make my own.)
A fire blazes bright in the night sky as a Muse A (my character) desperately looks for her brother. She had been told by him to meet her there. However a figure knocks her unconscious. When she wakes she is held to the ground by a thug of a male. This male is barked at to step down. As Muse A goes to run she is caught by Muse B (your character). Leader of the other biker gang in town. He takes her in prisoner for now till it is proven she had nothing to do with the club house burning down. MUSE A doesn't make it easy, she only tells half the truth. Sure he is handsome kind and charming. However he is also her fathers sworn enemy. Being the daughter of another biker gang leader could get her killed. She lies to save her neck. Eventually when. She is cleared and her and Muse B start seeing one another it comes out she is the daughter of one of the most notorious Biker Gangs around, she must prove to him, she is loyal to him and his club. She chose him and them over her own family. Why? He must find out as well maybe save both there skins in a insane thriller adventure
Looking for a male or female who can play male to play Muse B Biker Leader of blank your choice while I Play Muse A Biker Leaders Daughter of the Black Widows
Explicit mentions and triggers may and will probably happen not for the feint of heart.
Please be okay with starting
Some what long posts 3+ paragraphs(5+ sentences)
Move the plot forward do not just reply to what I have written
Male or can play male be okay with waiting on my posts
Real face claims
Pm me or message me here.
Siren Song
On the high seas, pirates, thieves, murderers and ship jackers roamed freely. It was time Pirates were feared, revered, and talked about in whispers. YC is the Brand New Captain of a Pirate ship inherited from his old man. He has made an accord to meet Blackheart for a meeting of truce; it winds up him sharing and being married to MC daughter of the ruthless Blackheart. How will this go when she has a secret she isn't even aware of? Will he treat her well? Will he fall for the beautiful deadly daughter of the most deadliest Pirate to Roma the seas?
Island Queen x Prisoner (ex military)
(Okay so most people should know Far Cry. Well I got the idea kinda from Far Cry 4 kinda however this is all my own just if it seems like some similar things than bam there you go tis why. Far Cry 4/ Terra Nova are my inspirations.)
Yc is Ex Navy Seal, Black ops etc. Any YC is framed for a murder (could of known something and they couldn't trust him not to speak) or commits a murder (intentional or not). He is taken away to prison, but not any prison. A special prison that selects a group to be dropped off on what is Called Death Island. They have sent many men and women to die on this island. This Island is mysterious, dark, and dangerous. It holds deadly, plants, animals (some may even be prehistoric),insects, and the two Tribes. From the outside the island looks beautiful and inviting. However it is a death trap and there is only two ways off death or find a way to get the helicopter to take you ( the latter doesn't happen often.).
YC is taken with 20 others on a plane. (I can help play extras) all are on there way to Death Island ( murders etc). You are shackled hands behind your back and have a key around your neck. You are dropped into the unusually warm water where you must unlock yourself or drown. After that it is trial after trial to survive, every man for himself. No one can be trusted, but it is better to travel in a group unless you run into the tribes. Tribe A The Sol Tribe run by a kind older caring Thief who runs the brighter happier side of the Island. Tribe B The Bas Tribe, the dark and evil tribe of the Island The Queen of this tribe is malicious devious and cruel. However loyal and protective of those close to her (AKA MC) She has been on the Island a long time. Fun fact about the island the longer you are on it the more you will not age. Each human becomes immune to aging and disease. However death can still come to you in very painful ways.
YC has some bad string of luck and runs into mine. The group he has hooked up with is surrounded and captured. They are brought back to the Bas Tribes home. YC must convince MC to not kill him and possibly make him part of her guard…..
(More to plot out but basics let me know what you think and if you are intrigued.)
Real Fc
Long post 3 to 4 good paragraphs
Be okay with starting thread.
Rathbore College (new)
Rathbore: The Darkness Within
New Term, New Semester at Rathbor. School for the supernatural. College to help you be a better supernatural. Blend in with the Humans. This new year brings a darkness that has not littered the halls or door steps of Rathbor before. In the shadows where secrets are kept,danger lurks just in the shadows. Behind every nook and cranny a deadly secret lies. Zaphrina has been at the school 4 years now, her past a mystery. Not even the Dean knows. Her Secrets could soon be unraveled by one male. This year also brings the dark prince himself. He his handsome and mysterious however his presence brings about an ancient prophecy that no one, not even the schools Dean could stop. Can Zaphrina and The Dark Prince team up to stop the lurking darkness or will the school be brought to its knees? Find out in this Twisted twirling Dark romance.
Dark Adventure, Death, Murder, Betrayal, Romance and a deadly Secret. Come take a ride on the Darkside
Dragon King (shape shifter ) x Human Princess/secret dragon(new)
(My Partner lost a muse for this and I would like to find a new partner.)
YC is the king of the dragons, dragons live for many many years and are very powerful creatures. Though dragons live what seems like forever they are not immortal and when a dragon dies their power and spirit seeps into the world, a lot of the mountains and fields and great forests are just departed dragons made into the earth. Before things were messed up in the world the king of the land came to the dragons, begging, pleading that they help him, a dark necromancer was raiding his lands and would soon win if he didn't get help. The dragon king agreed to help on a condition that the king of the human land entered into a contract that once the dragons won,whatever the most powerful thing in their kingdom was they would bring to the top of (insert mountain name here) and give it to the dragons to add to their collection/source of power. Well they help defeat the necromancer, and everything, and the king goes about his life, children, grandchildren, etc after giving the Dragon King an enchanted Sword. A few centuries pass and there is a New King married to one of the Kings Descendants, he had shown up out of the blue one day he showed up with a small baby and in love with the Princess. They took over and ruled in harmony. Now the princess is in her Late 20s. She was a fiery spirit and scared off the many suitors. The Dragon king actually lived in a castle in the mountains not too far from the human kingdom. His brother looked to take him down and to do this he would start by trying to take the Human Kingdom Marrying the human female. She refuses him and decides to seek out the Dragon King. Making a deal she would marry the Dragon King if helped save her kingdom from his brother. However there was Something off about this princess; she was not as human as she seemed. Can the Dragon King show her who she really is and save her kingdom and his?
This is a dystopian Dragon shifter plot.
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