- Local time
- Today 6:22 PM
- Messages
- 7
- Age
- 36
12th of Sultonier of the year of the King, By King Elduin the Righteous
I do not know how to start this letter. It feels as if there is no point to it. My fingers are blue and my hands tremble in the night yet they are torches in the backdrop of my heart. I have written you before. Several times in fact and still I hear nothing. I am told your battalion is marching further into the depths of the mountain that touches the sky. You are so far from home now. So far, you have had ample time to return my letters. To tell me you still love me. The day you left was the worst day I have ever experienced. I do not know if that's due to how much I loved you or if it resulted from a life lived within these lavish walls. Still, my cheeks remember the tears that fell that night.
I cannot…
I will not continue to mourn your absence if I do not have your word that you love me still. I've met someone. He is kind and he is just. His father is Lord Bellwin of the Gold Quarries and he fancies me. I know he does though he has not said as much. He would not, not if he believes me still committed to another. Lothar, I am sorry but I cannot gamble my future on a soldier who may not even care for my existence. I wish I knew. I wish I knew you still loved me.
My mother tells me that in the best case, you've gone off and gotten yourself killed and in the worst, you've fancied yourself every whore from here to Astonia. She can be cruel but still, I cannot deny her logic. I believe a man who loves me would not let me forget it, no matter the distance between us. I would have given you the world but now, I must give it to another.
Yours no longer,
P.S. I apologize for the smudges on this letter.
12th of Sultonier of the year of the King, By King Elduin the Righteous
We've done it. We've completed our march into the mountain and have established a foothold. The Native men here have accepted us and we have begun talks of treaty. They are short strange men and their language is foreign to me but they are hard workers and have a network within this mountain the likes of which I doubt even the Good King could have fathomed. Our wise men tell us that they've made peace and we're finally free to return home. I cannot begin to tell you how glad I am. It has been far too long since I've felt the touch of your skin, the silk of your lips on mine. Gwenyth, I'm coming home. I hope you've received my letters and haven't forgotten me. The roads have been dangerous between here and home with the bronze king strengthening his forces in the area. I've encountered far more of his men on the battlefield than I would ever like to admit in good company. Do not worry though, if a union can be made with the mountain men, we will easily push the bronze king and his men back into their lands. What a joyous day. We will defend our home and I can finally return to mine. I love you darling, for now and for always.
Til we meet again,
Yours forever,
22nd of Sultonier of the year of the King, By King Elduin the Righteous
To Lady Gwenyth,
It is with our sincerest regrets that we write you on behalf of The Good King, King Elduin The Righteous, and his court. The 82nd battalion of which your betrothed, Sir Lothar of the house Riverstone was a part, was ambushed on the road while en route to our beloved home. We are saddened to say there were no survivors. Our Good King has decreed that the bronze king will not go unpunished. Your betrothed will be avenged and our lands made a glorious haven yet again. To this, we promise you.
Our greatest sympathies,
Court of the King of King Elduin the Righteous
I am alive but I fear you will never know it. We were wrong. We fought and we gave our lives for a king who lied to us, who told us the famine and the suffering were the cause of war with the bronze king but I've seen "their lands". There's nothing here. The other men and I discovered the truth and so we were ambushed by our countrymen, held at the sword's tip, and forced to jump into a chasm to our deaths. A few of us have survived and made our way further into the bronze lands and found nothing but barren dirt and signs of death. You will likely never read this letter but I will keep it on me so that should my body ever be returned to you, you will know the truth and know that I loved you until my last breath.
Yours forever,
I do not know how to start this letter. It feels as if there is no point to it. My fingers are blue and my hands tremble in the night yet they are torches in the backdrop of my heart. I have written you before. Several times in fact and still I hear nothing. I am told your battalion is marching further into the depths of the mountain that touches the sky. You are so far from home now. So far, you have had ample time to return my letters. To tell me you still love me. The day you left was the worst day I have ever experienced. I do not know if that's due to how much I loved you or if it resulted from a life lived within these lavish walls. Still, my cheeks remember the tears that fell that night.
I cannot…
I will not continue to mourn your absence if I do not have your word that you love me still. I've met someone. He is kind and he is just. His father is Lord Bellwin of the Gold Quarries and he fancies me. I know he does though he has not said as much. He would not, not if he believes me still committed to another. Lothar, I am sorry but I cannot gamble my future on a soldier who may not even care for my existence. I wish I knew. I wish I knew you still loved me.
My mother tells me that in the best case, you've gone off and gotten yourself killed and in the worst, you've fancied yourself every whore from here to Astonia. She can be cruel but still, I cannot deny her logic. I believe a man who loves me would not let me forget it, no matter the distance between us. I would have given you the world but now, I must give it to another.
Yours no longer,
P.S. I apologize for the smudges on this letter.
12th of Sultonier of the year of the King, By King Elduin the Righteous
We've done it. We've completed our march into the mountain and have established a foothold. The Native men here have accepted us and we have begun talks of treaty. They are short strange men and their language is foreign to me but they are hard workers and have a network within this mountain the likes of which I doubt even the Good King could have fathomed. Our wise men tell us that they've made peace and we're finally free to return home. I cannot begin to tell you how glad I am. It has been far too long since I've felt the touch of your skin, the silk of your lips on mine. Gwenyth, I'm coming home. I hope you've received my letters and haven't forgotten me. The roads have been dangerous between here and home with the bronze king strengthening his forces in the area. I've encountered far more of his men on the battlefield than I would ever like to admit in good company. Do not worry though, if a union can be made with the mountain men, we will easily push the bronze king and his men back into their lands. What a joyous day. We will defend our home and I can finally return to mine. I love you darling, for now and for always.
Til we meet again,
Yours forever,
22nd of Sultonier of the year of the King, By King Elduin the Righteous
To Lady Gwenyth,
It is with our sincerest regrets that we write you on behalf of The Good King, King Elduin The Righteous, and his court. The 82nd battalion of which your betrothed, Sir Lothar of the house Riverstone was a part, was ambushed on the road while en route to our beloved home. We are saddened to say there were no survivors. Our Good King has decreed that the bronze king will not go unpunished. Your betrothed will be avenged and our lands made a glorious haven yet again. To this, we promise you.
Our greatest sympathies,
Court of the King of King Elduin the Righteous
I am alive but I fear you will never know it. We were wrong. We fought and we gave our lives for a king who lied to us, who told us the famine and the suffering were the cause of war with the bronze king but I've seen "their lands". There's nothing here. The other men and I discovered the truth and so we were ambushed by our countrymen, held at the sword's tip, and forced to jump into a chasm to our deaths. A few of us have survived and made our way further into the bronze lands and found nothing but barren dirt and signs of death. You will likely never read this letter but I will keep it on me so that should my body ever be returned to you, you will know the truth and know that I loved you until my last breath.
Yours forever,