Either Needed The Dawn Breaker: Voyage to Lemuria

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Either Needed The Dawn Breaker: Voyage to Lemuria

Lady Mysaria

Queen of the Damned
Local time
Today 6:24 PM
Lullaby Hill

ROLES ARE OPEN =) TAIKA RACE IS CLOSED FOR NOW AS WE HAVE ONE ALREADY AND THEY ARE RARE. If you really want to be a Taika PM me and we can discuss it... I would possibly be open to having two.

In the ocean, deep down
Under raging waves, wrapped in memories, you'll find
Wrecks of stately ships, they all went astray
Captain, did you find
Land of Mu, Eldorado for the seaman?
Or did you sink in dreams and lose your ship
In the Sirens' symphony?
When the sailman's sailing away
He shows that the dream of Lemuria is true
A land lost he will find again
Hear the call from the depth of the anemone song
Do you dare to enter the ship?

Conscription for the Dawn Breaker
As decreed by Captain Charlize De La Cruz Adala
Posted to all public notice boards West of the Nazrian Mountains
Seventh of May, 1717
To all sailors who are strong of will and brave of heart, hark my words! This voyage is not for the faint of heart and weak of spirit. I ask ye to accompany me to the throat of the world, beyond our known borders and into the unknown. Fore, it is there I hope to find the mystical and long-forgotten land of Lemuria. To those courageous enough to join me on this journey I promise, should we be successful in our voyage, treasures, and riches beyond compare.

Be warned, brave souls, for our path will be plagued not only by threats known; but, also by dangers untold. Many ships have sought the ancient shores of Lemuria and their hollowed corpses now lie at the bottom of the Caspirian sea.

Should you wish to join the crew of the Dawn Breaker travel to the Cliffside Tavern just west of the docks in Kazaar. I will await ye there at the back of the Tavern to take your name and information. This voyage, as I said, will be no easy feat. Any and all those with families should consider this before signing their name to the conscription.

Travel ye well...

~ Captain Adala.

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Alright, so this is an idea I have been tossing around for the last few days and since we have such a wonderful and receptive community here in Sanctum I thought I would share it with you all. Now, with that being said I hope it is obvious that this is a work in progress and therefore I will need your help to make our Voyage something truly amazing.

Now a few points to note. This story will not take place on Earth. Instead, we will build a new world together that has fantastical elements. I call this world Theratuza and because of this, I will allow for a few playable races outside of humans that will be listed lower down. Your character may be either male or female because in Theratuza there it is not bad luck to have a woman aboard. I am going to be creating open roles to be filled for the ship. I am hoping we can get a large party going 7+ players. This is a ship so obviously, we are going to need a capable crew.

Other fantastical elements will include creatures and monsters that we will come across in our journey...If you have seen the animated film Sinbad, then you will know what I am talking about.

Quicknote: I would like whoever reserves the role of the Quartermaster to start at the tavern with me and have a pre-existing relationship with Adala. You are her right hand and most trusted ally.

I would like to keep this thread clean so it is easy for people to find character sheets and information. If you have questions I would prefer that you PM me if possible, thank you.

Anyways, if you have questions PM...Otherwise, let's get into some of the more refined details.


  • I will require thought out posts that reach lengths of at least two paragraphs if not more. Please do not insult me or any other interested in this RP by posting one-liners or posts that have obviously been rushed.
  • As this will be a more mature RP I will have mature themes and aspects please prepare yourselves for the following which I will allow: Strong language, violence, sexual themes.
  • Regarding romances, I will allow for some hot and steamy but please do not make this the focus of our RP. If it does not contribute to the overall story do not do it. Also, please fade all smut to black...If you wish to carry on such conversations with your fellow crewmembers you are welcome to go to the appropriate forums.
  • All characters will need to be age-appropriate...The youngest I will accept is 18.
  • There will be a posting order which shall be first come first serve. =)
That should do it...Obviously, if you have suggestions to add to our rulebook please PM me to let me know.

  • Human (Male/female) - Lifespan: 100 years- Pretty self-explanatory. This race hails from the more civilized lands of the West. Humans natural born leaders with strong loyalties and determination. They are the most common race and due to colonization, can be found in most lands of Theratuza.

  • Mau (Male/Female) - Lifespan: 75 years (they age quicker than their Human/Halfling counterparts) - A barbaric and elusive race of anthropomorphic cat-like peoples who hail from the Southern Isles. They are naturally stronger than the other races and because of this tend to fall to military and or mercenary work. Many of their lands have been decimated by natural disasters and colonizers who sought to take the riches and natural resources of their motherland. Because of this, they usually prefer to stay in their tribe lands, defending them against foreign invaders. Their customs and traditions are relatively unknown to the civilized worlds of the West and they prefer to keep it that way. (
bfd8266f82124ddccc3e53420f67912b.jpg 530e20fd97a15a7a0f743441445829752a165aafv2_00.jpg obviously feel free to get creative. They can have hair and long fangs and claws... The image reference is just a starting guide.
  • The Taika (Female only) - Lifespan 100-1,000 years (they age more slowly than their Human/Halflingcounterparts... Therefore 100 years is fairly young for a Taika). - This is a race made up entirely of females. Human-esk in appearance, they are regarded as extremely beautiful and powerful. Ancient and mysterious, they have been apart of Theratuza from the beginning; it is believed that this race of magic wielders hailed from the northern lands where few dare venture; some even say that their ancestors were the protectors and natural inhabitants of Lemuria before it disappeared. They are inclined towards the natural magics of the Earth and are EXTREMELY RARE. Most believe them to be mere myth...Perhaps, there are more Taika among us then we know; their only physical difference from humans is slightly pointed ears and occasionally unnaturally colored eyes. They prefer to blend in when traveling outside the North and usually will wear their hair in a way that covers their unnaturally pointed ears.
Note: We cannot have a bunch of this race as they are very rare so please keep that in mind if you look through other's character sheets and notice that we already have a few...I would be open to half-breeds possibly but please discuss that with me first :).

10b8d823a30fba54e0ded6910ae67ed6.jpg c29a2ce04da42577ca95a6d2a602a9e6.jpg (obviously this is to get a feel for their immense beauty and magnificence...But by no means do they dress this way in particular).

  • Halflings (male/female) - Lifespan: 100 years - Small in stature but mighty at heart, the Halflings are the proud peoples hailing from the Eastern Lands. They are common and renowned throughout Theratuza for their craftsmanship and their ingenuity in regards to the sciences and engineering. Because of this Halflings are highly sought after in many areas of the world. They tend to be rather greedy and self-oriented though. Clever creatures they do have a slight inclination toward alchemy. They have unnaturally large eyes, pouty lips, droopy and slightly rounded ears, and tend to have large/bare feet.

Captain - The pirate Captains were selected because they were respected, not because they were feared. When electing a Captain, the crew looked for someone who was capable of commanding and navigating a ship. Also, it was crucial that the captain has courage and skill in both, sword and pistol fighting. Absolute authority over the Dawn Breaker.

Quartermaster - After Captain, the most authority on a pirate ship had Quartermaster. As a Captain's right hand, he was in charge when Captain was not around. He had the authority, and he could punish men for not obeying commands.Quartermaster was also in charge of food and water supplies.

Surgeon - From surgeons, crew expected, to help them with diseases and wounds. Without proper medicines, every wound could become a source of infection, so amputations were often necessary in order to save a patient's life.

Gunner - Gunners were leaders of small man groups, who operated on the artillery. They watched for the safety of their man. In charge of conducting and directing any and all naval battles under the Captain. They also are in charge of maintaining not only the ship's cannons but the crews' artillery and weapons as well.

Cook - An ordinary crewmember who is in charge of food making. Usually can be found below deck and is allowed to conscript any available crewmembers to their aid should they need it. Though it is not a fancy job it is a necessary one. Without our fateful cook, we would all starve. (This would not be your full position, you will obviously be helping with other tasks around the ship.

Navigator - Crewmember in charge of navigation and piloting. This is a very hard job because charts in those days were usually inaccurate or nonexistent. Education was required as well as ship experience. (Should you take this role your character cannot be green).

Crewmember - Responsible for the daily runnings and workings of the ships. From raising and lowering the sails to swabbing the main deck. This is a position that is usually filled by those who do not have previous experience on ships.

All the roles play a major part and each is as important as the next. I don't want anyone to feel like they got the short end of the stick. These are more guidelines anyways...We are here for adventure, remember that.

Captain - Lady Mysaria
Quartermaster - CasualAdventurer
Surgeon - Brooks
Navigator - Cheshire Cat
Gunner - DC55
Cook - KittyOnyx
Crewmember - LyricalWolf
Crewmember - Angel of Mercy
Crewmember - Open

Appearance (Please feel free to use images):
Experience (are ye a well-salted sailor or are ye a greenie?):
Requested Position aboard the Dawn Breaker:
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Name: Charlize De La Cruz Adala

Race: Human

Age: 32

Appearance (Please feel free to use images):

Personality: Steadfast and fierce, Captain Adala is cool-headed and cunning. She runs the Dawn Breaker with an ironclad fist but is also regarded as fair and just by those who serve aboard her ship. She has a sharp-tongue and doesn't hesitate to say what she is thinking when she is thinking it. She prefers to garner her crews' respect through her actions rather than her words and can be seen on deck helping with menial tasks when and if she has time. Her door is always open to anyone who wishes to share their ideas or reservations. But, be sure not to get on her bad side because hell hath no fury like the Captain when scorned.

Strengths: Accurate with post pistols and rifles, she is also renowned for her skills with a rapier. She is charismatic and approachable which makes her an easy captain to follow. She is also quite nimble and can get up and down the ship's rafters quicker than most. She is also incredibly cunning when it comes to sailing tactics and knowledge of the four great seas of Theratuza.

Weaknesses: She can be hot-tempered after a few drinks. She has a slight gambling addiction and can often be found below deck losing her crowns to the crew. She is occasionally known to be arrogant at times which sometimes gets her and her crew into sticky situations.

Background: Captain Adala's mother died from Blackrot when she was just a girl and she hardly remembers outside of a faded photo she keeps in a golden locket around her neck. She was raised by her father Damian De La Cruz Adala; a sea captain who served on the Endeavor. When Damian De La Cruz Adala was not chartered on the Endeavor he spent his time sailing the seas with his only daughter, teaching her all she could ever hope to learn about Theratuza and her great nations; but, more importantly, about the inner and outer workings of a ship and her crew. Charlize thrived in this life and loved the adventures that her father would take her on.

All of that changed when the Endeavor was chattered by a rich Duke to sail further East than any ship had ever gone; to find Lemuria. People had called Damian De La Cruz Adala a madman for thinking her could ever find the elusive land; many had tried and failed to return. But Damian wasn't one to shy away from a challenge and accepted the charter from the Duke.

Charlize had heard tales of Lemuria when she was a girl. An ancient and forgotten land full of riches and treasures beyond imagination. Her father had told her that Lemuria had once been home to a mysterious race of magic wielders known as the Taika...That they had hidden Lemuria from the Western world to keep its secrets safe by sinking it to the depths of the Caspirian sea...To the depths at the edge of the world where the four seas meet and spill into the cosmos. She had begged her father to bring her along on the voyage; it would be the greatest adventure of her lifetime. Sadly, she had only been thirteen at the time and her father had refused her pleas...Instead, entrusting his only daughter to the guidance and care of one Miss Deliah Tart - The headmistress of a prestigious school for young ladies.

It was hard for Charlize to say goodbye to her father and she had watched from the docks as the Endeavor disappeared into the horizon. The charter was given the deadline of two years to find a course through the Caspirian to the forgotten shores of Lemuria. At first, her father had been diligent about writing to Charlize whenever they would port in towns with proper postal services...But as the two years drew to their close she stopped receiving his letters. When the deadline had come and long since passed, with no word from the Endeavor, it was written on the front page of the daily paper that she had been lost at sea and surely the entire crew had perished.

Charlize felt like a part of her soul had died the day the city help funerals for all fifteen sailors that had set out for Lemuria two years ago. She had heard the whispers in the crowd: "Crazy Adala" they would chuckle. Or, "I heard he was a drunk and a scallywag, serves him right. What kind of man puts the lives of his crew at risk to chase a myth!" She couldn't bear to hear slander against her father and so she left the school and care of Delilah Tart and began working on the shipyards until she finally found a ship that would take her on. She needed to escape her hometown and the rumors that followed her.

As she got older, Charlize moved away from more honest work and served on pirate vessels. It was through these dark deeds that she was able to acquire enough wealth to purchase her own ship which she named the Dawn Breaker... It had been her father's dream and she had made it a reality for him. But, something else drove her to captain her own ship. She wanted to prove all those who had doubted her father wrong and she had finally found it....Exactly what she needed to be the first to charter a course to the throat of the world; to Lemuria.

Experience (are ye a well-salted sailor or are ye a greenie?): Her father was a sailor, so she was practically raised on a ship. She is more comfortable on the ocean than she ever will be on land.

Requested Position aboard the Dawn Breaker: Captain
I would love to participate in this as one of the Surgeons but will not be able to join until March 7th. Is that fine?
I would love to participate in this as one of the Surgeons but will not be able to join until March 7th. Is that fine?
Possibly. Let me check with the others I have interested. Perhaps we could make you an understudy that way we can have a main surgeon. I'm not sure when we will be up and running but I will reserve it for you for right now :).
Okay. If someone wants it then I'm okay. I just wanted to check to see is all. I'm in another with you so you already know the ordeal I'm dealing with.
Okay. If someone wants it then I'm okay. I just wanted to check to see is all. I'm in another with you so you already know the ordeal I'm dealing with.
Yeah I know. I'll reserve you in for it and once everything gets rolling and we get an OOC I will ask what everyone else thinks. Maybe we can pick your character up on the way. We don't necessarily need a surgeon to start, it just depends on how soon we are up and rolling since it is only the 19th. :)
Name: Thomas (Tooma) Fletcher
Race: Human
Age: 34
Appearance: Thomas stands at about 6'4" with a strong build He's a large man with light to medium brown hair and while he tries to keep himself clean shaven he often sports a few days growth. He has blue eyes.
Personality: Thomas can seem like a gentle giant at times, though when angered it's best to give him a wide berth. He's kind and soft spoken, though he's otherwise the quiet type, preferring to keep to himself around people he's not very familiar with. Of course once he gets to know a band or crew he's quick to open up and he develops strong bonds of loyalty and friendship, things that have burned him in the past, having served with pirates and all. While Thomas loves plunder and riches he does not let greed and avarice guide his actions, in fact, he's been known (or not known) to make large anonymous donations to charities and orphanages when at port (which explains why he always seems to be broke).

Strengths: Competent sailor, skilled combatant and fair marksman, heavy drinker, man of action, strong swimmer, educated
Weaknesses: Lacks diplomatic skills, non-committal, often speaks out of turn and often before he thinks. Prone to violence when pressed, heavy drinker, poor manners

Background: Thomas, or Tooma as he prefers to go by, was born to a Noble family, but as a teenager he was prone causing trouble. It was no surprise that when he turned 20 he was cast out by his father, who had nothing but hate and disdain for his troublemaking son. With few avenues open to him, Thomas became an outlaw. When his outlaw band was apprehended by the law he escaped and found his way to a port city. Still being pursued by the law he quickly hired on as a sailor. He has served on many types of vessels throughout the years and has so far preferred not to remain in one place for too long lest his past catch up to him.

Experience: Thomas was a bandit/outlaw from age 20 to 24, where he learned how to fight, some woodcraft/survival skills and how to ride horses. After a year on the run he got work as a ship hand, a role he took to very well. He's spent the past 10 years or so working on board seafaring vessels of all types, as a sailor or a pirate, as the case may be…
Requested Position aboard the Dawn Breaker: Crewman/Marine
Name: Saris & Sorin Conend (Sari and Sori respectively or collectively 'The Twins')

Race: Halfling

Age: 24 (Sorin is older by five minutes)

Appearance (Please feel free to use images):


Personality: Sari is a flighty bundle of energy. Getting her to sit still or keep quiet is a feat almost worthy of its own legends. Her curious nature and rambunctious attitude when coupled with a bright grin has gotten her out of more problems than one might expect. Especially if you consider her rather sticky fingers...
Sari finds ways to befriend everyone she comes in contact with, it's just not in her nature to be suspicious of others intentions leading perhaps to something of a naive nature. Though with her boundless energy she is usually gone before any can enact anything too awful. All that energy too has lead her talents and skills up into the rigging and she has more than claimed her spot in the crows nest where the diminutive girl can feel taller than anyone.

Sorin is almost the opposite of his sister, while she is a bundle of energy and emotion he keeps his cards far closer to his chest. One could call him cold at times in how he addresses others, but never should anyone doubt his loyalty first to his sister than second to his friends.

His quiet nature is part from his desire to think things through, his words always selected with care. And part because he doesn't know how to interact well with others as his sister always dove headfirst into such things. You'd be hard pressed to find someone better suited to listening and offering advice.

Though it isn't hard to turn the clever and quiet Sorin into a shy blushing mess given the right attention or the right views from the female crew members. A sore spot his sister loves to tease him about and he will adamantly deny to his last breath.

Sari: Sari is dexterous and quick. For her small stature she can climb from the deck up to the highest point in a surprisingly short time. Charming, easy to trust her innocent smile.

Sori: Sorin is smart, his mind never stops working and if given enough time he can come up with a strategy or some key piece of advice to help friend or crew through whatever might trouble them.
Sari: Reckless, a natural born kleptomaniac she is always 'finding' odds and ends that she shouldn't be laying hands on. Impulsive by nature she is prone to rash action or speaking without a filter at the cost to those around her.

Sorin: Sori is weak when it comes to his sister. Protective and viewing himself as responsible for her actions he forces himself to clean up after her mistakes and problems. He doesn't know how to have long conversations with people or really explain his own feelings to others.
Background: The Twins grew up on the streets. Their earliest memories didn't have anything one would consider parents. Their entire lives have been nothing but them against the world. From a young age Sorin has tried to take care of his sister while letting her free to do as she wanted.

As they grew older habits became the norm, Sari stole to keep them alive, and Sorin spent his time working or learning. As the law slowly started to crack down on thieves and beggars the twins had no choice but to leave. At Saris insistence they joined the crew of the Dawn Breaker, heedless of Sorins reservations.

Experience (are ye a well-salted sailor or are ye a greenie?): Both are rather green though both have taken different places on the ship. Saris has taken a liking to the rigging, Sorin preferring the deck and the many tasks there.

Requested Position aboard the Dawn Breaker: Crewmembers both of them.
DaringCat has dropped out. Once we get a surgeon I think we can get up and running. I can multichar the cook if needed.
If need be Sorin can cover surgeon temporarily if you'd prefer to get started sooner rather than later. He's read a lot and is clever enough to figure it out as they go.
Name: Xeno Lysander

Race: Human

: 34


Personality: Xeno is a charming, wise, eloquent man with an itch for adventure.

: Intelligent, focused, resilient, humorous, and self-reliant.

: Naive, novice-sailor, selfish, non-violent (possible con for this situation), uptight...and a bit of a smartass.

: Born and raised in Tharbrough, a small town neighboring Kaazar, Xeno's upbringing was a tad rocky- having a barmaid as a mother and a disappointing drunk of a father. Since his parent would arrive home injured and needing medical aid (and lacking funds to treat them), he took it upon himself to care for the various wounds. From there, he continued his studies and pursued medicine as his life's calling. However, after the recent death of his father, he feels no purpose in his current life. With a rather mundane and predictable existence to date, he heard rumors of an upcoming voyage to Lemuria- and so, he vowed to pursue a new life of risk and adventure.

: Although well-versed in medicine and the like, Xeno has only read about long, arduous journeys of the sea. Never aboard a ship in his thirty-four years, he is unsure of how to be a proper crew member.

Position aboard the Dawn Breaker
: Surgeon/Medic
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Name: Xeno Lysander

Race: Human

: 34


Personality: Xeno is a charming, wise, eloquent man with an itch for adventure.

: Intelligent, focused, resilient, humorous, and self-reliant.

: Naive, novice-sailor, selfish, non-violent (possible con for this situation), uptight...and a bit of a smartass.

: Born and raised in Theratuza, Xeno's upbringing was a tad rocky- having a barmaid as a mother and a disappointing drunk of a father. Since his parent would arrive home injured and needing medical aid (and lacking funds to treat them), he took it upon himself to care for the various wounds. From there, he continued his studies and pursued medicine as his life's' calling. However, after the recent death of his father, he feels no purpose in his current life. With a rather mundane and predictable existence to date, he heard rumors of an upcoming voyage to Lemuria- and so, he vowed to pursue a new life of risk and adventure.

: Although well-versed in medicine and the like, Xeno has only read about long, arduous journeys of the sea. Never aboard a ship in his thirty-four years, he is unsure of how to be a proper crew member.

Position aboard the Dawn Breaker
: Surgeon/Medic
Love it, but just so you know Theratuza is the world not like a country. =P feel free to make up a place or he could be from Kaazar which is where our story will start. I love his look BTW, he kinda reminds me of John Sweet from Disney's Atlantis!
Love it, but just so you know Theratuza is the world not like a country. =P feel free to make up a place or he could be from Kaazar which is where our story will start. I love his look BTW, he kinda reminds me of John Sweet from Disney's Atlantis!
Noted, and edited. My apologies!
(Also, love the Atlantis character comparison)
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Name: Eliria Prince

Race: Human

Age: 27


Personality: Outwardly, Eliria is playful and carefree. She has a confident charm that might be cocky if she wasn't so endearing. She can be a bit harsh, but is very talkative and is almost always trying to have fun. She rarely takes anything seriously, except for her job. Sometimes. However, despite her carefree nature she is very intelligent and quite cunning.

Eliria has strange morals but a strong sense of loyalty. If you show her that you are worth it, she will have your back until the end of time. She is loud and sarcastic, a bit of a smart ass but she means well. She is a rough and tumble girl with a strong thirst for adventure and a recklessness that gets her in trouble. She is known to be stubborn and abrasive, but is fairly personable due to the many types of people she has met through her travels. She is sarcastic to the core, but never judgmental.

The more you learn about Eliria, the less you realize you know. She is an enigma of a sailor, beautiful, talented, and angry. She uses a brutal type of honesty to deflect from the true pain she has experienced during her lifetime, and can laugh almost anything off.

Strengths: Quick with her hands and very agile. Knowledgeable about all weapons: their use, their history, how to assemble them, and the types of injury they cause. Great eyesight.

Weaknesses: Poor hearing. Aggressive and prone to violence. Swears all the time. Can't shut up. No self-preservation.

Background: Eliria has pirate in her blood. Born to the fourth of her father's many whores, Eliria was raised by her father, Captian Caspian Prince, and her two older brothers, Regis and Aries. Shortly after her birth, her mother was set free, or more accurately, discarded, but Eliria became the apple of her father's eye. Caspian was from a long line of sailors, and officially, the job of their ship was the cart imports and exports between kingdoms. It was not too glamorous, but it paid the bills. However, Caspian and his crew were known to be greedy, and when they could, they would pillage little seaside villages, and took whatever they pleased.

She spent most of her childhood at sea, except for the few times when she and her brothers were sent to school to learnt to read and write. But even though she liked learning, Eli longed for the sea. During their stays on land, she was constantly getting into trouble, having to be pulled out of fights by a yelling Regis or an upset Aries.

In her teenage years, it became clear that Eliria was the marksman among then, with quick hands and deadly aim. Her father taught her each weapon with care, and she learned quickly, soaking all of the material up. Regis was the navigator, sharp eyes and sharp mind, and gentle and intuitive Aries handled their communications and other logistical needs. By the time she was 18, her, Regis, Aries and their father were their own four person crew, strong enough and brave enough to man their own small ship. The slowly got rid of the rest of the crew.

They continued this for years, roaming the country and doing as they pleased, taking jobs only when needed the money. But one, dark night, they ran into something terrifying, a giant monster with 10 large tentacles, each longer then their ship and nearly as wide. A storm had blown them into its lair. Her father set fire to the ship so they could see as it attacked, but it was no use, the weapons Eliria had were useless against it. The ship burned, and Eli and Aries stumbled to the life boat and were washed away, but Caspian and Regis perished.

The brother and sister barely made it back to land alive, and when they did, they hardly had anything to their name. Aries and Eliria quickly learned that the way they had lived on their ship would not work for them on land. It was easy for Aries, who had always had a soft soul and a gentle demeanor, but Eliria struggled. She missed being a pirate. While Aries got odd jobs, Eliria stole whatever she could and then drank the money away.

For the first time, Eliria felt like the sea had betrayed her. Full of grief and anger, her and Aries were at constant odds until she packed up her stuff and left the small inn where they had been staying. With little money left, Eliria hitchhiked to the nearest port, desperate for the feeling of salt water on her skin. That was when she arrived in Kazaar. She saw Captain Adala's note and knew that this was a quest for her, longing for the sea after being grounded on land for nearly three years.

Experience: Eliria had her sea legs before her land legs, but she is pretty good, however, remember she is still young

Requested Position aboard the Dawn Breaker: Gunner
If you're still open I'd like to fill the Cook role :)
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