Any The destination never mattered.

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Any The destination never mattered.


Heroes save the day, but Tricksters rule the world
Local time
Today 1:41 PM
Williamsburg, New York. USA
Welcome to my RP request thread. If you like what I can come up with and would like to invite me to an RP of your making, shoot me a PM. I can do multiple RPs.

I'm always up for an adventure.

General RP Info:

Quick Info:
-My characters are all capable human beings who because twisted and scarred by their past and lit aflame by their perception of the future.
-Literate, 4-6 paragraphs per post.
-Replies at least once a day, may do more by request.
-Experienced in Horror, Psychological Horror, Action, and Mystery.
-Prefers to avoid writing sexual and romance themes, but other RP partners can write them.
-Flexible with fandoms, but requires time for research.

Length: Four to six paragraphs per post unless the situation calls for something different. For example: new threads that require world-building may require heavier text while quick responses to face-paced RP may be shorter. It's a matter of taste to see what's called for.

Story vs. Smut: Story. That's it. I don't have experience writing any smut. In the past, I was okay with other writers using smut as long as it's either used for backstory purposes or doesn't involve my character directly in the timeline proper.

Limits: Best discussed beforehand because there's little I won't work with. Blood, gore, and violence are just peachy with me. Supernatural beings are permitted. Extreme sexual situations are all fine as long as my characters aren't involved directly. I say that not because I'm uncomfortable, but because I don't know how to respond to them that well.

Expectations in a partner: Writes at least two paragraphs per post most of the time. At least does a quick topical grammar and spell check using free software before posting. Commits to at least one post per day. I will personally make a post every time I'm online and available.

Preferred Themes: Psychological, horror, action, drama, external/internal struggles. I normally don't do fandoms, unless I'm well informed of them. I'm willing to try something new, but keep in mind, I may need time to do a bit of research.

Out of Character Chats: I'm down. I'm sure it'll be necessary, regardless. I prefer it to be through PMs, but if it's easier to keep it in the RP thread, then it's fine. Otherwise, I don't really chat much outside of the RP threads. I'll pop in to throw a compliment or ask a question. We can talk about real life things, but I'm not usually the person to start that kind of conversation.

Contact me: Please post here or shoot a PM.

Plot Idea(s):
In the year 2137, humanity successfully colonized an earth-like planet outside of the solar system. Only the top 30% of humanity were chosen to repopulate there, while those deemed unfavorable were left behind on Earth. Among the abandoned and scorned, a fraction of a percent will never feel their the dirt between their toes of their mother planet or any other planet ever again.

Drifting in Earth's orbit is Detention Satellite JX-023, codename: Pearl, a maximum security prison for the world's top criminals deemed too dangerous to set foot on Earth. It was fully fortified with everything necessarily for maintaining life and preventing wars. It was also impossible to escape. Even if an inmate managed to descend back to Earth with a couple of hostages inside an escape pod, the security system would shoot it down before it touched Earth's atmosphere. The sacrifice of a few lives meant nothing compared to the potential for destruction and chaos these criminals had.

Alarms rang hours before the designated sunrise. All the inmates who tried to get another wink of sleep couldn't stay in bed for a moment longer after hearing yells, crashes, and explosions outside their door. A riot broke out and perfect order has fallen. Inmates were killing each other, hacking the system, and looting anything useful for their escape. In every corner of the eye, there were corpses, rubble, fire, and sparks flying out of the remains of security drones.

In a last ditch effort before going offline, Pearl activated N.E.T., a security protocol that tethers the wrists of up to six inmates per indestructible ring. The violence quickly deescalated, not because of the restraints, but because everyone stopped momentarily to look up at the skylights. It was Earth. The ocean water was filling the crater that was once North America. Everywhere else, mushroom clouds sprung like an infestation.

Two tethered inmates broke free of their awe and drew far away from the crowd. This was their chance.

You will create the your own inmate character complete with a bio (supernatural/futuristic beings are okay), motivations, desires, criminal history, specialized skills, and personality. Your character will be physically tethered to mine until we find out a way to separate. We may have different end goals. In that case, be prepared to either compromise, argue, or fight to have your way. The plot is fulfilling the end goal of one or both of the inmates. Anything between the beginning and that end is fair game.

I'll be adding new plot ideas in the future.

Thank you for visiting.
Is the "Cracked Pearl" plot still open and up for gabs?
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