~ The Eternal City ~

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~ The Eternal City ~


The Nine-Tailed Fox
Staff member
Inner Sanctum Nobility
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The Eternal City
❝Even in the end, the City will never fall.❞

The City has stood for a thousand generations, since before time was kept and the mortal races walked the world. Many believe that it was created by the gods, for a time when people would come to find the great walls and buildings within—and take up shelter within. Over the eons of the Ages of Mortals, the walls have stood tall against invaders of all sorts. The mountains of Tethis surrounding the city, protecting it and giving no perch to any invader who might want to come and try and take the Eternal City.

Yet, there are whispers.

Whispers of a formless and nameless darkness from the edges of reality.

Watching... the walls of the Eternal City may not be enough if the corruption comes from within...​

The Eternal City, nestled in the mountains of Tethis, is so old that stories of its formation are legend and myth. No one knows who built the city in the mountains, and no one knows why. Perhaps it's proximity to the Infinite Wilds was the reason for its placement—or perhaps there was a time long ago, before the mortals of the world took to its walls, that required safety behind those vast stone structures. Whatever the case is, the current state of the city is one of guarded stoic stability. It watches to the east, looking out over the Infinite Wilds, protecting the west from whatever may come.
Approximately 300,000 people. The transient nature of most of the cities of mortals means that people are coming and going. Permanent residents in the city occasionally live in the city itself, but most must buy homes carved into the mountain of Tethis itself.
Political Climate
There is a loose democratic structure for the political class, but the majority of the decisions are made by the Order of the White Sword, the ancient order of paladins that have been charged with the safety and wellbeing of the vast city.

The Types of Stories Here
The Eternal City is the first and last line of defense separating the Infinite Wilds from the west. While the merchants and aristocrats of Khare believe themselves to be the rulers of the Ages of Mortals, it is the Eternal City, which has guarded and protected every single inch of the mountain ranges of Tethis and, by extension, Khare. Those who wish to seek fame and glory in the Infinite Wilds may consider starting in the Eternal City before venturing out into the dangerous wilds. Those coming from the Wilds must pass through the Eternal City before reaching Khare. Many of the Sanctioned Stories that begin in The Eternal City will lead out into the Infinite Wilds.​

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  Thematic RP

Story of setting goes here​
Setting Details
Donec efficitur ligula non odio blandit volutpat. Aenean quam est, varius vitae dolor et, feugiat aliquam dui. Vestibulum euismod, orci et eleifend pharetra, est lorem euismod justo, id tincidunt libero lacus nec nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum in tortor tellus.​

Kinks & etc
Political Climate
Writing interests, fandoms, genres, themes, word bank, etc

The Types of Stories Here
Examples of the types of RP characters can expect to find in this area.​


E x c i t e
Donec efficitur ligula non odio blandit volutpat. Aenean quam est, varius vitae dolor et, feugiat aliquam dui. Vestibulum euismod, orci et eleifend pharetra, est lorem euismod justo, id tincidunt libero lacus nec nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum in tortor tellus.​

Samples Banner
  Thematic RP

Story of setting goes here​

Church in the City A

Random Tavern B



O r g a n i z a t i o n s of N o t e
Curabitur et odio id justo venenatis hendrerit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse potenti.​

Kinks & etc
Writing interests, fandoms, genres, themes, word bank, etc


  • Donec efficitur finibus facilisis. Morbi in tempus enim. Pellentesque sit amet enim bibendum nulla porta tincidunt. Donec tincidunt at orci porttitor feugiat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent fermentum orci ac lorem faucibus placerat. Aliquam hendrerit facilisis sagittis. Nam elementum faucibus neque, eu porta turpis posuere quis. Proin in elit ut mi malesuada scelerisque eget ac lectus.Nunc id faucibus neque. Phasellus vitae viverra diam, sit amet porta tellus. Nullam vel sapien eu nisi lacinia aliquet. Morbi consequat cursus suscipit. Sed volutpat odio nec lectus posuere, id pretium sapien cursus. Aliquam vestibulum egestas ex iaculis mollis. Nunc id gravida felis. Quisque et ornare orci.

    Vestibulum at massa tincidunt, molestie sapien feugiat, mattis ante. Vestibulum suscipit nunc non diam scelerisque, a molestie risus efficitur. Vivamus eget vulputate orci. Sed in urna quis ligula efficitur aliquet. Vestibulum sit amet felis mollis, facilisis magna a, porttitor quam. Morbi augue arcu, dignissim in felis et, dignissim tristique ipsum. Pellentesque congue mauris eget elit placerat tempus. Cras at pretium dui, id consectetur arcu. Curabitur nec consectetur enim. Donec velit sem, mattis in fermentum eu, accumsan in orci. Proin in sem vitae diam molestie ullamcorper. Maecenas a iaculis ipsum. Sed laoreet laoreet urna. Maecenas condimentum eros nec sapien consectetur tempor.

    Praesent fermentum orci ac lorem faucibus placerat. Aliquam hendrerit facilisis sagittis. Nam elementum faucibus neque, eu porta turpis posuere quis. Proin in elit ut mi malesuada scelerisque eget ac lectus.Nunc id faucibus neque. Phasellus vitae viverra diam, sit amet porta tellus. Nullam vel sapien eu nisi lacinia aliquet. Morbi consequat cursus suscipit. Sed volutpat odio nec lectus posuere, id pretium sapien cursus. Aliquam vestibulum egestas ex iaculis mollis. Nunc id gravida felis. Quisque et ornare orci. Praesent fermentum orci ac lorem faucibus placerat. Aliquam hendrerit facilisis sagittis. Nam elementum faucibus neque, eu porta turpis posuere quis. Proin in elit ut mi malesuada scelerisque eget ac lectus.Nunc id faucibus neque. Phasellus vitae viverra diam, sit amet porta tellus. Nullam vel sapien eu nisi lacinia aliquet. Morbi consequat cursus suscipit. Sed volutpat odio nec lectus posuere, id pretium sapien cursus. Aliquam vestibulum egestas ex iaculis mollis. Nunc id gravida felis. Quisque et ornare orci.​

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