Challenge Submission The Dice Rules

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Challenge Submission The Dice Rules


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Today 12:02 AM
Mark, the Game Master smiled. "Alright! Fine! But you are responsible for the fall out. So be aware."

"I think that translates to, BEWARE! You've pissed the storyteller off…." Lissa added with a chuckle.

Jason shook his head, beaded braids rattling against the side of his face. Unamused.

Luke nodded, a gleam of mischief in his eyes. "Fair enough, Wizard."

Lyna turned to face the Mindflayer, a Wand of Wonders in her elven hand. It had one use left. She was hoping for Petrify. Please work, please work. The rest of her party had collapsed, all succumbed to the Flayer's influence. This was it. Lyna's shining moment. If they got anything else, they were surely doomed, their character sheets would be torn asunder and the legends of their heroes lost to the pages.

Luke grabbed his golden D20 gave it a toss in his hand and dropped the die onto the table. The die read 20. A Natural. Perfect. Mark nodded. "Roll your percentile."

Luke grabbed the golden percentile dice. His lucky dice. He prayed to the goddess of luck, promising his soul to her as he had countless times before. Please. Please work. Petrify! That's what I need! He kissed the golden dice and gave them a rattle in his hand and tossed them. The players stopped breathing, leaning forward in their chairs, hands off of the table. The dice spun in place, as if all the world had sucked in a breath to watch.

The die slowed, every eye on the slow motion spin before it died and the dice stood still. Everyone turned to look at Mark, who had flipped through his book to the page.

The die read 28.

Mark smiled. "You cast Stinking Cloud." Mark made his saving throw behind his screen and gasped.

"What?!" Lissa grunted, unamused by the play on her character's fate.

".....the hell?" Jason tilted his head, brown eyes narrowed.

Luke's head dropped, sure in his defeat.

Mark's head hit the counter, then he sat straight with a heavy sigh.

"The Wand of Wonders emits a vast green cloud, and the smell permeates the area the MindFlayer occupies. Overcome by the noxious cloud, it loses conciousness. The Flayer collapses into an unceremonious heap. If your party stays they will need to make saving throws and eventually the MindFlayer will come to, what do you do?"

Luke's eyes are wide, mouth hanging open. Well shit. Thank you, Goddess of Luck. "I use my lay on hands to bring up Thoramir, together we can carry the halfling and the drow back through the portal to town."

Lissa smiles. "Thanks man!"

Mark nods. "Lissa, Thoramir regains…." Mark rolls several d6 die. "10 Hp and comes to."

Lissa's smile grows wider. Her Half Orc Thoramir was the largest of the group. And nearly impossible for the other players to move. He could easily carry the two other characters himself.

Lyna laid her hands upon the torso of the fallen Half-orc, Thoramir. Thoramir comes to, grasping his head in pain. Lyna tosses a gesture at their two other companions. "Thoramir, we must move quickly. We can nurse the headache later. Besides, I'm sure you've had worse hangovers."

Thoramir nods. "But… the dream…. There were Faerie dragons EVERYWHERE!" He stands and pulls the fallen drow up, and slings him over a shoulder. Lyna glances at the MindFlayer.

Luke smirks. "I loot the MindFlayer. Of everything, even clothes, and tie him up. A hogtie."

Mark frowns. "It is done, but doing so you will make an enemy of the creature he will hunt you down for this insult."

Luke. "Yes, but I've bought us more time."

Mark dismisses it with a wave of his hand before taking a drink of his Mountain Dew.

Lissa. "Hey, pass me the cheesy poofs?!" Mark grins. "What will you trade me for them?"

Lissa folds her arms. "Thoramir won't put the halfling character in his pants. Or you can keep the cheesy poofs and we will see how well the halflings' constitution can handle it."

Mark sighed, tossing an unopened bag at Lissa. "You're no fun."

Lissa chuckles. "I'm plenty of fun! Just depends on who you ask."

"What do I get for looting the corpse?" Luke asks.

"You don't have much time to find out. If you dally any longer the noise will wake the Flayer." Mark turns to address Luke.

Thoramir picks up the halfling and tucks him under his arm before beginning to make his way back to the portal. Lyna follows closley behind, shoving the unknown objects into her pack.

"Glad that's over with, Thor…" Lyna mentions, as they step through the portal.

"But for how long, Lyna." Thoramir intones.

"Long enough for a few more level ups, hopefully."

An item glows bluish light but is unnoticed by the adventurers.

The MindFlayer's eyes open, glowing the same blue color.

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