FxF The Dovah's Definitive Request Thread

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FxF The Dovah's Definitive Request Thread


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After a long haitus due to work, I am back and craving a few roleplays. This is my defintive request and RP tracking thread.

What's a TheDovah?

I am a british fella from the UK who works in a fast food place as a full timer. This means my activities vary due to early starts, late finishes. I love roleplaying and am trying to get back into it. Some weeks, i will be doing daily posts, others? Week. It depends on my schedule. I work with my partners to create the best possible RP.

So, what ya want from me?

As a partner, I expect a few paragraphs in return per post or enough to work with. Nothing is worse then doing a large post, just to be met with "Sally said yes." How the bleep am I meant work with that? One liners suck. OOC to be kept to PM. Nothing ruins the pacing of a RP then OOC talk in the RP. Use the PM! Let me know of any ideas you may have or something you wish to include. Oh and don't ghost. I'm guilty of doing it but working heavily to plan small breaks when work is kicking my arse and notifying people. If a RP isn't viable due to clashing styles, personal stuff or the letter A is holding you hostage, just let me know.

So, how do I contact ya?

Via pm and tell me a bit about yourself. Any "RP plz, RP, Roleplay" etc... PMs will be ignored as usually, it's just cold callers who spam it.

The ideas!

Elisa Kent is a 29 year old cheercaptain of the local football team. She has been in the role for less then a few months and so far, she has been doing well. YC has a crush on her. One day after practise, she wants to speak to Elisa and catches her in the act. Will she use it for blackmail? Join in or be disgusted?

Summer Clark is a 25 year old woman who works as a gym instructor. Her specality involves water based workouts and she loves her job. YC is her newest client. How will it turn out? Will YC get what she wants or more then she bargained for?

Mech PC.jpg
It is the year 2482 and the world is at war once more. The Western Federation seeks to consolidate it's hold on humanity. Earth is overcrowded and it is the age of steampunk. Nuclear war set humanity back in the 22nd century and the 25th century saw it return. Airships rule the day and are feared by the common soldier. Chief Engineer Sara Maiters is assigned to the 3rd fleet of the Freedom's front. YC has been transferred over to her ship, either as a soldier, an engineer or a jockey(A slang for people who do various small mundane tasks, from retrieving supplies from part of the ship to cleaning buckets).

Generic pairings

Rwby - All RWBY ideas are likely to be AU were massive spoiler doesn't occur or set in the future and certain friendships remain as friendships. Oh and all characters are aged up to their early-mid 20s.
Nora x OC
White Rose(Ruby Rose x Weiss Schnee)
Penny x Ruby
Pryhaa x Nora

Cheerleader x Nerd
Sister x Sister(Would be a smut oriented one)
Batgirl x Harley Quinn

Gladiator x Mistress(Sci-fi, post nuclear setting, fantasy etc..)
Test Subject x Doctor.

Student x Teacher(Uni level and in early 20s as the lowest age).


As for limits, I have a few. RAPE IS A NO GO. I don't like the very idea of it, it just is a topic i will never RP. SCAT. I'm open to accidents, soiling or it being used to humilate MC in certain ways but not beyond that. Torture for sexual pleasure. e.g. full on torture that removes finger nails for the person's amusement.

Favourites and bonuses:

As you can see from my avatar, I love wetlook. It features in all of my RPs. A massive bonus is watersports, foodplay, bathroom control. Not a deal breaker if you aren't up for it. Just a nice bonus.
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