World The Harvester Chronicles OOC

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World The Harvester Chronicles OOC

Nathan Davis

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Today 2:35 AM

Name: Amala Wood
Age: 29
Height: 5'5"
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Nationality: British
School Of The Verbis Imperium: Enchantment
Other Abilities: Psionic Magic (Soul-Blessed by Shakti)
Name: Blair Zamfir
Age: 31
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Dark Brown
School Of The Verbis Imperium:
Necromancy: Blair specializes in incantations pertaining to pestilence and disease. He can also commune with lingering, nearby spirits through the aid of a simulacrum.
Other Abilities:
Possession (Eldritch Born: Cernunnos): Blair can seize the bodies and minds of wild beasts, perceiving the world via their senses and controlling their behavior. While he cannot overtake creatures of human-level intelligence, he can still assail the soul of any single foe, causing it to leak energy that poisons the body.

  • Sorsha is the new leader of the coven and an elite socialite among the British Aristocracy who practices her dark sorcery in utmost secrecy. She is the reincarnation of the spirit Erecura, with the innate ability to drain the life force from any living thing she touches. She has a specially crafted cane that amplifies this ability, allowing her to create a parasitic whip of sorts that she often uses to lasso the necks of her enemies. She's also extremely well versed in both the enchantment school of the Verbis Imperium & Blood Magic. Needless to say, she's a dangerous adversary. She's incredibly prideful & vain, and the first to make contact with Beelzebub. Since committing herself to his service, Beelzebub has blessed her with extraordinary beauty and youth.
  • Morgant is obsessed with the necromancy school of the Verbis Imperium as a route to godhood. This has led him to conduct horrific, magical experiments on live subjects. Morgant currently serves as Beelzebub's mortal vessel on earth. In exchange, Beelzebub has allowed the two of them to merge minds to some extent, imparting toMorgant knowledge of powerful, long-forgotten spells.
  • Hasham Dziri was the Archmagus of the Blackwood coven before he was overthrown by Sorsha. His knowledge of Blood magic rivals that of Sorsha, though he only uses it in the direst of circumstances.
  • Beelzebub and Lilith

World Lore:
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Locations and Points Of Interest:
  • Blackwood Hearth: Cabin located in the Galloway Forest of England. The cabin is rendered undetectable by most by a series of powerful enchantments. Since the coven's descent into darkness, a blight has overtaken the surrounding trees and farmland.
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